Exotic Reptiles visit Scoil San Eoin

The children were extremally lucky today to have a visit from a past pupil Katie Vickers with some exotic reptiles. Katie is a past pupil of Scoil San Eoin and rescues these animals and takes care of them in her home.

Katie provided a wonderful workshop for the children in the Junior & Senior room and gave the pupils some amazing facts about the reptiles.

There were turtles, snakes and lizards. The children really enjoyed this workshop and were amazed by the reptiles.

Thank you so much to Katie for taking the time to visit Scoil San Eoin today and for giving the children a fantastic afternoon.

Jumper Orders for August/Sept 2023

Jumper order information for Sept 2023 has been issued via email to all new incoming Junior Infant parents and all current parents for school jumpers.

Please complete the google document link you have been sent to process your order. A payment link will the follow for payment via aladdin.

All jumper orders must be back to the office by 16th June 2023.

For any queries on sizing or information please contact schoolofficeredcross@gmail.com

Thank You

School Tour Information 2023

All school tour information has now been issued to parents via email including what your child will need on the day and departure times from the school. Please check your email and take note of what is required for your child on the day!

All children will need full uniform and wearing comfortable footwear on the day of their school tour.

Our Senior Room Tour is Wednesday 7th June 2023 - Final date for payment is Friday 2nd June

Our Junior Room Tour is Friday 9th June 2023 - Final date for payment is Weds 7th June

Baked Goods Request & Info for Confirmation Celebration - Friday 2nd June

Dear Parents,

We are seeking donations of baked goods for our Confirmation celebration for our pupils on Friday 2nd June. Please drop any donations to the school by Thursday evening.


A reminder that we will be having refreshments back at the school after the church on Friday for pupils and their families. It is a lovely chance for the pupils to catch up together after the ceremony & before they go off to do their separate celebrations. There will be a small keepsake for the children to remember their day by.

We hope to see you all there!

Thank You

Linda Greene




Scoil San Eoin - First Holy Communion Ceremony (Sat 27th May 2023)

Our First Holy Communion took place on Saturday 27th May in Barnisky Church.

It was so lovely to be able to have the ceremony in Barnisky for the first time in a long time. It was a glorious day and the sun shone beautifully on us. The ceremony was performed beautifully by Fr. Murphy and the children were all excellent on the day. We had some beautiful music from the choir of the church. Thank you to all of the choir and church committee for helping make the day so special and for all the help in the lead up to the day.

After the church ceremony we came back to a lovely celebration in the school and refreshments were served for the family/friends of the pupils and the choir. Thank you to parent reps & parents for organising this and helping out on the day. Each pupil received a lovely keepsake gift and balloon/certificate to remember their special day.

Congratulations to Finn, Oisin K, Theo, Ryan, Corey & Oisin F on receiving your First Holy Communion. We hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating with family & friends.

Bike Safety Week (13-21st May)

Our pupils completed a bike and cycling safety workshop with Hugh Arthur today at the school. The weather was gorgeas and the children really enjoyed it. It was fantastic to see so may children being active and having fun.

Thank You to Hugh for coming out to the school today. Everyone had a brilliant day!

Confirmation Pupils - Service of Light Ceremony

Our fifth & sixth class pupils had their Service of Light Ceremony at Barranisky Church on Thursday 17th May in preparation for their upcoming Confirmation Day. It was a lovely ceremony and fantastic that the children can celebrate in their local church. Thank you to the Church committee, the beautiful choir and Fr Murphy.

Scoil San Eoin - Summer Fair

Its been a long time in the pipeline and the idea had been thrashed around on many occasions but we finally went ahead with our Summer Fair…..and it was worth waiting for.

Thankfully the sun came out to play and the whole day from start to finish was a massive success. There was a brilliant atmosphere and buzz around the school and it was such a brilliant opportunity to show off the school in its best light and for people to see the resources and facilities we have here.

All the children and adults alike had great fun on the stalls, sampled tasty burgers and treats and let their competitive streak lose on the “squashed car” guessing game. The day would not have been possible if it wasn’t for the fantastic volunteers led by our Parent Reps and the amazing staff and community members who all pitched in and gave their time and energy. Watch this space next year for the bigger and better Scoil San Eoin Summer Fair 2.0!!!!!

Also a huge thank you to our sponsors for our raffle prizes:

  • 100.00e cash from Bernard Brennan (Green Meadows Farm) - used towards purchase of burgers for sale at BBQ

  • A night in Shephards Hut (Donated by Selena MacKenzie) - Winner Cleo Griffin

  • Electric Go Kart Voucher (Donated by River Valler) - Winner Patrina Byrne

  • A & L Chopping Boards (Donated by A& L) Winner - Jamie Stronge

  • Thomas Sabo Jewellary Set (Donated by Rob/Amy Stronge) Winner - Helen Browne

  • Pizza Oven (Donated by Chadwicks Bray) - Winner Alice McLaughlin

  • 50e voucher (Donated by Roundwood Stores) - Winner Imana van Kan

  • Poker set - Winner Pat Keogh

  • 50e Bolands Voucher (Donated by Bolands Arklow) - Winner Maurice Flannery

  • 10 X Swimming vouchers (Donated by Arklow Bay Hotel) - Winner Lilly Bracken

  • Graham Norton Wine Hamper (Donated by Mill House Store Rathdrum) - Winner Helen Browne

