Donations of baked goods and treats for the Christmas Concert can be left with a P.A. member or in the computer room on Tuesday, Dec. 20th. As ever, all donations gratefully accepted!
Christmas Raffle
Donations of prizes for the raffle at the Christmas Concert. All proceeds from the raffle will go to the school. If you can donate a prize, big or small, please leave it in the computer room by Friday, December 16th, or contact a member of the Parents Association.
Christmas Panto Trip
Excitement is building for our trip to see the Gaiety Christmas Panto on Fri Dec 9th!!
Pupils should arrive at school no later than 8.45 for a 9.00am departure. Children are to wear full, clean uniform and bring a packed lunch with one treat. Spending money is not permitted. Please ensure that your child eats a hearty breakfast as lunch will not be eaten until after the show. We aim to arrive back at school at approx 3.00pm. As with all school trips, our Code of Behaviour applies and if you require your child to bring a mobile phone, we will need your written permission.
Christmas Jumper Day
To coincide with International Christmas Day, the Parents Association will hold a 'Decorate your own Christmas Jumper Day' on Friday, December 16th. It will be a great opportunity to get creative in preparation for Christmas, by transforming an old jumper, at home, into a wonderful Christmas creation to wear into school! Cost per child is €2.00.
Please note that the date for Confirmation is May 5th and not May 4th as stated in newsletter.
Art Work/Maths:3- D Shapes
First and Second class got the opportunity this week to integrate Maths with their Arts class by crafting, designing and contructing 3-D shapes...............Amazing work is quite evident.!!
Literacy/Art/Music work this week
Christmas Annuals arrived in Scoil San Eoin............
Paired Reading
We are looking for a volunteer to cover Paired Reading on Monday November 28th and Monday December 5th. If you can help out please contact Ciara or a member of the PA.
Sports Day 2016 continued.....
More pictures from our fun Sports Day.
School Sports Day 2016
Each year in Scoil San Eoin we have a Sports Day. All the pupils are divided into teams of mixed classes and the theme is that each pupil does their best, encourages their teammates and has fun!!! Each pupil gets a medal for participation and we also like to present the graduating 6th class with a little going away gift. We also, present an Attendance Certificate to the pupil in each class who has the highest attendance since September and for Sixth Class we present a beautiful plague to the pupil that has the most days present in Scoil San Eoin from Junior Infants to Sixth class. Huge thanks to the Parents Association and all the parents who help out on the day, whether its making the delicious treats, manning stations, gathering and setting up equipment or purchasing medals and gifts. Huge thanks also to Claire for taking these fabulous pictures!
Parent/Teacher Meetings
School will close at 2pm on Tues. November 29th and Thurs. December 1st to facilitate Parent Teacher Meetings.
More from Science Week - Senior Class
Here's a look at some of the other fun and interesting experiments we did during Science week! We bubbled up and over..... and also looked at why the sky is blue during the day and red/orange during sunrise and sunset. Then some of the pupils brought in and displayed their favourite experiments. Well done all!!
Cash for Clothes
The recent Cash for Clothes collection, organised by the PA, raised 155.00eu! Thanks to all who kindly donated.
Access to the School
As you are all aware, following the Summer Works Scheme, the school door is now operated by a buzzer system. In line with Health & Safety, it is imperative that all parents and visitors to the school use the buzzer to gain entry. If Ciara is not in the office, please buzz the Middle Classroom for Ms. Greene or the Top Classroom for Ms. Nuzum. The back door is a fire door and its use is restricted to staff and pupils only. No parents/visitors are permitted to use it. It is in the interest of the childrens' safety and well-being that this procedure is strictly adhered to.
Christmas Box for the Homeless
Halloween Spooky Walk
Lots of fun and plenty of frights were had by all at the recent Halloween Spooky Walk organised by the PA, in Cullen Park. An frighteningly fabulous 1500eu was raised in sponsorship! Congratulations to all the children and families on this amazing achievement. Leaha and Rachel Redmond were the winners of the Book Token Spot Prize.
Rainbow Spinners - Science Week
The theme for Science week this year is LIGHT. We have learned that 'white light' is made up of the seven colours of the rainbow and this was discovered by Isaac Newton. We can see examples of this in glass prisms, puddles, rainbows and reflection of shiny surfaces such as CDs. We made our own rainbow spinners and spun them as fast as we could so they would become white. Here's how we did!
The Junior Room learnt about Rockets today for Science week. They got to make their very own rocket and launch it themselves. They learnt who invented the first rocket and how many years ago it was introduced. The children tested their rocket both inside and outside. The older children assessed the best angle of the straw to blow their rocket to give maximum height.