Art Competition Information - Arklow Library

Dear Parents,

Please see below information received from Arklow Library regarding an art competition running.

  • The 402 Art Collective, along with Arklow Library, are inviting primary and secondary school pupils to enter our art competition.

  • As part of ‘The Salmon’s Eye Arts Festival’ on October 28th & 29th, we are running an Art competition with the theme of ‘River Creatures’.

  • Any medium allowed, whether that be painting, drawing, photography, collage, etc – maximum size of A3.

  • Students should drop their art off at The Sheds Gallery, Ballyraine Campus, between 11am & 4pm on Saturday 28th or Sunday 29th October and include all their details on the back of the art piece: Name, Age, School, Contact details (younger students should include contact details of a parent or guardian).

Lots of other fun activities will be happening during the festival, such as pumpkin carving and scarecrow building.

 All Entries will then be displayed in an exclusive art exhibition in Arklow Library from 2 – 18 November.

 Winners will be announced at a prize giving event on Thursday 9th November at 6pm in Arklow Library.


  1. Primary Schools, 1st Prize: €50 Mr Price gift card

  2. Primary Schools, 2nd Prize: €30 Mr Price gift card

 Any queries, please email

Scoil San Eoin Halloween Sponsored Cycle - Weds 25th Oct

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Our annual Halloween fundraiser, a sponsored cycle for pupils and parents is taking place on Weds 25th October (weather dependent).

This is our first big fundraiser for Term 2023/2024 so we are really hoping it will be a good one.

All details have been issued to parents today via Aladdin and cards/consent forms have went home with the children on Monday 09th Oct.

A google link for a google document for all volunteers has also been issued on Monday 9th. If a parent is available to volunteer please complete and submit this!

Dates for you to remember:

  • Wednesday 10th Oct - Aladdin payment link to be issued via email should parents wish to donate online

  • Monday 16th Oct - All consent/option forms due back for pupils

  • Monday 16th Oct - Volunteer google doc due to be submitted if you are willing to volunteer

  • Weds 25th Oct - Halloween Sponsored Cycle/Activities Event

  • Monday 6th November - All sponsor cards and money raised final date to bring funds raised/cards back

We hope to make this fundraiser our most successful yet and would really appreciate your support.

Thank You

Taekwando classes with Tom

All pupils have now completed 4 weeks of Taekwondo classes with instructor Tom Thorton. This was following on from a taster class that students took part in last term for Sports Day. Tom completed the basic foundations of practicing Taekwondo with the children. There was lot’s of energy and movement each Tuesday for the lessons. All classes took part and the children thoroughly enjoyed the lessons each week.

Annual Admissions notice for New Junior Infants - Term 2024/2025

Dear Parent/Guardians,

Our annual admissions notice in respect of the school year 2024/2025 is now available to view under school information - section Enrolment/new admissions. This notice details all dates in relation to enrolment of new Junior Infant pupils at Scoil San Eoin for Sept 2024.

You can also view the notice on the attached link on this post.

Applications can only be accepted from 6th November 2023 but we are advising parents of dates to give appropriate time to complete forms and gather relevant documentation.

Enrolment forms are availble from the school office or can be downlaoded from the website homepage.

The closing date for receipt of applications for the new school term 2024/2024 is 12/02/2024.

Please spread the word to any new parents that you may know that are planning on enroling their child/ren for next Sept

Thank You

Policy Updates (Anti- Bullying & Child Safeguarding Statement)

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please note the following reviews have been completed on the Child Safeguarding Statement and Anti-Bullying Policy. Both of these policies have now been updated and are available for viewing on the school website and parent noticeboard in the school hallway.

An email reagrding the updated policy has been circulated to parents - Please follow the instructions requested in this email.

Thank You

Open Nights for Secondary schools - FAO: 6th class parents!!

Dear Parents,

We have been asked to advise parents of our current 6th class pupils of the following information:

  • The open night for Avondale Community College for incoming 1st year pupils for term 24/25 is tomorrow Thursday 21st Sept from 6-8pm in the school

  • The open night for Glenart College Arklow for incoming 1st year pupils for term 24/25 is 28th Sept from 4-7pm

  • The open night for St Mary' College Arklow for incoming 1st year pupils for term 24/25 is 10th Oct from 3.30-5.30pm in the school.

As not all schools contact us directly we would ask parents of 6th class pupils to check the school websites for information on admissions for next year and key dates/information .

Thank You


Reminders for parents

Dear Parents,

For any parents that have not already set up Aladdin Connect, we are asking you to have this completed by Monday 18th Sept. We will then be using Aladdin Connect for notices and any parent correspondence going forward. If you are having issues please go to our website for lots of helpful tips and tricks. A huge number of parents have already set up their connect and we would like to thank you. We hope that you are finding it as useful as we are!

Some Parental reminders:

Today is the final day to submit your google docs for:

  • Parents Rep volunteers

  • Pupil information update - Important

  • Learning Support Permission

Our Taekwondo classes will be beginning on Tuesday 19th Sept for all pupils.

