Dear Parents/Guardians,
Firstly I would like to welcome you all back to another school year in SSE and hope you all had a lovely summer. This year the transition into the new year has gone extremely smoothly and I would like to thank parents for their cooperation in having the pupils set up and ready for the new year ahead, with books, uniforms, monies due etc. This means that the teachers can start straight into the curriculum at hand without any delays.
Due to our increase in teachers this year, all of the rooms within the school are being utilised and space is at a minimum. Thankfully, this is only a short term problem as our lovely new classroom is on the way!!
Therefore, for health and safety reasons, we ask that no pupil enters the school building in the morning until 9.10am when there is a teacher on supervision. Pupils who are dropped to school earlier than 9.10 must leave their bag at their line and remain outside.
On wet days, we ask parents to drop their child/ren off as close to 9.10 as possible, as there is now no general room for pupils to congregate/play games/computers in, and they will have to sit at their desks until class begins.
We would like to remind parents/guardians that pupils are not covered by insurance until 9.10. There will be a teacher on supervision duty from this time. Siblings of pupils are not covered by insurance on school grounds.
Thank You
Linda Greene