Car Boot Sale - In aid of Scoil San Eoin

We will be running a car boot sale at Jack Whites Inn on Sat 11th June to raise much needed funds for the school.

We are asking families if they can donate items listed on the below poster. If you are available on the day to help out please contact a parent rep.

Parents/family/community members can drop off the items from the list to the school from Monday 16th May - Weds 8th June)

With the recent rise in school trip prices and transport, it is more important than ever to ensure that we can try to supplement the cost for parents/guardians to alleviate them of any financial pressure while ensuring that the children still get to enjoy their trips and events that we have always done so well at Scoil San Eoin. We also have lots of exciting plans for the school and school grounds which we need to raise funds for.

With covid and school closures we have been unable to organize any planned fundraising events for the past 2 years as it wasn’t safe to do so. We can now finally prepare and plan for events and it is important that we do so.

.We are asking parents/grandparents/family and friends to please support our fundraiser and attend the car boot sale on 11th June or if you cannot be there on the day to try and donate some items.

Please spread the word to ensure that we have a successful fundraiser for Scoil San Eoin

Thank You