Active Flags

Big Travel Challenge complete for SSE!!

A huge well done to all pupils and parents for their enormous efforts over the last two weeks of 'The Big Travel Challenge'.

It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces arriving at the gate following their walks to school. These efforts saw a huge 45% increase in the number of our pupils who walked to school over the last week. We would love to see everyone continue their efforts as the weather improves.

Great Job everyone!!


Yoga & Meditation for our senior room!

Wellbeing week is in full swing at Scoil San Eoin and our pupils in the senior room completed yoga and meditation as part of this.  They all really enjoyed it and the classroom was a lovely serene space for the afternoon

Well done everyone!!

Week 2 of the Big Travel Challenge

A huge well done to all our parents & pupils who continued to park & stride today as part of the big travel challenge for our green schools flag. We are encouraging all pupils and parents to park & stride this week. Well done everyone, it’s a great start to the week.

We would love to see you all continue for the week and for others to join in.

Thank you to our parents who sent us in photos of their walk to school

Big Travel Challenge 2025 (Park & Stride)

Our #Bigtravelchallenge began Tues 4th Feb and even the wet and windy weather didn’t dampen our spirits as our pupils done the park & stride challenge to school. Everyone was well rested after our long bank holiday weekend and it was great start to the week!!

The weather got better as the week wore on and our park & stride to school each morning were nice & crisp. Let’s just say we were all awake on arrival to school!!

Our pupils all enjoyed some lovely chats on the way to school and a catch up before the day began. Thank you to all the parents for putting in the effort and participating in the challenge.

This is part of our Green schools programme and we are aiming to try to achieve our travel flag for this year.

Well done and keep up the great work!! #Greenschools

Park & Stride - Week 2 (10th-14th February)

Park & Stride - Big Travel Challenge (10-14th February) 

We are encouraging parents & pupils to keep up the great work and to continue for another week to park & stride to school. This week 10-14th is also wellbeing week @ Scoil San Eoin and with the weather improving and our mornings getting brighter, we are asking our parents to continue to park & stride. On the week of the 10th February there will be no teachers meeting pupils.

Please take lots of photos and send them into us @ as you park & stride each day!

We have always proven as a whole school that we are always better united, therefore we are asking all parents to get behind this challenge and encourage their child to take part.

#Park & Stride - Tues 3rd Dec

On Tuesday 3rd Dec, We had our first Park & stride day as part of our Green Schools Goal towards our travel flag. It was a gorgeas crisp morning and all our pupils got in the spirit and were well and truly awake by the time they reached school! They even had time for a selfie with Ms Greene!

Well done everyone.

Halloween Activity Day (Part 1 - Cycle to Ballykane)

Our annual school Halloween Sponsored Cycle took place on Thursday 24th Oct.

Again this year we were so fortunate with the weather and we got lucky and we had some decent weather ensuring that the cycle would be a great day.

Our pupils that signed up for the option of the cycle had the serious task of cycling 7k to Ballykane and a small group of pupils braved this one along with Ms Greene and the parents who volunteered and helped out on the day. The children well and truly proved that we are a very active school and faced the task of a long cycle head on! We even some Junior Infant pupils who tackled the task and done brilliantly on the day.

Afterwards everyone headed back to the school and to meet back up with all our other pupils who done option 2 (red kite walk and avoca mill tour) and we all had some much needed refreshments and treats

The day was a fantastic success achieved only by the help and volunteering of our parents who were road marshals, who cycled alongside our pupils, who walked and supervised our smaller pupils and who volunteered afterwards to provide refreshments. Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day, we couldn’t of done it without you.

It was so lovely to get outside on the day and have some much needed fresh air for everyone!

We are still awaiting all sponsor cards to be returned to the school but once we have a final figure we will let parents know!

Again thank you to everyone for all your help and a huge well done to all our pupils and teachers for taking part in the event.

Walk to School Week - WOW (Friday 11th October 2024)

Our pupils from 1st class upwards too part in walk to school week on Friday 11th October and completed a walk to Cullen Park as part of this.

Raising of our Active Flag - Thursday 18th October 2024

Today (Thursday 17th October) Shauna from TodayFM helped us officially raise our new Active Flag. Our 6th class pupils, Edward, Suzy and Callan had the job of taking part this year and done a great job!

