As both Ms Nuzum and Ms Greene's classes now embark on learning the songs required for the Peace Proms, below is some practical information for parents:
Dates for the Diary:
Workshop - January 9th , Wed 10th and Thurs 11th in the National Sports Arena, Dublin.
(We will be notified as to which of these workshops we must attend nearer to the time)
Concert - February 3rd and 4th Simmonscourt Arena RDS, Dublin.
There are no costs involved in the process except for transport to and from the venues.
Tickets for Parents and Family Members:
These usually go on sale on November 1st
Dress Code:
Choir Members will wear their school uniform to the workshop. All pupils must wear a plain white t-shirt/blouse/shirt (no logos) and dark bottoms e.g. uniform trousers/skirt and tights on the day of the concert.
Further practical information for the days of the workshopand the concert will be posted nearer to the dates.