Coding Classes - We now have access to completed projects done by our pupils!!

Dear Parents,

Our pupils from second to sixth class have been doing coding classes each week with Ciaran from Coughlan Web.

Ciaran has now designed a section on his website for our school which gives parents the opportunity to go in and view what their children are working on each week in their classes. This will be updated week to week.

A notice has been issued via aladdin to all parents Friday 12th April with a password to access the page and information.

This will give you the parent the opportunity to chat to your child/ren about what they are learning each week.

A great way for your child to be able to show you and chat to you about what they are doing!

Cycling Skills completed for our Junior Room Pupils!!

Pupils from our Junior room have just finished a balance bike/cycling Skills Program with Hugh Arthur.

Over the course of 4 weeks our pupils got to learn lots of new skills around cycling a bike.

They had lots of practice with balancing skills, playing the rocket ship game, directional skills and lots of other fun games. They learned lots of things about their bike and how to ride it safely.

The sessions were outside each week and the children really enjoyed taking part.

We encourage parents to continue with the practice at home.

Well done to all our pupils and thank you to Hugh Arthur for teaching the classes.

Ending Term 2 with Easter Treats!!

To round up Term 2 and get ready for our Easter holidays, the children all enjoyed a lovely Easter egg hunt around the school grounds. They all had lots of fun finding all our hiding places and lovely treats. Our senior room pupils like always looked after our smaller pupils and gave them lots of help when seeking out their eggs. Everyone each went home with a lovely Easter egg to enjoy!! A great end to the day.

A great day out at Avondale Tree Top walk for the school!!!

We had a wonderful day out as a Whole School Visit to Avondale Tree Top walk. Prior to the visit the children had designed and painted Individual wooden eggs which they had displayed around the walk for their upcoming Easter events and for visitors.

The day started on a big bus which caused great excitment for the children before we even took off. The children got to play in the playground when we arrived which was great fun. Once playground time was over, we completed the tree top walk and searched for our eggs along the way.

The children were all delighted to see their eggs displayed. During the walk, we learned lots of facts about wildlife from our tour guide for the day.

After the Treetop walk was completed we got some more playground time to the delight of the children and had our lunch while there.

The children all behaved brilliantly and a great day was had by everyone. Thank you to our parents Serena, Cheryl, Thomas, Karl, Caroline and Rojana for coming along for the day to help with supervision, it was very much appreciated.

Thank you also to the team at Avondale Tree Top for inviting us! It’s a day the children won’t forget!

1st & 2nd class Pupils plant flowers at Cullen Park!

Some of our pupils from our 1st & 2nd class went to Cullen Park on Thursday 21st March to plant some wild flowers as part of a combined project with Cullen Park & Scoil San Eoin. We are very lucky to have such a beautiful facility in the area and to get to help maintain it. The children really enjoyed it and are looking forward to seeing the fruits of their labour soon! Thank you to Thomas and Ingrid who went with the children.

Celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge with some Sean Nós Dancing classes!!

To celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge/St Patrick’s Weekend and some of our wonderful Irish traditions our pupils got some lessons in Sean Nós dancing from the very talented Ashline Cunningham (Harpers Mum). The children all really enjoyed it and everyone participated well during the lessons.

It was a great day of dancing and fun. Thank you to Ashline for taking the time to come in to the school to give the classes. It was very much appreciated by all the children and staff!

Take a look at our pupils in action through the photos below and our video of 5/6th class showing the moves they learnt!

Well done everyone!!

HSE Advice regarding measles in children

Dear Parent/Guardian,

 We have been asked by the HSE to make raise awareness among parents/guardians and school staff about:

  • watching out for the symptoms of measles

  • the importance of the MMR vaccine in protecting children

Please see attached document highlighting the signs of measles in children.

We are also being asked to encourage parents to visit for information about the importance of MMR vaccine.

Note: This notice has also been circulated via aladdin connect

Thank You

Welcome to our new SNA - Ingrid!

We would like to offer a very warm welcome to our new SNA Ingrid Reilly who has joined the staff team at Scoil San Eoin.

Ingrid comes to us with lots of experience and will be a huge asset to daily school life at Scoil San Eoin.

Ingrid will be working mostly with our Junior room but will also be on occasion working with our senior room pupils.

