Team Hope - Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are taking part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal again this year where we encourage each child to fill a shoebox with items from a designated list for Christmas. These shoeboxes are then delivered to underprivileged children all over the world. These children may never have received a present before, or live in difficult situations where basic necessities are hard to come by. With Covid19, Team Hope have missed out on valuable donations from schools in the run up to Christmas for the past 2 years.

The benefits of the children being involved in this programme are getting to ‘‘feel good about doing something nice for others’’ and it can also help to teach your children about the world around them.

The deadline for drop off of the Christmas Shoeboxes for this year will be 08th November 2021. Please ensure that all shoeboxes have been brought to the school by this date.

A leaflet will be going home with the children today to include with your donation in your box. Please pop this in an envelope inside your box. There is also a label on this sheet for the outer top of the box.

Tips from Team Hope on how to fill the shoebox

Also see below some ideas on what you might fill your child’s shoebox with.

Thank You!
