Wow what a busy but fun and varied start we have had to the year in the senior room…watch the video below to check it all out!
Something Fishy Programme for the Senior room!
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Our senior room pupils will be taking part in the ‘Something Fishy’ Educational Programme aimed at Primary school pupils aged between 10-13 years, which informs and educates students on fish, water, angling, and the environment and angling.
Lessons will begin with Ms Greene from next week w/c 27th February and we will have a visit to the school from the programme co-ordinator on 9th March.
After Easter there will be a class trip to Avonmore River planned but details for this will be released to parents nearer the time.
We are really looking forward to taking part in this interesting programme and it will be something new and exciting for the pupils to take part in.
Cumann na mBunscol Skills Comp Details - Please take note of dates
Dear Parents,
Please find attached information from Cumann na mBunscol that we have been asked to send to parents
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on e week beginning March 13.
South Skills Competition – Wednesday 15th March in Ballinakill.
o Football and Hurling Skills Test @11:00am
o Girls Football and Camogie Skills Test @12:30pm
County Final in Ballinakill – Wednesday 22nd March
Each school is permitted to send 2 representatives per code to compete in
· Gaelic Football (boys)
· Gaelic Football (girls)
· Hurling
· Camogie
If your child would like to attend and try out for any of the above, please email Mary in the school office and she will organize registration. If we have more applicants than places, Ms. Greene will decide what way we will proceed.
Attached for your attention if your child is taking part in the competition:
· The football skills test
· The hurling/camogie skills test
Please see below rules before entering:
Please take particular notice of the age restriction regarding this event. Note that the age limit has changed and is now the same for all schools regardless of enrolment numbers.
Participants must be Born on or after January 1st 2011
Each pupil will only be permitted to compete in one code.
If a child has represented Wicklow in Croke Park previously in any code they cannot take part at any level of the skills test again e.g. regional skills day etc.
The top 2 pupils in each code from each area will be invited to compete in the County Skill Tests scheduled for Wednesday March 22nd in Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill.
The top performing pupils in the County Skills tests will have the opportunity to represent their school and county during the half-time of selected All Ireland Series games during the summer.
Many Thanks,
SQUEEZE IN A READ!! This week at Scoil San Eoin
Irish libraries, Children’s Books Ireland, NALA, booksellers and others are partnering once again to get the whole country reading this month in the lead up to Ireland Reads Day on Saturday, 25th of February.
We are asking everyone to pledge to ‘squeeze in a read’ – whether that’s reading a book, a newspaper, a comic – whatever works grabs your interest!
We have made a pledge as a school that all pupils from 1st – 6th class will read for 15 minutes per day, each afternoon between 2pm and 3pm, commencing from Tuesday 21st to Fri 24th Feb and will encourage all parents and pupils to also read for at least 15 minutes on Sat 25th as well as part of the initiative above.
Please take some pictures over the next few days of your child and family reading and send them to us on our email @ before Monday 27th Feb to allow us to send these on and share them on our website
Some information on access to books below:
Library members can borrow from 12 million items or download from thousands of eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers online. Simply visit to join.
You can browse and borrow in your local library or browse and reserve online. They also have thousands of ebooks, audiobooks and online newspapers and magazines available to download straight to your device.
Please also consider supporting your local bookshop.
We are asking all parents and pupils/family members to take part in the above initiative and share it with us.
Thank You
Linda Greene
Grandparents Day
What a special day we had for Grandparents Day! We had lots of VIPs turn up to interact with the pupils today, tell them about their time in school and mingle with some old friends. Today also gave the pupils an opportunity to show the Grandparents how they learn now, and how we use all of the ‘mod cons’ in our teaching and learning in the classroom. Grandparents also got a nice cup of tea and some artwork to bring home with them as a memento. Many thanks to all that helped out, sent in photos, baked and came in to help on the day. We are already looking forward to the next one!
November and December in the Senior Room
What a busy end to the first term!! Watch the video below and see what we did!
September and October in the Senior Room
Senior Room Tour 2022
A fantastic day was had by all the senior room gang on their Alive Outside School Tour in Kilruddery Estate in Bray. The pupils got to undertake 2 land and 2 water activities throughout the day. The weather played ball and the sun was shining!
First up was some bush crafting where the pupils constructed an outdoor structure and made it comfortable and cosy. They had to work as teams and they could only use what nature provided around them. They built some fantastic structures and they were very handy when it came to eating their morning snack!
Next they all complete a portion of the Hell and Back/ Irelands Fittest Family course where they were put through their paces, and may have gotten just a little muddy (see pics!). All the pupils showed great team spirit as they encouraged each other through the obstacle course.
Following that, they took to the water in kayaks and had some fun on the lake…Some taking the leisurely approach and some giving the O’Donovan brothers a run for their money in the races!!
Final they got to experience more of Irelands Fittest family as they squealed their way down the fast paced slide or jumped off the platform into the lake. They finished the day with a well earned lunch and goody bag (provided by the company). Needless to say, it was a quiet bus journey back to school as both teachers and pupils took a badly needed rest!!
As always the pupil were impeccably well behaved and were highly complimented by the instructors. We were so proud of all the pupils who had a brilliant attitude to the activities and everyone gave something a go, some pupils overcoming fears along the way. I can safely say it was a school tour to remember!
Food Dudes Program (W/C 11th-15th March)
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This week at Scoil San Eoin your child/children will be participating in the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme, which aims to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables.
