6 weeks of Spanish at Scoil San Eoin

Pupils from the Senior Room today completed their last week of a 6 week module in the new Primary Language Sampler with tutor Sophie.

The sampler module was a means for raising awareness among pupils of the range of languages used in their community and in the world around them. Over 500 schools nationwide are taking part and offering modules in a range of modern foreign languages and Irish Sign Language. The module introduced the pupils to Spanish and was taught over a 6-week period during the normal school timetable.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the 6 weeks. They learned a huge amount of different information from Spanish greetings, colours, body parts, to days of the week, numbers and lots of interesting facts about Spain. They looked at the way words are similar in different languages.

Today Sophie brought in some Spanish Food - Homemade Churos for the children to taste and showed the children how the Spanish use cutlery

The children have now completed their Language passport and done all the activities. They will bring these home to show off to you all and I’m sure they will all look forward to telling everyone about what they have learned over the 6 weeks so ask lots of questions!!

They also received some nice badges and Keyrings as keepsakes.

Overall it was a fantastic 6 weeks of learning and memorable ones I’m sure for the children.

For any parents wishing to continue the Spanish learning experience with Sophie, she runs online classes which can be accessed at https://www.exploringlanguagesforkids.ie/