Great News!! SSE gets bigger and better!!

The BOM have just received confirmation that our application for an extension to the building consisting of an 80sqm classroom has been granted by the DES. This is fantastic news for SSE and will make school life for both pupils and staff much more comfortable and enjoyable. Construction work will not begin for some time until all of the usual paperwork has been completed and as you would expect there will be some disruption to school life during this time. However, some short term disruption will end in a very exciting and important new addition to the school. 

Farewell Friends! Happy Holidays to all!


The end of the year has come, and it is time to say farewell to some of our SSE classmates. Ciara Smyth-Noonan and Megan Smyth-Noonan, Noah Porter, Kyle O' Halloran, Summer O' Halloran and Brandon Byrne, are all leaving to go to pastures new. We wish them all the best in their new schools and hope that they will come back and let us know what they are up to. 

An emotional 6th class left through the gates for the final time today. We are all very proud of what they have achieved in their time in SSE and how much they have grown and blossomed. We know that they are all ready for their new adventures and will thoroughly enjoy their new schools. Thanks for the memories guys and girls!!

I would like to wish all the pupils and their families a happy and safe summer. Thank you to all who have given their time to support and assist the staff throughout the year. Every bit of help and support, no matter how big or small, means a lot and is invaluable. We will see you all back for a new year in September! 

Soccer Superstars!!!

Huge congratulations from all at SSE to Harry Tobin-Kelly (5th) who was the driving force behind Wicklow Rovers winning the Cup and the League in their division. Harry is a talented soccer player and has a bright future ahead of him as a superstar!! Wicklow Rovers were faced with tough competition along the way from St Pats Avoca, and their own superstars, Ruairi Jenkinson (6th)and Eoin Cleary (5th). A healthy rivalry is sure to continue among these SSE classmates in the future. Watch this space!!

Junior Room School Tour

This year the Junior Room went to Rancho Reilly for their school tour in County Carlow. When we first arrived, we had a small snack and drink. Following this we went to our first two stations and they were the Pony Rides and Donkey Rides. The next station was the Barrel Train Ride, where we all enjoyed the bumpy ride across the paddocks. Our last station was the Petting Sheds. The children and adults got to learn about and pet the rabbits, snakes, bearded dragons etc! The children then enjoyed playing in the sandpits and sunken trampolines.

The children enjoyed their chicken nuggets, sausages and chips with a drink. Afterwards they all got an ice-cream. After Lunch, the children got to have free play and got to say "Hi" to their reindeer, Hens, Roosters, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Goats, sheep and lambs. The swings, slides, obstacle course, ride on track, tyre swings, boat, basketball, football and much more was enjoyed by all the children during their Free Play Time. 

A big thanks to Mandie and Helen for assisting us on our most enjoyable  school tour day. 

Senior Class School Tour

The Senior class had a fun and action packed school tour to the National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown. Firstly the pupils went for a splash in the pool, going on the many slides and the surf machine. This was followed by Gymnastics, Athletics and a range of other games and activities. The coaches told them all about how the elite athletes of this country train their and explained how they use the state of the art equipment. All the pupils tried everything to the best of their ability, had great fun and were ultra well behaved and appreciative as always. Ms Greene even got roped in for a stunt!!The leaders said they were the best group they had had all year so far!!See below for a few picture of the action. 

JEP Stall at Sports Day

The final produce from the Junior Entrepreneur team will be on sale at the Sports Day. We encourage all parents attending to support the pupils and the school by purchasing a can/postcard etc as a present or momento. Also, dont forget the PA will be holding a raffle on the day for a lovely weekend get away. 

Teddy Bear Memories

The senior class became very nostalgic from learning the poem 'Teddy Bear's Lament by Tim Price! We decided to turn back time and that each person would bring in their oldest dearest friend who has been through many adventures with us - our Teddies! The pupils introduced their teddy to the class and recounted an adventure or favourite memory they had together. Then the class had a Teddy Bears picnic, just like old times!!All pupils then typed up their recount and painted a portrait of their favourite buddy. Ms Greene even had her Mum send up her oldest (and slightly worn!) friends Lisa and Rainbow to join the party!!

Annual Sports Day - Teams

There are 6 teams in total and six colours chosen to represent the teams - Please have your child dressed in the colour tee-shirt for the team they are on (i.e) if they are on the blue team wear a blue tee-shirt.

The teams are as follows:

  • Team Blue
  • Team Red
  • Team Green
  • Team Orange
  • Team White
  • Team Black

Please clink this link for the team lists and team members:

Again a reminder for the day:

Please ensure your child has sun screen, hat etc if the sun is shining.

Please ensure your child has extra drinks and lunch  as they will be more active.

All pupils must wear their uniform on the day - navy tracksuit/shorts - and comfortable shoes

Pupils may be finishing early depending on how the day runs but teachers will be here until 3pm as per usual for those that need to stay on. 

Please Note: If the weather turns, the sports day may be changed to Tuesday. Parents/Guardians will be notified asap.

Annual Sports Day

The Annual Scoil San Eoin Sports Day will take place on Monday 26th June. The Parents Association will be organising the usual fun and festivities on the day, but as always will need as many parent volunteers as possible to man stations, serve teas/coffees and a host of other jobs . Anyone who is available on the day please contact a member of the PA or the school office. It is a great way to end the year and a way for parents/guardians to get involved with their child and the other pupils in a fun environment. 