Previously we have participated in a 8 days/16 days Food Dudes intervention under which pupils received daily deliveries of fruit and vegetables and were rewarded with stickers and small rewards for participation. At the end of the intervention, pupils were encouraged to bring in and eat fruit and vegetables from home as part of their daily diet.
We are very pleased to inform you that your child/children will have the opportunity to participate in the next phase of the programme this week. Under this phase, we will receive 5 days of fruit and vegetables – a “Food Dudes Week” – to help maintain the healthy eating ethos in the school.
Pupils in Junior Infants and pupils new to the school this academic year, will be provided with a reusable Food Dudes Lunchbox, to help encourage this healthy behaviour.
To support the school based activities that will be running alongside Food Dudes, your child will be given a Passport to Healthy Eating. This passport contains a number of fun activities and is designed to be completed with you at home during the course of the Food Dudes week.
The completion of the passport by you and your child will further enhance the healthy eating ethos in school and at home.
Parent’s may wish to adjust the amount of food in your child’s lunchbox next week, to accommodate these additional foods.
We are looking forward to a great week ahead!
January and February update from the Senior Room
We’ve been super busy in the Senior Room…sit back and have a look!!!
Dale Treadwell visit to Scoil San Eoin 22.02.2022
Dear Parent/Guardians,
Yesterday 22.02.22 we had a full day workshop with Dale Treadwell from Hertiage Ireland.
The children in our Junior Room had a very busy day.
They got to listen to a lovely Hedgehog story, and spent some time examining woodlice, ladybird, centipede and spiders through lenses which was super interesting for them to see.
They Listened to the story Patricia The Planted Butter Fly written by Dale who gave the workshop and learned about dinosaurs and saw lots of interesting artifacts, bones and teeth
They played lots of games outside in a circle and got to plant wildflower seeds at the bank outside of their classroom. The pupils also planted a Tree (Mountain Ash) over by the corner of the pitch. This will be such a lovely memory for the children and they will get to watch what they have planted develop and grow.
All the children in the Junior Room finished the day with artwork on drawing dinosaurs and using playdough to make one.
Overall everyone had a super interesting and exciting day and I am sure there were lots of lovely stories for parents afterwards.
Thank you to Dale for visiting us at Scoil San Eoin
In the Senior Room they made a bug hotel, learned about echo location and had to work together as a team to put together a geometric dome. It was tougher than it looked and they learned some engineering skills and some skills about job delegation and patience!!
HSE Updated isolation guides - COVID19
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please see below updated isolation quick guide guidance from the HSE - Issued 06.01.2022
Isolation quick guide Isolation quick guide - Adults and children from their 13th birthday
Thank You
December in the Senior Room
Merry Christmas Everyone!
The Grinch who Stole Christmas - Our Senior Room Christmas 2021 Performance
Covid wasnt going to spoil it for us… Our parents and lovely families could not come to Scoil San Eoin so we are bringing our performance to you!! Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy our brilliant Christmas performance from our senior room pupils.
Let all your family know they can watch it on our website.
Well done to each and everyone of you. You all worked so hard and it showed in this brilliant performance. It wasn’t an easy task having to do it in the classroom, with pods in place and limited space and resources, but as usual everyone got into the spirit of Christmas and made the best of the situation. Creative juices flowed to turn a reading piece into a mini play by making props, adding in songs, costumes and props. Special mention to our excellent musicians Brian Jones on keyboard and Ronan Wynne on guitar. What a talented bunch you are!!!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
November in the Senior Room
October in the Senior Room
Some splendid, spectacular and spooky work was completed in the senior room this month!
Check out our brilliant video highlights of the sponsored cycle!!
Take a look at our fantastic video of parts of the Senior Room cycle provided by Sean Nolan!!!
Thank you Sean, a great video for our pupils to look back on the day!!
Scoil San Eoin - Sponsored Cycle 22nd Oct 2021
Sponsored Cycle Event - Thurs 22nd Oct 2021
Our annual school Halloween Sponsored Cycle took place on Thurs 21st Oct. We were so fortunate with the weather after a wet start to the week but on the day it turned out to be glorious and we had some fabulous sunshine ensuring that the cycle would be a great day ahead!
Our pupils from our Junior Room brought scooters/bikes and scooted/cycled around the school yard. They also completed a sponsored walk to Cullen Park and were very lucky to fit in some play time in the park area as well.
Our pupils from the Senior Room had the very serious task of cycling 7k to Ballykane. Everyone with this group also got some much rewarded time in the park also after all their hard work. The children well and truly proved that we are a very active school and faced the task of a long cycle head on!
Everyone headed back to the school then for some much needed refreshments and Halloween treat bags!
The day was a fantastic success achieved only by the help and volunteering of our parents who were road marshals, who cycled alongside our pupils, who walked and supervised our smaller pupils and who volunteered afterwards to provide refreshments. Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day, we couldn’t of done it without you.
Thank you also to our parent reps who helped in organising the event and provided the treat bags for our pupils.
Covid19 has hugely impacted fun events and parental involvement in schools and for this reason it was so lovely to have everyone together outside safely and for the children also to enjoy being active!
We are still awaiting all sponsor cards to be returned to the school but once we have a final figure we will let parents know!
Again thank you to everyone for all your help and a huge well done to all our pupils and teachers for taking part in the event.
School For Sale!!
Check out what our senior room have been up to for the month of Sept!!!
Our Senior Room have been very busy during the month of Sept. Take a look at some of the fantastic work completed by our pupils.
Senior Room Sept Update