Next Steps in Junior Entrepreneur

The Senior Pupils have been continuing with their JEP projects. Today the class had a visit from our JEP coordinator Aoife Boyle. She was very impressed with the pupils work and how much they had learned and discovered about being an entrepreneur. She loved their choice of project and thought it was very different and should be a profitable business venture. She was so impressed she asked 4 of the class to go on East Coast Radio on Tuesday 14th to speak about JEP and the class project. Tune in and listen!!! WELL DONE ALL!!!!!!

The pupils have now completed Step 4 and 5 of the programme. They looked at their talents and skills and after a variety of activities and class discussions, have now been placed on a team with a role and responsibility within the project. 

As part of Step 4 the class had to conduct market research. A group took an enjoyable stroll in the sunshine down through the village to see who we could ask to take part. Each pupil was also asked to get 3 surveys completed by family and friends. This information will now have to be correlated and put onto a graph. This will show the class what direction they should go with their product. Thank you to all who took the time to take part in the surveys. 

Science Experiment: Potato Growth

In the Junior room, we will be monitoring our Potato Growth by examining the sprouting of our potatoes. We will break up the experiment by leaving some potatoes to sprout in direct sun light and the other half in shade. We hope the shoots and roots will grow and we hope to extract the roots to our outdoor vegetable bed  with the hope of growing more potatoes.   Watch this space  ............

Check out our Green School Notice Board

First Penance was a great Success!!

Congratulations to the boys and girls in First and Second class on achieving the Sacrament of Penance. The children said their prayers with great clarity and confidence and they sung their songs with great zest. The children displayed their lovely art work on the alter. This is the first time to use the story and song "Zacchaeus" from the Grow in love new Religion programme and this modern song was greatly enjoyed by all.  Many thanks to the parents and Father Byrne for a memorable and special occasion. Well Done Boys and Girls, keep up the good work !!  

The Sacrament of Penance

The children in first and second class have been practicing for many weeks now and are now ready to receive their first Confession in Barniskey Church, Wednesday the 8th of March @2pm. If a parent/guardian wish to attend please be at the school 1.50pm to pick their child up or alternatively we will continue with the same car lifts from our practice run last Thursday. 

My Battery Recycling Box

Saving by Recycling

  1. Avoid filling your refuse with electrical and battery waste that can be recycled for free
  2. By recycling you are not only diverting these items from landfill, but through the recycling components will be recovered for re-production
  3. Every battery recycled through WEEE Ireland helps raise funds for LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice

It’s Simple and It’s Easy – Start Today!

Batteries, large and small electrical appliances and lighting equipment can all be recycled for FREE. Here’s what to do and where to go.

  • Retailer of a similar product*
  • Civic Amenity Recycling Centre – full listing here
  • WEEE Ireland Public Collection Days

Store waste batteries in a cool dry place – why not bring them along to your newsagent on a weekly basis to save them building up at home?

Don’t forget that small things matter – electric toothbrushes, toys, power tools – all these small gadgets can be recycled too.

Be a bright spark and recycle any energy saving light buls you have. Check out

*Any Local Retailer selling portable batteries will take back your waste batteries for free recycling without any purchase necessary. Large electrical retailers (Over 400 sq m) will take back small electrical appliances for free recycling with no purchase necessary. Your retailer will recycle your large appliances when you are purchasing on a one for one like for like basis.

Restorative Practice

Good relationships need to be at the heart of everything in school if effective teaching and learning are to take place.

Roisin Úi Fhearraigh

Since September 2016 Restorative Practice has been introduced on a phased basis into Scoil San Eoin. This is following on from staff CPD in the area the previous year. Restorative Practise is a way of looking at, and dealing with, incidents of negative or challenging behaviour within the school. It teaches pupils a new mindset and how to look at, and deal with, negative situations in a new way. It also allows staff members to initiate discussion on the incident through circle time, rather than handing down sanctions, straight away.

“Restorative Practices are a framework for building community and for responding to challenging behaviour through authentic dialogue, coming to understanding, and making things right”

Teaching Restorative Practices with Classroom Circles

The aim of Restorative Practice in Scoil San Eoin, is that it will be used in conjunction with our current Code of Behaviour. It can be utilised on a needs basis, when an incident occurs and/or during SPHE time. It is important to the staff that Restorative Practice becomes more than just a means of dealing with issues between pupils or with pupils and staff, but more a different way of thinking for the pupils and staff on a daily basis. We hope that in time, there will be little need for sanctions within the school, as the pupils themselves will have learned how to take responsibility for their actions and act accordingly. We encourage the concept of RP to be utilised and introduced by parents/guardians in the home also.

Below are the 5 questions used in Restorative Practice:

1 – What happened?

2 – What were you thinking/feeling at the time?

3 – Who has been affected by this?

4 – What are you thinking/feeling now?

5 – What do you need/need to do to put things right?

