Santa visits Scoil San Eoin & our Christmas Breakfast morning

We had our annual Breakfast Morning & Santa visit today at Scoil San Eoin. Santa arrived with lots of cheer and bells ringing. The children and their parents from the Redcross Montessori joined us for the morning.

There was great excitment and wonder in the childrens eyes at Santa being in their school & classroom. Everyone got to meet the main man and have their picture taken and were given a present.

The children were also treated to a hot breakfast of fresh rolls and sausages and some even came back for seconds as they were so good. Thank you to our parent rep Kim Hughes for organizing and arranging the food to be cooked.

Everyone had a fantastic morning and it was a great start to the week and the festivities for the children. Thank you to our parent reps for organising and helping out on the day. It was a great success.

Take a look at all our lovely elves with Santa below!

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Scoil San Eoin!!!!!!

Our 6th class pupils completed the annual tradition of decorating the school for Christmas and giving everyone the festive feels! On Friday 8th the gang took to the job at hand and done a fantastic job of decorating the tree and hallways. Chleo being the only girl of our group got to put the tree topper on our Christmas Tree. They all completed gorgeas Christmas displays in our windows using chalk markers and displayed lots of creative talent while doing it.

All our pupils and very excited for Christmas this year!

Thank you to our 6th class for doing a wonderful job..Only 14 more sleeps!!!

Information for Parents from HSE

Dear Parent/Guardian,

 Please see below a message from the HSE that we have been asked to circulate to families:

 We often see a large increase in infections in winter.

We are currently seeing a significant increase in the RSV virus (,  a common winter viral infection which is of particular concern for babies.

 Typical symptoms of RSV

Symptoms of viral infections, including RSV typically include:

  • Runny or blocked nose

  • Mild fever

  • Cough

  • Lethargy (tiredness)

 Most children with viral infections, including RSV can safely be cared for at home. More information can be found at However, in babies and young children, (particularly those under 5 years), bronchiolitis can cause more significant difficulties in breathing and feeding. Babies and young children are more likely to need hospital care. (More details on on how to take care of a baby with bronchiolitis at home and when to get help can be found here

 Important messages for families and children regarding any infections:

1)      The most important measure is for your child to stay home from school and activities if your child is unwell. Many children might have a runny nose or a slight cough in winter season and still feel well. However, if a child is feeling unwell they should stay at home and away from school and activities until their symptoms have finished and they are feeling well. See

 Children who are unwell with one infection are more likely to get another infection, and may become more significantly unwell. Therefore staying at home will protect your child from other viruses while they are unwell, which may well also be circulating.

 Further, Children with symptoms are more likely to spread infections. Staying home when unwell will help prevent spread to other children, families and staff. This is important particularly in primary schools where other children in their class may have younger siblings and babies at home. Children who have had a viral infection, like bronchiolitis, may have a persistent cough after infection for a few weeks; once the fever and any other symptoms have finished, they should not be excluded because of this persistent cough alone. 

 Older children and staff may not be particularly unwell with RSV, but babies and young children can become very unwell with the infection, therefore taking infection prevention and control measures are very important.

2)      Infection, prevention and control measures

  • Cover coughs and sneezes

  • Keep hands clean

Measures that we all got used to with Covid-19 are still important. They should be encouraged for everyone. These measures help stop the spread of infection.

3)      Vaccination

Making sure your child is up to date on all recommended childhood vaccinations will help:

  • stop your child getting an infection and

  • make them less likely to be unwell if they do get an infection

Routine childhood vaccinations protect against many significant viral and bacterial infections.

More information is available at

 There is currently no vaccine routinely available against RSV infection; but there are vaccines available and recommended for flu and Covid-19.

 Flu vaccine

The free nasal spray flu vaccine is available for children aged 2 to 12 years from GP and pharmacies. It helps protect your children from getting seriously ill with the flu, as well as helping to protect babies and grandparents in the family.