Some practicalities for the day:

  • Please ensure your child has sun screen, hat etc if the sun is shining.
  • Please ensure your child has extra drinks and lunch  as they will be more active.
  • All pupils must wear their uniform on the day - navy tracksuit/shorts - and comfortable shoes
  • Pupils may be finishing early depending on how the day runs but teachers will be here until 3pm as per usual for those that need to stay on. 
  • If the weather turns, the sports day may be changed to Tuesday. Parents/Guardians will be notified asap.
  • The list of teams and what colour top your child must wear coming in on the day will be posted here asap and the pupils will be notified by their class teacher. 


PA Raffle - Sports Day

Our parents association will be holding a raffle on the Sports day to fund sports equipment for the school. The prize for the winner will be a lovely 1 night break with Bed & Breakfast for 2 people in the Talbot Hotel Stillorgan.

Tickets for the raffle can be purchased on the day or from Michelle Phipps from Monday 19.06.2017

School Mobile Library

The last school Mobile Library is on Friday 23rd June . As this is the day of all school tours we will not be here therefore can you ensure all rented books are returned to the school no later than Weds 21st June. 

Wicklow County Council Library Service are running a Summer Stars Reading Adventure for children during the summer from 26th June to the end of August. This is an exciting reading based programme free of charge. Please click the link below for further details.

Click here to view the document

Click here to view further documents


High Achievers!

Well done to David Baron who  was in the Division 2 Leinster competition for swimming at the NAC. He achieved a time for the upcoming IAG Nationals in Limerick.

Also well done to Ella Brennan and Aleksandra (Ola)  Czerwinska. Both competed at Boswell Equestrian and received rosettes. Ola got a clear round in Jumping and Ella came 4th in the U10 Dressage.

Nut Free Zone in the Junior Room

Dear Junior Room Parents/Guardians

It has come to our attention that a new junior infant has a severe allergic reaction to peanuts/nuts. This allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) can occur through ingestion of peanut/nut products, cross contamination and breathing peanuts in the air.

Since this condition can be life threatening, we are asking for your help in minimising the risk to this child by:

a)    Avoiding giving children peanuts in school lunches

b)   Avoiding giving peanut butter sandwiches, other spreads containing nuts such as Nutella and snacks/bars containing nuts or labelled “may contain nut traces” in school lunches

c)    Asking children not to share their lunches.

d)   If your child has eaten peanuts/nuts before coming to school, please be sure your child’s hands and face have been thoroughly washed before entering the school.

Due to the severity of the problem, it is important that all parents carry out the suggested measures and reduce the risk of allergic reaction to this child, starting June 1st 2017. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

We thank you for your co-operation.

Ms. Nuzum

Junior Entrepreneur County Showcase in Roundwood

The pupils  of the Senior Room had a very successful and enjoyable day in Roundwood at the Junior Entrepreneur County Showcase Day. All the pupils got a chance man the stall to showcase and sell the product, and make a further profit! They then got to take a look at what the other schools chose to create and sell. We also collected the school plaque and individual certificates for completing the project. Everyone was very complimentary about the product and how well informed the pupils were. Don't forget there are still some cans, postcards and cards for sale from the school!!!

Disturbances during school hours

We would like to ask all parents/guardians to have consideration for pupils and teachers and  please do not allow younger children/siblings to run around the school grounds playing. before and after the 2pm and 3pm pick up, but to remain outside the school gate. This has become increasingly obvious during the last few weeks of good weather as the class windows have been open and/or classes are taking place outside. Both pupils and teachers have become distracted by the noise and movement, and find it difficult to concentrate. We would like to remind parents that younger siblings are not covered by insurance while  playing on school property and ask for your cooperation in this matter. 

Junior Room School Tour Details

The Junior Room are very lucky to be going on their School Tour to Rancho Reilly's in Co. Carlow. The children will get an opportunity to pet the animals, go on a pony ride, train ride & barrel rides. After Lunch the children are permitted to have free play where they can have a go on the Go carts, Swings, trampoline and use the wonderful facilities in the playground.  

Please note the following:

Date:  Friday 23rd of June, 2017

Arrive to school: 8.45 am Sharp 

Bus Departs:9 am Sharp

Bus Returns to School: @ 3.30 pm pending on traffic

Total Cost:   €25 (Includes Bus Journey, Entrance Fee and  Food)  parents/guardians can pay directly or authorise to take the money from the school bank by filling out and returning the slip that will be sent home. Please have this money/slips in to your class teacher or secretary by Monday the 19th of June.

Supervision: There will be 1 Class Teacher and Two parents, this is sufficient for adult to pupil ratio. 

Pack: The children can bring some sweets (Rubbish!!) & non fizzy drinks. Some pocket money (No greater than €10) is permitted to spend in the shop there. 

Gentle reminder: Ensure your child is adequately dressed for outdoor activities and it's imperative that sun cream is applied in the morning of the tour. Children are not permitted to bring umbrella's but are permitted to bring rain coats, sun hats and sun glasses on the day.  A small toy/playing cards/small book is permitted but please use your own discretion as to what best suits your child travelling on a bus.