National Tree Day Trip - Thurs 04th Oct

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The children will be attending an event @ Avondale National Park on Thurs 04th Oct to celebrate National Tree Day. They will be participating in a guided woodland walk enabling children to connect directly with nature. On Tree Day schools and families nationwide are invited to spend the day learning about trees and being outside enjoying their natural environment. 

Tetra Pak Tree Day is an opportunity for children, teachers and parents to connect directly with trees, nature and the outdoors.  

The bus will be leaving the school @ 09.30 am. All pupils from all classes will be involved. The cost of the bus will be 2e per pupil and will be supplemented by the school also.

Please ensure all children are wearing the correct uniform and suitable footwear for the day and that they have suitable rainwear etc for the weather. Wellington boots are an option also if preferred.

Thank You.

Food Dudes Programme


Food Dudes is a programme developed to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables both in school and at home. It is based on positive role models (the Food Dudes characters), repeated tasting and rewards. Your child/children will be participating in the Food dudes programme. The programme will be commencing on Tues 02nd Oct for Junior Room pupils and on Friday 12th Oct for Senior Room pupils.

It runs for 16 consecutive days for Junior Room pupils and 8 for Senior Room pupils

It is ultimately designed to enable children to enjoy eating healthy diets, and to create a healthy eating culture within schools. There are 2 levels of participation in the programme within the school: for junior and senior classes.

Pupils will be offered the opportunity to participate for 8/16 days tasting each of the fruits and vegetables. They will be rewarded with small prizes for eating these foods. Children then receive fruit and vegetable containers which encourages them to bring in and eat fruit and vegetables from home as part of their daily lunch diet.

All children will automatically be included in the programme but if for any reason you do not wish for your child to take part please inform the school.

We hope you and your child have fun with the Food Dudes!

Rainy Day Break Activities at Scoil San Eoin

The children are making the most of the ‘wet rainy’ break times here at Scoil San Eoin recently.

They have been playing lots of board games (both educational and fun), making jigsaws, using the computers, building with lego and other items and doing lots of arts & crafts.

The games are encouraging lots of teamwork, communication and fun!

Young Whistlers Course - Aimed at 5th Class Children

The South CnmB "Young Whistlers" course is designed for fifth class children to learn the basic rules of reffing hurling and football games.

The course is open to all 5th class students. On completion of the course the children will be eligible to come to the 3rd/4th class blitz days to referee the matches.

It is also a great opportunity for students who, for whatever reason, don’t play any sport to get involved on game days.

Spaces on the course are limited.

To Book Please contact Jonathan Tallon (083) 364 5136 or Darren Hayden (086) 145 0150.

There will be two courses:

Course 1

18th September (Tuesday)

Arklow CBS 

3:30 - 5pm

Course 2

20th September (Thursday)

Aughrim County Grounds

3:30 - 5pm

Thank You!

Discovery Primary Science and Maths Award - Term 2017-2018

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Back in May 2018 Scoil San Eoin were awarded a Science Foundation Ireland Discover Science and Maths Plaque of STEM Excellence for the 2017/18 academic year. 

Please click on the following link to read the very positive feedback on the log of evidence which was submitted by the pupils of Scoil San Eoin.

We have received our beautiful plaque and will be displaying in the school very soon.

Well done to all involved!


Office contact details and access to school building

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The new office hours for this term are as follows:

Mon & Weds weekly 9am - 03.30pm & every second friday 9am - 03.30pm.

Should you need to contact the office outside of these hours please contact 0404-41727 and leave a message or on email @

Access to the school for all parents/visitors should be done through the main school security door only. Side door entry to the school is to be kept strictly for pupil/staff and fire exit entry/exit only.

Should you need to speak to a teacher please contact the office directly to arrange an appointment.

Thank You


New Term Reminders


As a new term is upon us, these are general reminder points to note for the year ahead.

Please note: - From Monday 03rd Sept, parents should remain outside the school gates and allow pupils to bring their own bag to the line . 

  • Reminder that the Junior Room is a nut free zone - Please ensure all lunches/snacks are nut free.
  • To ensure we have all important information up to date for all pupils - Please inform the office immediately  if there have been any changes to parent/emergency contact phone numbers, pupil addresses, emails, or  if authorized personnel to collect child/children has been changed.
  • Parking - Due to the builders accessing the bottom gate and extra vehicles in that area, teachers will be parking at the top end and we ask parents to us the rest of the area as a Drop Zone only
  • Labelling - Please ensure that all your child's belongings are labelled.
  • Appropriate clothing - Due to the weather changing, all pupils should bring a light raincoat to school or as per weather conditions 
  • Books and stationary - Please ensure that you child has all the necessary books and stationery as per the book lists sent in June. 
  • Lunches - As per our healthy eating policy listed on the school website -  Please ensure all lunches for children are healthy and that they have a small treat on Friday only. Please ensure all children have adequate drinks per day. 
  • Homework - Please ensure that your child is into a good routine from the beginning for completing homework, they will need to have a suitable place to do their homework and that it is checked and signed each night.
  • Monies - The following is a list of due dates for school fees. They are 2 options for payment - payment through Mary in the office or online through our E-payment system.
  1. Book Rental Fees - All book rental fees from 1st class to 6th are due Friday 31st August.
  2. Homework Journal fees - Due Monday Sept 03rd (These are required at start of term for pupils to note daily homework)
  3. Pupil Insurance (6.50) Due Friday Sept 07th
  4. School annual requisite fee - Due Friday Sept 07th (This can be paid in 2 installments if this option is preferable - 1st installment of 40e is due Sept 07th 2018 and 2nd installment of 40e is due Jan 11th 2019.
  • Building works - Building works have commenced on site until the end of term. Parents will be informed of any changes or effects this will have on pupils/parents within the school grounds, if and when they occur. 

