Big Travel Challenge complete for SSE!!

A huge well done to all pupils and parents for their enormous efforts over the last two weeks of 'The Big Travel Challenge'.

It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces arriving at the gate following their walks to school. These efforts saw a huge 45% increase in the number of our pupils who walked to school over the last week. We would love to see everyone continue their efforts as the weather improves.

Great Job everyone!!


Maths Eyes & Maths Trail for our pupils!

Last Friday, our senior room pupils partnered up with the junior room pupils to complete a 'Maths Trail' around our school grounds.

This trail was planned and drawn out entirely by one of our excellent fifth class pupils. All our junior pupils really enjoyed this activity and the opportunity to use their 'Maths Eyes' to complete the trail around the school grounds, expertly guided by our senior pupils.

Well done all! We are already planning a more challenging trail in term 3!!

A different take on our St Brigid's Day Crosses

Just some fantastic examples of the creative ways our senior room pupils designed and made their St Brigid’s Day crosses to celebrate St. Brigid’s Day recently.

Amazing work!!

Yoga & Meditation for our senior room!

Wellbeing week is in full swing at Scoil San Eoin and our pupils in the senior room completed yoga and meditation as part of this.  They all really enjoyed it and the classroom was a lovely serene space for the afternoon

Well done everyone!!

Grandparents Day 2025 at Scoil San Eoin

We celebrated Grandparents Day at Scoil San Eoin on Weds 12th Feb

It was a wonderful afternoon with all our amazing Grandparents and we were thrilled that so many were able to attend on the day.

There were lots of games and fun and our Grandparents told the children stories and showed them some of their amazing skills and talents! Our grandparents were given some gorgeas handmade gifts by the children to thank them for all that they do.

We had some fabulous refreshments afterwards and our Grandparents were given the opportunity to meet & greet & chat before leaving us.

Thank you to all our Grandparents for coming and to our fantastic Parent reps for serving refreshments. Thank you also to our parents who brought in lots of homemade treats to serve.

We hope the children & all the Grandparents enjoyed it.

Safer Internet Day - (Prepare - Protect - Thrive)

Everyone has a role to play to protect and empower children online

Dear Parents,

Safer Internet Day took place on Tuesday, 11th February 2025. The celebrations are based around the theme, “Prepare / Protect / Thrive: Navigating Algorithms and Influencers.” 

Lessons have been taking place around this and will continue over the next few weeks.

This theme invites parents, schools, educators, young people, and all stakeholders to consider how algorithms and influencers shape young people’s lives. In a world of endless online information, Safer Internet Day will explore ways to empower children to thrive, equipped with skills to navigate both the opportunities and challenges of these powerful digital influences. Safer Internet Day in Ireland is coordinated by Webwise. 

What Parents can do?

 Free Online Safety Parents Webinars: Prepare / Protect / Thrive

Webwise are hosting a webinar series to empower parents to support their child’s online experience. Each session dives into key aspects of the digital world, from safe communication and healthy online play to identifying misinformation and understanding how algorithms and privacy affect daily digital life. Through practical guidance, parents will learn how to foster respectful, responsible, and positive digital habits in their children, ensuring a balanced approach to online safety and digital well-being. Expert guests for the series include Dr. Colman Noctor, Coimisiún na Meán, Mark Little, and National Parents Council. 

Register for the webinars at:

Webwise Parents Hub

Webwise offer a Parents Hub ( It has advice from experts in parenting, technology, psychology and education; Explainer Guides to popular apps and platforms; Talking Points; How-To Guides; and free resources such as the online safety booklet for parents. 

 We hope that you will find this information helpful

**Note a copy of the above information has been circulated via aladdin connect also to parents


Week 2 of the Big Travel Challenge

A huge well done to all our parents & pupils who continued to park & stride today as part of the big travel challenge for our green schools flag. We are encouraging all pupils and parents to park & stride this week. Well done everyone, it’s a great start to the week.

We would love to see you all continue for the week and for others to join in.

Thank you to our parents who sent us in photos of their walk to school

Wellbeing Week (10-14th Feb)

Dear Parents, 

Next week at Scoil San Eoin 10th-14th Feb, we are celebrating wellbeing week. It promises to be a lovely week for the children and there will be lots of wonderful activities for the pupils to participate in.

