We write down our loved ones names on a piece of a paper who have passed away. We will pray and remember our loved ones for the month of November. We will pick out daily from the the Remembrance box and pray for the deceased.  




The children got to explore fun maths challenges for homework every night during maths week. Our  Maths Rotation Station on Tuesday was a great day filled with joy and was integrated cross curricular. The children explored maths games both on the computer and board games. shapes were examined focusing on 2D shapes and a collage was made of the individual shapes. All the shapes were brought together to make our Shape Man Dan. The children got to make clocks using paper plates. The clocks were then displayed as one big clock. Thanks to all who gave their time  on Tuesday for our Maths Rotation Station.  

Oxford Reading Tree (O.R.T)

Every Monday morning we have shared O.R.T. and many thanks to the volunteers who offer their time and services. This is a wonderful experience for all the children in Scoil San Eoin and would not be possible without the parental involvement.  

Maths Trail

The children got an opportunity to do Maths trails outside during Maths week. We were very fortunate with the weather and Maths week would not have been a great success with out the Parental volunteers. Many thanks to all who helped out.  


For Six weeks the children had Gymnastics classes. The children have been building on their new movements from last year. At the end of the programme the infants received a wrist band showing they had passed Level 1. Both First and Second class equally received a wrist band showing that they had passed Level 2.


What is Soil made out of? The children got to experiment by mixing water with soil and mixing the jar up. After an hour we recorded our findings. We learnt that soil is the layer of loose material on the surface of Earth. Without soil, we would not be able to grow plants.

Look at what else we've been up to!!

Our First Projects this year!

We do lots of projects each year in the senior room and have learned a lot from doing them. We love doing them on our own or in groups or pairs. At first we were a little shy about presenting them to our classmates but now......its a breeze!! Here is just a little selection.

Halloween Dress Up!

We had lots of fun playing in our Halloween costumes!

Maths Week in the Senior Room

Our 2016 Maths Week was so much fun. We did lots of interesting activities such as target boards, puzzles, cipher wheels, graphs, shape puzzles and had a look at how maths is used in magic! The highlight of the week was our fun day on Thursday. We completed three stations- Maths Trail down the village, maths games online and a school data survey for our graphs, and more fun puzzles and games. Thanks to Ms Griffiths and the parent volunteers for all their help!