All parties involved are asked these questions and get to say what they wish to say in a respectful, calm environment. There are no ‘victims’ or ‘perpetrators in Restorative Practice, simply those that are involved in the incident. The pupils are also never asked ‘why’ they did what they did. Through the use of these questions, the pupils are enabled to gain perspective of how things are from the other person’s viewpoint, become empathetic and understanding of others and realise the consequences of their actions.

Schools in which RP is adopted:

• Are happier and safer schools

• Have mutually respectful relationships

• Have less stress for staff

• Have more effective teaching and learning

• Have reduced exclusion

• Have raised attendance

Click here to visit the website. 

Shared Reading

As part of World Book Day we had some Shared Reading time.  Pupils from the Senior room chose a book and read it to the  pupils in the Junior room.  As you will see from the photos, everybody involved really enjoyed the experience.  Shared Reading develops confidence and a love for reading in both the older and younger child. It is also a good way to develop social skills between pupils of all ages. This will be continued on a monthly basis from now on in the school.  

World Book Day

We took part in World Book Day on March 2nd.  Everybody looked fantastic dressed as their favourite book character.  The outfits were very creative and colourful.  As well as having great fun, we also raised €93.00 for Book Aid International.  Well done everyone!


If a parent/guardian wishes to make contact with the school regarding a matter please note the following:

For matters dealing directly to the teaching/learning/well being of your child please email Ms Nuzum or Ms Greene directly on their school email address. These email accounts are monitored by the teacher only and other staff members will only be made aware of information from these emails, if the teacher deems it necessary, to deal with the matter which has arisen. Teachers check their emails on a daily basis but not during class time. Any emails sent in the evening may not be viewed by the teachers until the next day. If a matter is deemed urgent or private, please indicate so on the Subject line. If you wish to meet with your class teacher please email them or make an appointment through the school office. 

For all other general school matters, questions or queries please phone or email the school office and Ciara will respond as promptly as possible.  The school office email is monitored by Ms Greene when Ciara is not in the office. 

We ask that all parents/guardians consult the school website before contacting the school for information on an event or activity. 

Music Lessons

Music lessons will begin on Tuesday 28th February. To begin with, the Junior class will run from 3.10 - 3.50 and the Senior class will run from 3.50-4.30. Parents/Guardians will be notified if this time changes or pupils move groups. All pupils must bring their own/rented tinwhistle and a copy book and pen. Payment is to be made to Ms Griffiths at the beginning of each lesson. A role will be taken at each lesson and it is important that the pupils attend lessons consistently so as to ensure full learning value of the lessons. This is a very exciting opportunity for the pupils and we are delighted that Ms Griffiths has begun these lessons in the school!!

Swimming Lessons

As you are all aware, as part of our Aquatic programme, we will be starting swimming lessons in the Coral Leisure Centre, Arklow on March 1st.  Our swim time has changed this year and we will be leaving school at 9.30am sharp.  Our new slot is 10.00am-11.00am.  Infant parents are welcome to meet us at the pool to dress and undress their child.  All other children will be supervised by teachers.  Please ensure your child has a bag, swimming togs, cap, towel and wet bag, swimming goggles are optional.  All aerosols are strictly forbidden.  

If you have not yet paid, or completed a bank withdrawal form, please do so immediately. Swimming is a part of the curriculum and all pupils must take part unless they have a doctors certificate stating they cannot for medical reasons. 



Zeeko Education - Trend Report

We were delighted to have surveyed the students in your school on their Internet behaviour. I have attached here the Zeeko Trend Report highlighting the important points about the self-reported online activity of the students in your school. We hope that you find this interesting and useful. Many schools find it beneficial to share the report with the PA, teachers and parents. Some also share it on their website and social media so feel free to do this too.

We also encourage you to keep this report on file for next year. Should the opportunity arise for us to visit your school again and run a similar study you can compare the results and can identify any changes in the school community’s Internet usage from year to year. 

We will be collating your school results with the results of the other schools that we have visited in Ireland to produce an All Ireland Trend Report. Keep an eye on our website and social media accounts for the release of new Zeeko All Ireland Reports 3 times a year. You can compare your school’s trends to national trends. 

Many thanks,

Sid Bortolazzo

Click to view the report

Business Visitors to the Senior Class

A huge thank you to Ian Jones and Nicola Coughlan who came to visit the class to speak to them about their journey as entrepreneurs. They had some brilliant advice for the pupils and were very encouraging about the programme and the idea the pupils have for their business. Both Nicola and Ian answered all of the questions the pupils asked and give them a great insight into their businesses and the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur. 

Maths/Geography/English - Fractions, The Water Cycle and Explanation Writing

Sticking with the theme of Environmental Awareness, the Senior Group learner all about the Water Cycle and how important water is as a renewable source. They are also learning about Explanation Writing. It was fun to see how we could explain everyday functions and events. 3rd and 4th class got hands on with fractions!

Catholic Schools Week

This year the theme for Catholic Schools week was Care for Our Common Home. We discussed environmental issues and read the letter 'Laudato Si' in which Pope Francis asks us to look after the Earth that God created for us.