Our Annual Christmas Performance 2023 - Details

There will be a raffle on the night as our fundraiser and we are asking parents if you are in a position to donate a prize we would very much appreciate it. If you know of any local businesses who would be willing to donate a prize or donation to the school, please contact Mary or a parent rep and they can organise a fundraising letter on school headed paper to follow with your request. All raffle prizes/donations would need to be into the school/parent rep by Friday 15th Dec. Raffle tickets can be purchased from the school prior to the Christmas performance.


As always we will be serving refreshments to our parents and families on the night and would also very much appreciate any fresh baked goods/treats from our families to serve on the night. These can be dropped to the school on Weds 20th Dec or on Thursday 21st Dec (before school starts).


We are all very excited for our Christmas performance and the pupils are really looking forward to putting on a show for their families. All family members are welcome on the night.

 It will be a great way to kick off the festive season for the children before we break up for the Christmas Holidays!!

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Kindness at Scoil San Eoin & Raising our Cineáltas Flag!!

Dear Parents,

As you all know the pupils celebrated Kindness/Anti-Bullying week at Scoil San Eoin last week and completed lots of lovely lessons & activities throughout the week.

We are delighted to be able to share that we have received a Cineáltas flag and poster from the Dept of Education acknowledging the fantastic work the school, staff & pupils are doing to promote kindness, respect, inclusion, diversity and wellbeing at school.

The Cineáltas flag is a visible reminder to everyone to be kind and work together to prevent and address bullying.

Today, Monday 27th November we had a flag raising ceremony with all the children to the school. Our 6th class pupils were chosen to raise the flag as they have been such good role models for all our pupils and always display such kindness towards all ages.

We are so proud of all our pupils and we hope that you always continue to ‘‘BE KIND’’ to each other.

Drug Awareness Talk for parents to attend - Scoil Mhuire Réalt na Mara Brittas

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please see below an invitation which has been very kindly extended from Scoil Mhuire Réalt na Mara Brittas for parents to attend a Drug Awareness talk being held at their school. We would like to thank the staff of Scoil Mhuire Réalt na Mara for thinking of us. This is an extremally important topic and we are encouraging all parents to attend if they can.

Re: Garda Talk on Drug Awareness –

December 7th, 7:00 PM

As part of our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our students, we are

pleased to inform you that Garda Niall Kennedy will host a talk on drug awareness, which will be

held at our school on December 7th, starting at 7:00 PM.

The aim of this talk is to provide valuable information and insights into the challenges posed by

drugs in our community.

Date: December 7th

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Brittas Bay school.

We strongly encourage everyone in our community to attend this informative session. The

knowledge gained from this talk will empower us as a community to work together in fostering

a safe and supportive environment for our children.

Your attendance and active participation are crucial in making this event a success. Together,

we can make a positive impact on the lives of our students and contribute to building a strong,

drug-resistant community.

Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to seeing you on December 7th.


Úna Gallinagh & Imelda Burke

Principal & Deputy Principal

Thank You for your Support - Halloween Fundraiser Final Amount Riased

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The final amount raised for our recent Halloween Fundraiser was an amazing €1710.00. We do still have some cards unreturned therefore if you haven’t returned you card please do so as soon as possible even if you were unable to raise funds.

This event could not have happened without all our parents who volunteered and helped out with everything that was needed to ensure that the event went by as safely as possible. It was a fantastic event on the day and the children really embraced the task and enjoyed themselves!

Thank you to everyone who returned their cards and to all the pupils/parents who went to such great efforts raising money on their cards. . This has always been one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, and this year we hope to put it towards special education resources and games for wet play for the children.

Well done everyone and Thank You!!!


Picker Pals Adventure for our Junior Room

Dear Parents,

Our pupils in the Junior Room are beginning a new adventure in conjunction with Picker Pals with the aim of creating a better environment for our future. This project will start this week and each pupil/family from the junior room will get to take part.