  • Voucher for Démor Designs (Donated by Emily Flannery) - Winner

  • Bottle of Wicklow Hills Whiskey (Donated by Jones Pub) - Winner Lisa McLaughlin

  • Drill Bit Set - Winner Pat Keogh

  • Green Angel Gift Set - Donated by pharmacy - Winner Helen Browne/Helena Hudson

  • 50e one for all voucher - Donated by Avoca Agri Ltd - Winner Pat Keogh

  • Wine Bundle - Winner Darragh Flannery

  • Candle Set - Winner Ryan Lacey

  • 50e MA Healys Voucher - Donated by MA Healy - Winner Jade Savage

Avonmore River Trip - Senior room

The senior room travelled to Avonmore River on Thursday 20th Feb with Ms Greene as part of the something fishy programme they are currently completing. It was a glorious day and the perfect chance to get outside.

The children learned so much on the day and got to see the real life parts of the program in action.

Everyone had a great day, made better by the sunshine!!

Summer Fair - Call out for Volunteers Needed!!

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are getting closer to our planned Summer Fair school fundraiser at Scoil San Eoin on Saturday 6th May from 12-2pm.  We are seeking volunteers for in the lead up to the fair & on the day to help out. With this in mind if you are willing or are available to help out in the lead up & on the day in any way possible please complete the below google doc form and press submit. This event can only be successful if we have enough parents/volunteers on the day, at present we don’t have as many volunteers as we need on the day.

Any help would be really appreciated,

Thank You,

Linda Greene






Also: If you have any suggestions for stalls/activity ideas for the fair please contact a parent rep with details.

Easter Egg Hunt/Happy Easter from Scoil San Eoin!!

Unfortunately due to the weather our easter egg hunt today was limited but the children still really enjoyed it. They split into groups Junior/Senior combined and searched for their eggs. Afterwards they were all given eggs each to bring home.

Everyone was well and truly excited for the Easter break and the Easter bunny coming.

Wishing all our pupils and their families a Happy, healthy & safe Easter. Have a lovely break and we will see you all back after the holidays!

Our Junior Room Trip to Glendalough - Thursday 30th March 23

Our Junior room pupils went on a lovely trip to Glendalough on Thursday 30th March for a trip in conjunction with the Wicklow Mountains National Park Education Service. The trip was based around getting up and close to nature while having fun.

There were lots of fun activities planned and the children were kept very busy. They went on a long walk to the cottage where they met their group teachers for the day and learned lots of interesting facts about Glendalough.

They then split into 2 different groups and went and looked at some of the different habitats of animals and insects. We had a very exciting find - a worm who originates from New Zeland and is not a species found in Ireland. Olivia took the worm back with her to research it further.

Overall the weather held out really well again for us, meaning we got to enjoy the great outdoors in all its glory!

Everyone had a great day and we learned lots of interesting facts and information. The children were as always very well behaved and really enjoyed the trip.

Thank you to Fiach for coming along on the day to help out

Senior Room - Trip to Glendalough Friday 24th March

Our senior room pupils went to Glendalough on Friday 24th March for a trip in conjunction with the Wicklow Mountains National Park Education Service. The trip was based around getting up and close to nature while having fun.

The pupils had so much fun on the day learning & discovering the huge variety of life, from plants to animals, and everything in between & studied the habitats of Glendalough & their plants and animals. The weather held out really well, meaning we got to enjoy the great outdoors in all its glory!

Everyone had a great day and we learned lots of interesting facts and information. The children were as always very well behaved.

We brought our newly designed hi viz jackets with the school logo for their first outing. Thank you to Emily Flannery @ DémorDesign for doing these for us. They will get lots of use from all our pupils on our school trips.

Have a look at some pics taken on the day!

Healthy Eating @ Scoil San Eoin!!

Dear Parents,

We are very happy to let you know that our Healthy Ireland packs have been delivered this morning and will be given out to the children today to bring home. We are one of the first schools to take part so we are encouraging parents to share your feedback. You can also go onto the food dudes website @ fooddudes.ie/recipes for ideas and we would love to see any photos of dishes you and your family have created using the ingredients provided by the programme.

This is a fantastic initiative and is an extension to the Food Dudes programme. Now is a great time to start a conversation at home about how important healthy eating is and how your child can continue to build a healthy diet.

The aim of this pilot is to continue healthy eating behaviours and to encourage your child to bring fruit and vegetables to school in their Food Dudes lunchbox every day. This whole fruit and vegetable pack will provide parents with a week’s supply of fruit and vegetables to incorporate into your child’s lunchbox. The whole fruit and vegetable pack includes 5 apples, 5 satsumas, broccoli and 500g of carrots.

We hope you enjoy your pack!