The Grinch who Stole Christmas - Our Senior Room Christmas 2021 Performance

Covid wasnt going to spoil it for us… Our parents and lovely families could not come to Scoil San Eoin so we are bringing our performance to you!! Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy our brilliant Christmas performance from our senior room pupils.

Let all your family know they can watch it on our website.

Well done to each and everyone of you. You all worked so hard and it showed in this brilliant performance. It wasn’t an easy task having to do it in the classroom, with pods in place and limited space and resources, but as usual everyone got into the spirit of Christmas and made the best of the situation. Creative juices flowed to turn a reading piece into a mini play by making props, adding in songs, costumes and props. Special mention to our excellent musicians Brian Jones on keyboard and Ronan Wynne on guitar. What a talented bunch you are!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!