A plan of activities has now been issued to parents to keep up informed about the week ahead and to be able to ask the children all about their days.

Monday is kicking off as Mindful Monday!

We are really looking forward to a great week and we hope that the children enjoy and fully participate in wellbeing week to enjoy the benefits!

 Have a lovely weekend!

Big Travel Challenge 2025 (Park & Stride)

Our #Bigtravelchallenge began Tues 4th Feb and even the wet and windy weather didn’t dampen our spirits as our pupils done the park & stride challenge to school. Everyone was well rested after our long bank holiday weekend and it was great start to the week!!

The weather got better as the week wore on and our park & stride to school each morning were nice & crisp. Let’s just say we were all awake on arrival to school!!

Our pupils all enjoyed some lovely chats on the way to school and a catch up before the day began. Thank you to all the parents for putting in the effort and participating in the challenge.

This is part of our Green schools programme and we are aiming to try to achieve our travel flag for this year.

Well done and keep up the great work!! #Greenschools

Park & Stride - Week 2 (10th-14th February)

Park & Stride - Big Travel Challenge (10-14th February) 

We are encouraging parents & pupils to keep up the great work and to continue for another week to park & stride to school. This week 10-14th is also wellbeing week @ Scoil San Eoin and with the weather improving and our mornings getting brighter, we are asking our parents to continue to park & stride. On the week of the 10th February there will be no teachers meeting pupils.

Please take lots of photos and send them into us @ as you park & stride each day!

We have always proven as a whole school that we are always better united, therefore we are asking all parents to get behind this challenge and encourage their child to take part.

Scoil San Eoin & The Big Travel Challenge 2025

Dear Parents,

As part of Green Schools and our plan to achieve our travel flag this year, we will be taking part in the Big Travel Challenge Competition next week.

All information regarding our schools plan has been sent via aladdin connect.

The challenge will begin on Tuesday 4th February 2025

We have always proven as a whole school that we are always better united, therefore we are asking all parents to get behind this challenge and encourage their child to take part.

Thank You

Linda Greene & The Green Schools Team

SEAI Workshops - Weds 15th Jan

On Wednesday 15th January, our pupils from all classes took part in SEAI workshops with Adele.

The junior room enjoyed meeting 'Guzzler the puppet' in their workshop with Adele. They learned that Guzzler is a puppet who loves to waste energy. Through games and activities with Adele the children learned where energy comes from and why/how we can save energy. 

The senior room took part in an 'Energy Challenge' workshop where they explored the topic of Energy with Adele from SEAI. This was a great hands on experience for the children as they played the energy game and carried out some energy experiments. Experiencing 'Circuit the Robot' was a particular highlight.

Overall there was lots of learning throughout the day and the children really enjoyed it!

Admissions Closing soon for New Junior Infants - Sept 2025

Our closing date for Junior Infant admissions for Sept 2025 is fast approaching.

If you are planning on enroling your child in our school for Sept, please complete an enrolment form as soon as possible.

Forms are available from the school office or via this website to download under parents information

Our annual admissions notice which details important dates for pupils enrolling is also listed here.

Please spread the word to anyone you know that will be enrolling.

Darts fun on rainy days at Scoil San Eoin!!

Our senior room pupils were treated to a new dartboard for our rainy day breaks… While having lot’s of fun and playing as parts of a team, our pupils will also get to practise their maths skills!!

Competition has well and truly begun!! Luke Littler better watch out, our pupils are coming for the title!

Christmas 2024 - Santa's Annual visit to Scoil San Eoin!!

Christmas is always a special time at Scoil San Eoin and 2024 was no different. Mr S called for his annual visit to our pupils on Thursday 19th December. Our friends from Redcross Montessori came to visit also and a wonderful morning was had by everyone. Our fantastic parent reps provided the children with a hot breakfast before Santa arrived and they then got to meet the man himself for a chat and received a selection box as a gift each.

We also had our annual tradition of exchanging Kris Kindle gifts to each other and everyone was thrilled with their gifts. The gift of giving is still alive!!

Overall a memorable day was enjoyed by one and all and it truly kickstarted the festivities before the Children finished for their Christmas Holidays.

Thank you to Santa for the visit and also thank you to our parent reps for organising the breakfast for the children.