#Relaystakeover Day - Friday 27th Sept

On Friday 27th September, the whole school enjoyed the #relaystakeover as part of our Active Flag and European School Sports Day 2024. All classes enjoyed outdoor relay activities inspired by the successful Irish relay teams, who so many of us watched in Paris this Summer.

The Junior Room, led by Ms. Reilly and Ms. Blount, had great fun in their relay races using bean bags, hula hoops and cones.

Followed by the Senior Room, who before taking batons into their own hands, re-lived some of the Irish teams' races on our interactive whiteboard in the classroom with lots of cheering!! Then it was their turn outside to practise ready positions, baton changes and sprints.

A great active day for all!

A New School Bike Rack for our pupils!

Over the Summer period we had a new bike rack installed at the school. This project is encouraged by Green Schools and promotes cycling to school as part of an active lifestyle. We hope that our pupils will enjoy cycling to school for many years to come!

Pictured below is our 3rd class pupil Theodora who was our very first pupil to use the school bike rack today! Well done Theodora, we hope you enjoyed your cycle to school!

Sports Day 2024

This year we held our annual Sports Day on Monday 24th June.

Again the weather gods were with us and it was a lovely warm sunny day. All the pupils were divided into teams of mixed classes and the theme for the day is that each pupil was to do their best, encourages their teammates and have fun!!! 

It was a fantastic day and all our pupils were great teamplayers and had great fun. As always our senior pupils minded and took care of our smaller ones and showed them how everything was done.

We ended the day of sports with an obstacle course showdown with our best overall times on the day. The finialists were Alex Lee, Patrick Brennan, Ryan Lacey and Molly Vickers. Everyone really gave it their all and our overall winner was Alex Lee who received a trophy for his best time.

Ruairí, Eoin & Ewan picked up a cert for most innovative lego creation on the day also. Well done Boys!

Each pupil got a lovely medal for participation and we had also were treated to gorgeas snacks on the day with ice creams.

On Monday, we also presented our 6th class with their traditional going away gift which included a gorgeas personalized hoody, a framed class photo, a personalized candle and a personalized card as a memento for their time spent at Scoil San Eoin.

 Huge thanks to the Parents Reps and all the parents who helped out on the day,

Well done to all our pupils on a brilliant day!

Sports Day Teams - Monday 24th June

Dear Parents,

Please see attached a document detailing sports day teams & colours for our upcoming Sports Day on Monday 24th June. Whatever team your child is listed under is the colour tee-shirt they will require on the day.

This document has been password protected and a message regarding the password to access it will be sent separately via Aladdin to all parents.

Thank You

Cycling Skills completed for our Junior Room Pupils!!

Pupils from our Junior room have just finished a balance bike/cycling Skills Program with Hugh Arthur.

Over the course of 4 weeks our pupils got to learn lots of new skills around cycling a bike.

They had lots of practice with balancing skills, playing the rocket ship game, directional skills and lots of other fun games. They learned lots of things about their bike and how to ride it safely.

The sessions were outside each week and the children really enjoyed taking part.

We encourage parents to continue with the practice at home.

Well done to all our pupils and thank you to Hugh Arthur for teaching the classes.

A great day out at Avondale Tree Top walk for the school!!!

We had a wonderful day out as a Whole School Visit to Avondale Tree Top walk. Prior to the visit the children had designed and painted Individual wooden eggs which they had displayed around the walk for their upcoming Easter events and for visitors.

The day started on a big bus which caused great excitment for the children before we even took off. The children got to play in the playground when we arrived which was great fun. Once playground time was over, we completed the tree top walk and searched for our eggs along the way.

The children were all delighted to see their eggs displayed. During the walk, we learned lots of facts about wildlife from our tour guide for the day.

After the Treetop walk was completed we got some more playground time to the delight of the children and had our lunch while there.

The children all behaved brilliantly and a great day was had by everyone. Thank you to our parents Serena, Cheryl, Thomas, Karl, Caroline and Rojana for coming along for the day to help with supervision, it was very much appreciated.

Thank you also to the team at Avondale Tree Top for inviting us! It’s a day the children won’t forget!

Scoil San Eoin's Annual Halloween Cycle - 25th Oct 2023

Our annual school Halloween Sponsored Cycle took place on Wednesday 25th Oct. The weather gods were with us again and we were so fortunate with the beautiful weather after a wet start to the week. We had some fabulous sunshine ensuring that the cycle would be a great day ahead!