The children each week will bring home a Picker Pack and lead a litter picking adventure in their local area - This will be a short, safe and fun litter pick in the pupil’s area. The children then complete a Picker Pals Report and it will be put in the class album.

We are asking all parents to praise and encourage your children when taking part in this activity. If you see one of our pupils out and about on a litter pick, please prasie and cheer them on.

This is a fantastic initiative for encouraging children to be proud of their local area and for getting families involved in their communities.

We are so looking forward to seeing all the picker pal reports and hearing about it all from our students.

We wish them all the very best of luck as they start their Picker Pals Adventure

This week at Scoil San Eoin we celebrate Kindness/Anti-Bullying Week…

This week at Scoil San Eoin we celebrate Kindness/Anti-Bullying Week…

Our pupils will learn all about promoting Kindness in all forms through lots of different discussions and activities..

We are asking parents/guardians to ask the children about what they are learning this week and discuss it at home.

Why is celebrating World Kindness Day 2023 important?

We don't always have the chance to think about how we are kind to others, or how else we can show more kindness to ourselves and those around us. Celebrating World Kindness Day 2023 gives you and your children a brilliant opportunity to do this! You can focus on how to share more kindness in the world and spend some time cultivating these habits. This will boost the mood and wellbeing of all involved! Spread some sunshine on World Kindness Day 2023.

Some Lovely Kindness Quotes we thought would be nice to share with you!!

  • "No act of Kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop.

  • "You can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!" - Anne Frank

  • ""To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." - Dr. Seuss

  • "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours." - Dolly Parton

  • "If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." - Roald Dahl.

Our New Woodland Play Area @ Scoil San Eoin

We wanted to share our new Woodland area that has been designed in our school grounds to give the children the chance to explore freely & safely in the trees around the school.

The pupils at Scoil San Eoin love nature and the trees at break times and it was decided that the best way to give them the opportunity to enjoy this was to create a woodland area.

This new play area will give the children the opportunity to explore their creative side through sensory & imaginative play and will make a very exciting addition to play time at Scoil San Eoin.

Thank you to Thomas our caretaker for creating this area for the children which will be enjoyed for many years to come!

Upcoming Parent Teacher Meetings

Dear Parents,

Please note that all information in relation to our upcoming parent teacher meetings have now been issued on the aladdin connect noticeboard to all parents.

Regarding the booking of slots on the aladdin app (all info on this has been sent in another notice but- Please note that the final date to amend or make a booking for the parent teacher meetings is 24th Nov.

 Please find attached an information sheet for parents which you may find useful in helping you book your parent teacher meeting slots for the first time.

Thank You

Arklow Music Festival

Dear Parents,

We have been asked by Arklow Music Festival to advise parents of the following:

The syllabus for Arklow Music Festival 2024 is now available on our website

If you wish to register for verse speaking competitions manually, there is a form online which can be downloaded and sent to the festival office, 3rd floor, Bridgewater Shopping Centre, North Quay, Arklow, Co. Wicklow.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate in contacting the office between the hours of 10.30-1.30 Monday to Friday at 085 8556686 or by email at


Arklow Music Festival

**Any queries relating to the festival need to directed towards the above contact details. The school do not organize entries, it is the responsibility of the parent if you would like your child to take part in the festival. Dates and all information are on the website -

Thank You

Halloween at Scoil San Eoin

Scoil San Eoin was a very spooky place on Friday 27th Oct for Halloween Dress up Day. It was fantastic to see all the variations of costumes and colours. Halloween is a great chance for our pupils to express themselves and they all done that for well for dress up day.

Everyone looked fantastic and made such a brilliant effort for the day. Thank you to all our parents also for dressing them and doing their face paints so well extra early this morning !!!

Our pupils all got a lovely treat bag for Halloween and we would like to thank the parent reps for organising this for the children.

