Our fabulous new playground is up and nearly completed (we are waiting on new grass turf to be fitted and a large seat swing to be added before it is fully completed) but the majority of the hard work is done.
The children from both classes have been lucky enough to get to use this fantastic new addition to our schoolyard and we are sure that there will be many happy days ahead for the children of Scoil San Eoin while using the area.
The playground was partially funded by our fundraising account and this would not of been possible without the year on year fundraising completed at the school. This also highlights the importance of the need for support for our fundraising events as this is the final result of what can be achieved through the hard work put in by our parents and the staff of the school.
We hope the children all enjoy this fantastic new area in the school for many years to come! Thank you to everyone who helped with preparing the area for work to be completed.