Thank You,

Linda Greene


Happy Summer Holidays

It has come to that time of the year again, where we reflect on all the successful projects, initiatives and intra-curricular activities that was carried out in our school.

As you are all aware a lot of work went into the teaching and learning of the Peace Proms songs and actions. The children and parents truly enjoyed the wonderful, once in a life time experience where treasured memories will be relived in years to come.

A big ‘Thank You’ goes to Ms. Brennan for all her hard work in completing our project for Discover Primary Science & Maths, normally schools that enter receive a certificate in their first year but the wonderful work that the children produced enabled us to be awarded a Plaque!

Ms. Fitzgerald is responsible for the Active School Flag and all the children and staff have engaged in the steps, we are now more than half way through this programme and we hope in the next academic year to successfully obtain the ASF. We thank Ms. Fitzgerald for her continued support and guidance in this wonderful intra-curricular activity.

Yoga in the last term was greeted with open arms and the children truly benefitted from this activity. Our Roald Dahl workshop allowed the children to explore and expand their literacy thinking and “We are Writers” book resonates this. The children thoroughly enjoyed their I.T. classes with Ciaran Coughlan and the benefits of these classes are replicated in the high standard of power point presentations in their project work. Our Scholastic book fair was a great success and this is because of the parents of SSE and the wider community involvement.

I’d like to thank the parent class reps for their time, support and help during the school year. A big ‘Thank You’ goes to the parents who volunteered during the Bag Packing Fundraiser and other activities throughout the school year. A special ‘Thank You’ goes to our secretary (Mary), cleaner (Caroline) and caretaker (Maurice) for their dedication and great efforts in supporting the running of the school.

Well done to the true stars, the pupils of SSE. Every visitor that comes to our school and when we take trips outside of school, we are always complimented on how well mannered and well behaved the pupils are. Our Departmental subject inspection in Science 31st of May, was a golden opportunity for our pupils to shine. We are very proud of our report not only as our first published report but to be recognized of all the hard work that goes on in our school. This report may be viewed in the Inspectorate section on the Department of Education and skills website.

We look forward to exciting times ahead for SSE so expect building works during the summer months, where we will be welcoming an additional new classroom. We wish Ms. Brennan and Ms. Doyle the Best of Luck as they are moving on from SSE. May the lovely weather continue and may I ask the children/parents to be mindful of their safety during the summer holidays especially around water.

Ann-Marie Nuzum

Acting Principal

Sports Day 25th June 2018

We had our annual sports day today. The children had a fantastic day and the sunshine helped make it into a brilliant day

The winners were the red team which consisted of the following pupils: Conor Kelly, Sinead Browne, Darren Lee, Stephen Tobin Kelly, Ella Brennan, Luke Finnigan, Emily Allen, Emma Griffin, Ronan Wynne, Ava Kenny, Aisling Tiernan, Brian Jones, Ewan Murphy and Callan Keogh. Well Done!

Well done also to everyone who participated. A special sports day certificate was issued to all pupils for their part.

Attendance Certificates were also issued to the following pupils for 100% attendance during the school year.

  • Junior Infants: Edward Allen
  • Senior Infants: Brian Jones/Patrick Brennan
  • 1st Class: Imana Van Kan
  • 2nd Class: Conor Kinsella/Oscar Doyle
  • 3rd Class: Niamh Kenny
  • 4th Class: Rachel Redmond
  • 5th Class: Darren Lee
  • 6th Class: Sarah Shanley/Molly Kinsella

The overall award for Best attendance from Junior Infants to Sixth Class went to Sarah Shanley and she received a beautiful engraved plaque as a memoir. Well done Sarah.

The Sixth class pupils also received a goody bag each which contained some items to remind them of the time here at Scoil San Eoin.

Thank You to all the parents who helped out today with refreshments/food and presentations, without you the day would not of been as great of a success.

Best wishes to all the 6th Class pupils who will finish on Weds and make the next journey to secondary school.



School Tour - Friday 22/06

We had our annual school tour this year in the IT Blanchardstown with Just4fun school tours.

The children had a fantastic time and were so well behaved making the day a great success.


Yoga - Certs of Completion in Yoga & Positive Living


Our final class of yoga was on Weds 20th June which finalised our 5 week classes. The children throughly enjoyed the sessions and gained lots of positives from the classes.

Below are our Certs of Achievement for completing the course in Yoga and Positive Living

6th Class Bowling Night

The 6th Class pupils enjoyed their final night out at Wicklow Bowl on Friday 15th June. Everyone had a great evening. Thank you to everyone involved.


Active Sports Week (11th June - 15th June)

We have enjoyed a very successful Active Schools Week. Every morning we began with Wake Up Shake Up led by sixth class pupils. This had us energized for the day ahead. We took part in a variety of activities throughout the week such as dance, circuits, yoga and parachute games. The week culminated in a whole school challenge where we ran a total of 45km around the school. Well done everyone, lets keep active!