We want to wish all pupils and parents a safe and enjoyable Mid Term Break and Halloween and we look forward to seeing you all when we return on the 2nd!!

Design & Make a Christmas Decoration

Dear Parents,

 SSE Renewables in association with Arklow Municipal District and the Arklow Festival Committee are running a sustainable Christmas decoration competition.

 The competition to design a Christmas decoration from recycled materials will launch next week during mid-term.  Please see the competition flyer (below) and a form (attachment 2) which asks students who are sending in entries to write a few words about the materials they used to make the decoration. 

There are 4 categories of prizes and the overall winning entry will help Santa turn on the Christmas lights at St Marys Park, Main Street, Arklow (public / community event) on Saturday, 25th November.

 Entries can be left into Arklow Library (with the completed forms) on or before Wednesday, 15th November.  


Scoil San Eoin's Annual Halloween Cycle - 25th Oct 2023

Our annual school Halloween Sponsored Cycle took place on Wednesday 25th Oct. The weather gods were with us again and we were so fortunate with the beautiful weather after a wet start to the week. We had some fabulous sunshine ensuring that the cycle would be a great day ahead!

We had 2 options this year for the pupils to choose from:

A 7k cycle around Ballykane or school based activities (which were all cycle based as well) The children based in school had the option to bring any wheels except electric and were asked to dress their wheels if the wished to so. Sam Ryan in our Junior room won the best dressed wheels on the day and received a lovely cert and treat bag. Well done Sam!

Our school based cycle was fantastic fun and we set up a course on the tarmac for our junior cyclists who managed brilliantly and really enjoyed it. The older cyclists then had the run of the school grounds marked out to enjoy and had great fun. There were lots of drink breaks had and some pupils swopped out their bikes for scooters which they also really enjoyed. Everyone had great fun!

The rest of the crew had the very serious task of cycling 7k to Ballykane. We were delighted to have lots of our Junior room pupils this year choosing to do the cycle and they managed it amazingly. The children well and truly proved that we are a very active school and faced the task of a long cycle head on. Everyone really enjoyed it on the day and done a fantastic job completing the 7k as it isn’t an easy cycle so well done to everyone.

After both cycles were complete we all had some much needed refreshments and Halloween treats.

The day was a fantastic success achieved only by the help and volunteering of our parents who were road marshals, who cycled alongside our pupils, who ran behind the pupils and who helped supervise our school based cycle and provided refreshments. Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day, we couldn’t of done it without you.

Thank you also to our parent reps who helped in organizing the event and provided the treat bags for our pupils

We are still awaiting all sponsor cards to be returned to the school but once we have a final figure we will let parents know!

Again thank you to everyone for all your help and a huge well done to all our pupils and teachers for taking part in the event.

Check out all our fantastic photos and videos that were captured on the day.

Visit from Barndarrig GAA Winning Team !!

We received a visit from the Barndarrig GAA Team who were winners of the Wicklow Intermediate Football Championship at the weekend. The lads from the team paid us a visit with the cup and to chat to the children.

There was great excitement with the pupils and we would all like to say a very big Congratulations to Barndarrig GAA on their win.

We wish the club every success for the future season.

Thank you again for the visit

Halloween Dress up Day - Information for Parents

Dear Parents,

Just to advise next Friday 27th October will be Halloween dress up day for all pupils. 

 Please find below guidelines and requirements to follow for the smooth and safe running of the day:

  • No accessories, i.e. nothing they need to hold in their hand or things that can be put down for others to potentially pick up and handle or for items to get mis-laid/broken.

  • No long capes, dangly material or anything that may be a tripping hazard.

  • Costumes should be comfortable and practical for sitting in the classroom for the day, i.e. no inflatable costumes.

  • Be mindful that the costume isn’t going to scare a younger student. If you think a Junior Infant will be frightened, then tone it down or reconsider.

It is a very exciting day for the children and with your continued support and understanding we hope to make it another success.

 Thank You,

Linda Greene