We had 2 options this year for the pupils to choose from:

A 7k cycle around Ballykane or school based activities (which were all cycle based as well) The children based in school had the option to bring any wheels except electric and were asked to dress their wheels if the wished to so. Sam Ryan in our Junior room won the best dressed wheels on the day and received a lovely cert and treat bag. Well done Sam!

Our school based cycle was fantastic fun and we set up a course on the tarmac for our junior cyclists who managed brilliantly and really enjoyed it. The older cyclists then had the run of the school grounds marked out to enjoy and had great fun. There were lots of drink breaks had and some pupils swopped out their bikes for scooters which they also really enjoyed. Everyone had great fun!

The rest of the crew had the very serious task of cycling 7k to Ballykane. We were delighted to have lots of our Junior room pupils this year choosing to do the cycle and they managed it amazingly. The children well and truly proved that we are a very active school and faced the task of a long cycle head on. Everyone really enjoyed it on the day and done a fantastic job completing the 7k as it isn’t an easy cycle so well done to everyone.

After both cycles were complete we all had some much needed refreshments and Halloween treats.

The day was a fantastic success achieved only by the help and volunteering of our parents who were road marshals, who cycled alongside our pupils, who ran behind the pupils and who helped supervise our school based cycle and provided refreshments. Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day, we couldn’t of done it without you.

Thank you also to our parent reps who helped in organizing the event and provided the treat bags for our pupils

We are still awaiting all sponsor cards to be returned to the school but once we have a final figure we will let parents know!

Again thank you to everyone for all your help and a huge well done to all our pupils and teachers for taking part in the event.

Check out all our fantastic photos and videos that were captured on the day.

Scoil San Eoin Halloween Sponsored Cycle - Weds 25th Oct

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Our annual Halloween fundraiser, a sponsored cycle for pupils and parents is taking place on Weds 25th October (weather dependent).

This is our first big fundraiser for Term 2023/2024 so we are really hoping it will be a good one.

All details have been issued to parents today via Aladdin and cards/consent forms have went home with the children on Monday 09th Oct.

A google link for a google document for all volunteers has also been issued on Monday 9th. If a parent is available to volunteer please complete and submit this!

Dates for you to remember:

  • Wednesday 10th Oct - Aladdin payment link to be issued via email should parents wish to donate online

  • Monday 16th Oct - All consent/option forms due back for pupils

  • Monday 16th Oct - Volunteer google doc due to be submitted if you are willing to volunteer

  • Weds 25th Oct - Halloween Sponsored Cycle/Activities Event

  • Monday 6th November - All sponsor cards and money raised final date to bring funds raised/cards back

We hope to make this fundraiser our most successful yet and would really appreciate your support.

Thank You

Annual Sports Day at Scoil San Eoin - Thursday 16th June 2023

We had our Annual sports day on Thursday 15th June at the school and it was a fabulous event.

We had lots of different stations with activties set up for the children to take part in. We had 5 colour teams ranging from Junior Infants up to sixth class. The children spent time at each activity and then moved on. Everyone made such a fantastic effort at all activities and had so much fun which was the most important!

It was a beautiful day and very hot being so active. Patrick O Toole treated the children to much welcomed ice creams so thank you from everyone for the lovely treat.

Thank you to all the parents who came along and helped on the day.

We had our medal presentation at the end of the day and each child was presented with their own personalised medal (Thank you to Emily Flannery for these!) We had lots of treats of popcorn and goody bags and some lovely refreshing cold fruit to cool everyone down throughout the day (Thank you to Cleo Griffin for manning the refreshments for us) Our 6th class were presented with their farewell graduation gifts from the school which composed off a personalized hoody & a class photo with a treat. They went on to have their 6th class outing that evening in Kidzone.

We had our final for the main races at the end of the day also judged by Thomas. Our final winners were Niamh Nolan for the sack race and welly throwing and Chleo Quinn for the spud & spoon race. Well done girls!

We also raised our new Green Flag which we achieved recently for Water. A huge well done to our Green Schools Team and Ms Nuzum for all their hard work.

It was an absolutely fantastic day and it was so great to see all the children being outside and being active. There were lots of very tired faces at the end of the day!

Well done everyone on a great Sports Day 2023!!!!