Our Junior Infant collection time will change to 2pm from Monday 18th Sept.


Thank You

Data Protection Guide for Parents

Dear Parents,

The Data Protection Commission (DPC) has recently published four short guides for parents on children’s data protection rights under the GDPR. These guides are intended to help parents to understand their children’s rights and to answer questions that can arise in typical situations where those rights apply.

Please see below link to website with all information:

We hope that you find this helpful

Thank You

Welcome to our new pupils!!

We are so excited to welcome all of our new Junior Infant pupils starting on their journey at Scoil San Eoin - (Jamie, Croiá, Éanna, Alfie, Eva, Eoin, Kye & Molly) We would also like to welcome our other new pupils (Francesca to Senior Infants) and (Theodora & Harper to Third Class) We really hope you all enjoy your time here at Scoil San Eoin. We would also like to welcome all our other pupils back after their Summer Break. We hope that you all had a great Summer and that you are are looking forward to a new school year.

Confirmation Celebration at Scoil San Eoin

Our Confirmation took place on Friday 2nd June in Barnisky Church.

It was so lovely to be able to celebrate once again in Barnisky Church as it has been a long time since our sacraments were celebrated here other than our recent First Holy Communion.

It was a glorious day and the sun shone beautifully on us. The ceremony was performed beautifully by Fr. Murphy and the children were all excellent on the day. We had some beautiful music from the choir of the church. Thank you to all of the choir and church committee for helping make the day so special and for all the help in the lead up to the day.

After the church ceremony we came back to a lovely celebration in the school and refreshments were served for the family/friends of the pupils and the choir. Thank you to parent reps & parents for organising this and helping out on the day. Each pupil received a lovely keepsake gift and balloon/certificate to remember their special day.

Congratulations to Patrick Brennan, Cormac De Brún, Alex Lee-Garvey, Brian Jones, Alex Lee, Ewan Murphy, Chleo Quinn, Finn Keogh, Cian Maher, Niamh Nolan & Keeley O Toole Breen on making your Confirmation. We also would like to congratulate Edward & Zara Dunne who travelled from the UK to celebrate and join in with us on our Confirmation Day We hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating with family & friends.

Annual Sports Day at Scoil San Eoin - Thursday 16th June 2023

We had our Annual sports day on Thursday 15th June at the school and it was a fabulous event.

We had lots of different stations with activties set up for the children to take part in. We had 5 colour teams ranging from Junior Infants up to sixth class. The children spent time at each activity and then moved on. Everyone made such a fantastic effort at all activities and had so much fun which was the most important!

It was a beautiful day and very hot being so active. Patrick O Toole treated the children to much welcomed ice creams so thank you from everyone for the lovely treat.

Thank you to all the parents who came along and helped on the day.

We had our medal presentation at the end of the day and each child was presented with their own personalised medal (Thank you to Emily Flannery for these!) We had lots of treats of popcorn and goody bags and some lovely refreshing cold fruit to cool everyone down throughout the day (Thank you to Cleo Griffin for manning the refreshments for us) Our 6th class were presented with their farewell graduation gifts from the school which composed off a personalized hoody & a class photo with a treat. They went on to have their 6th class outing that evening in Kidzone.

We had our final for the main races at the end of the day also judged by Thomas. Our final winners were Niamh Nolan for the sack race and welly throwing and Chleo Quinn for the spud & spoon race. Well done girls!

We also raised our new Green Flag which we achieved recently for Water. A huge well done to our Green Schools Team and Ms Nuzum for all their hard work.

It was an absolutely fantastic day and it was so great to see all the children being outside and being active. There were lots of very tired faces at the end of the day!

Well done everyone on a great Sports Day 2023!!!!

Senior room school tour - Weds 7th June 23

Our Senior room pupils went to DCU in Dublin to take part in their Lets Go Summer School Tour on Weds 7th June.

The children got to take part in a huge range of activities on the day and there was truly something for everyone. From rock climbing to zorbing to archery, obstacle courses etc everyone took part and really enjoyed it. There was lots of activity and moving and we had some very tired children on the bus journey home! Overall it was a fantastic day and the children as always were very well behaved.

Junior Room School Tour

Our Junior room pupils went on their school tour on Friday 9th June to Secret Valley Park in Wexford. The children all thoroughly enjoyed it and the wonderful weather on the day helped make the day. There was lots of outdoor play, feeding the animals, quad rides and lots of park play and everyone really enjoyed all the activities. The children all had a lovely hot lunch and treat served by the park whilst there.

Thank you to parent rep Cheryl for coming and helping out on the day!

Our new junior infants for 2023 - Welcome!!!

Our new Junior Infants for Sept 2023 came to visit today for their induction day at Scoil San Eoin.

The children fitted right in to our junior room and really enjoyed their morning.

We would like to say a very special welcome to Jamie, Alfie, Kye, Eoin, Éanna, Eva, Molly & Croía who will all be starting with us in Sept.

We hope that you will enjoy your journey here at Scoil San Eoin