A fantastic night was had by all at our annual Christmas Concert. A huge thanks to the Parents Association who worked tirelessly decorating the hall and providing tea, coffee and treats on the night. Thanks to all who generously donated baked goods and raffle prizes. €698.00 was raised on the night!
Sign In/Out Books
Please note that the signing in/out and late books for children, parents/guardians/volunteers and visitors are now located on the window sill beside the Religion Table (outside the staff toilets).
Enrolment Ceremonies
Enjoy the photos of the recent Enrollment ceremonies for Holy Communion and Confirmation. Thank you to Fr. Byrne and all the parents who attended. This marks the first step of their preparation of the Sacraments.
This month the children are learning interesting facts about money. Some children brought in coins and notes from the Netherlands, Turkey, Greece and even Indian money.
Experiments: Exploring making a cloud and Experiencing Evaporation
Bag Pack
Our annual Bag Pack takes place in Dunnes Stores, Bridgewater, on Friday, 17th & Saturday 18th February. This is a fantastic fundraising opportunity for the school! Please support by giving an hour or two of your time either day. Please fill in the schedule in the office or see a member of the P.A. First to complete gets the best choice of slots!
Service of Light
The Service of Light for Confirmation classes takes place in St Mary and St Patrick's Church Avoca on Wednesday 5th April. Time and further details to follow.
Scoil San Eoin, Redcross, require a cleaner 5 hours per week, term-time only. Applicants must agree to be Garda Vetted and references are essential. If you are interested in this position, please apply in writing to:
The Principal
Scoil San Eoin
Co. Wicklow
Or email schoolofficeredcross@gmail.com
Closing date: Friday 27th January, 2017.
Confirmation Enrolment Ceremony
The Enrolment Ceremony for Confirmation for 5th and 6th Classes will take place on January 27th at 2pm in the computer room. We would like to invite all parents/guardians to attend. This is the start of the pupils journey in towards receiving the Sacrament and parents/guardians will be involved in this preparation. However, as space is limited, numbers are restricted to one adult per child.
We will need a parent/guardian to do a reflection and another to light a candle. If you would like to undertake either of these roles, please contact the office. Pupils may go home straight after but parents with pupils in junior class will have to wait until 3pm to collect them.
Points to note:
Pupils need to have the name of their Confirmation sponsor by Monday 16th January and this sponsor MUST be over 16. Over the coming weeks, pupils should be considering their choice of Confirmation name. They also need to have their baptismal candle or, failing that, a suitable cream or white candle, for the ceremony of light which will be before the Confirmation.
Albs will be rented through the school and cost will be advised nearer the time.
Please keep checking the website as all further information will be available here.
Junior Entrepreneur Programme
The Senior Room will shortly start working on ideas for participation in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP). Briefly, each child proposes an idea and during the 12-16 week programme, one is selected as the class business. Each child invests a small amount of capital in the business and receives their share of the profits. It’s not just a business plan, but a real business conceived from scratch with real products and services and real customers who pay for what is produced. It all comes together at the Junior Entrepreneur School Showcase Day. Follow the link for more info: www.juniorentrepreneur.ie
Dragons Den at SSE!
As part or the Junior Entrepreneur Programme, (JEP), we are looking for local entrepreneurs to come and chat to the class or take part in a Dragons Den! Each group will present their idea to the Den who will then choose the concept that will be taken forward to the final stages. This will all happen around the first week of February. If you or a family member fit the bill and are interested in encouraging the next generation of entrepreneurs, please contact the office or email us at schoolofficeredcross@gmail.com.
School Bank
We are looking for volunteers to help out with the School Bank. Anyone who can give an hour each/some Friday mornings, please contact the office.
Christmas Art Work
Thank you!!
We would like to say a huge thanks to all those who helped out and donated prizes at our Christmas Play. Firstly, to the Parents Association, who worked tirelessly gathering raffle prizes, ensuring the hall was decorated and served up endless tea/coffee and cakes on the night. Also, can we thank all those who volunteered their time hanging artwork and to those who provided delicious baked goods and treats for the night. We would also like to thank everyone who so generously donated raffle prizes. Thanks also to Susan and Roland for allowing us use Trinity Hall and providing the sound on the night. A special thanks to all the children who worked so hard learning lines and songs and to parents for providing the costumes. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Thanks to Mickey Finns, Jones Pub, Brownes Redcross Stores, Martina Freeman, Shelley Phipps, Bernard & Denise Brennan, Jackie Sterling & Jackie Reid (aka Bare Necessities), Michelle Vickers, Tess Arthur, Wendy Arthur, Dolores Meagher, Mandie Kinsella, Geraldine Doyle, Michelle Redmond, Pat Keogh, Frances Tobin Kelly and anyone else who donated a wonderful prize.
Christmas Jumper Day
Decorate your own Christmas Jumper Day showcased lots of colourful festive jumpers! Check out the photos for a look at our budding fashionistas!
Other Fun Activities!
Here are a sample of some of the other fun activites we have been doing in the run up to Christmas!
Festive Christmas Art!
We have been very busy doing our Christmas art over the past few weeks. These will be displayed in the hall on the night of our Christmas play for all the audience to admire.
Panto Trip
On Friday, we headed off to the Gaiety Panto where we joined lots of other schools to watch Robin Hood. The show was great! It was full of laughs and got the whole school in a festive mood. A big thanks to last year's Parents' Association for organising the trip. Lots of fun was had by all. It was no ordinary panto, it was the Gaiety Panto!
Christmas Art
We are looking for volunteers to help out with Christmas Art on Monday, Wednesday & Friday of next week, from 1100-2/3pm. If you can help out please contact a member of the PA.
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!
The tradition of 6th class decorating the tree in Scoil San Eoin was fulfilled today and they turned their hand to interior decorating in the classrooms too. Along with Tim's lovely handiwork on Tuesday, the place is looking very festive indeed!! Click below to have a look!!