Our Junior Room had their annual school tour on Thursday 17th June and headed to Greenan Maze with Ms Fitzgerald and Mary. Again due to covid restrictions the Dept of Education advised that school tours should be kept local this year. We weren’t going to have the children miss out therefore we settled on an fun filled daze at the maze.
The weather was glorias and the children all had a great time. We split into 2 teams first and tackled the maze to try to find the center.. Next up was time in the park which the children all loved, we then went on to play football and other games. After this we had a lovely walk through the forest while doing a treasure hunt. The children were promised some treasure if they finished and were all very excited to make it to the end. We visited the museum while on the treasure hunt and got to look at lots of old machinery and tools from long ago. The children also got to visit the farmers cottage and look at how it was all laid out in previous years. There were also animals to see while on the walk and lots of funny smells :-)
Last up was more time in the park and the children all got a surprise visit from the Maze’s peacock whilst here.
Overall everyone had a fantastic day and there were smiles and laughter all round from everyone. We couldnt ask for more than that. Again school tour no 2 was a great success!!