We are delighted to have Ingrid on our staff team and we hope she enjoys working at Scoil San Eoin.

Pancake Day at Scoil San Eoin - Tuesday 13th Feb

It was Pancake day yesterday and our pupils were so lucky to be treated to pancakes at school. They were treated to choices of lots of different toppings.

There were lots of smiles & excitement all round from everyone at the surprise.

Thank you to our parent reps for organising and for coming in to the school to serve the pupils. It was a lovely morning and we hope the children all enjoyed it.

School Clean Up Day - Volunteers Needed!!!

Dear Parent/Guardian,

 We are inviting all parents/grandparents and community members to come to the school and help with a clean up day at Scoil San Eoin. This would be to help around the school garden, cleaning and planting/gardening and getting the outdoor garden ready for use for by pupils to start planting etc.

An email with further information and details has been issued to parents on Friday 9th Feb. We are asking all parents/volunteers to contact the school office before Weds 14th Feb if you are available to help

We are very lucky to have such a beautiful school garden/outdoor space and we want to ensure that it is kept this way for the children to enjoy and play therefore we are asking for as much support as possible from our parents for this clean up.

Thank you all in advance.

Linda Greene


Free Webinar for Parents (Lets Talk Kids, Teens & Screen Time Challenges)

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please see below information on a course being offered to parents free of charge Tuesday 6th Feb at 7pm. Please see attached info with all relevant information

(Link below to register)

  • FREE Event: teachers, parents, and guardians of kids and teens welcome.

  • Date: Tuesday @7pm, Feb 6th, 2024

  • Duration 1 hour followed by 30 minutes of Q&A time.       

  • Irish Sign language interpreters will sign at this event.





Food Dudes Programme - Commencing 19th Feb

Re: Food Dudes Programme 2024

 Dear Parent/Guardian,

Scoil San Eoin will be taking part in the Food Dudes Programme oin from Monday 19th Feb.

All classes will take part in the programme.

·         Pupils from Junior Infants to 1st Class will receive 16 days of fresh fruit and vegetable delivery, along with 4 eco-friendly rewards and a lunchbox as part of the classic intervention for their first time. 

·         Pupils from 2nd to 6th Class will receive a 5 day delivery programme, with a healthy eating booklet, along with 4 eco friendly rewards and a lunchbox.

Food Dudes Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of fruit and vegetables in a healthy lifestyle. The goal of Food Dudes Week is to reinforce the healthy habits that were introduced to the children during Food Dudes intervention stage also to introduce it to new pupils who previously haven’t taken part last year at Scoil San Eoin.

Food Dudes Week is an opportunity to celebrate our schools healthy eating culture and to get the wider community involved in the programme.

Parental engagement is an important component of Food Dudes Week and it is an opportunity for parents to get involved in the healthy eating celebrations. 

Please take note of the below during food dudes week:

  • You may wish to adjust the amount of food in your child’s lunchbox during the dates listed above, to accommodate these additional foods.

  • Your child will automatically be included in this programme. However, if for any reason you do not want your child to take part (e.g. if they are allergic to a certain type of fruit or vegetables), we would be grateful if you could inform the school.

  • For further information on the programme and healthy eating ideas, please see the Food dudes website -


New Allergy Policy/ Updated Healthy Eating Policy - FAO: All parents!

Dear Parents,

We are asking all parents to please review our updated Healthy Eating Policy and the schools new Allergy Policy that have been now uploaded onto the school website for parental viewing.

These are 2 very important policies and we are asking all parents to ensure they are familiar with them.

Policies are stored under tab - Go to about tab and then policies.

Thank You

Fantastic Christmas Performances all round at our annual Christmas Concert 2023!!!

A fantastic night was had by all at the annual Christmas concert.

The pupils from Junior & Senior rooms did their parents and teachers proud on the night with their performances and there was lots of laughter to be heard around the hall with both performances. The children’s talent & confidence really shone and we have no doubt that many of them will be on the stage in years to come.

A huge thank you to all that made it such a fun and festive night, our parents Reps and parents who decorated the hall and did refreshments/sold tickets, our raffle prize sponsors and those who donated refreshments, members of the BOM and staff of the school.

Our raffle was filled with amazing prizes from our generous donators and there were lots of lucky winners on the night.

A huge thank you also to Susan and Roland for the use of the hall and Gail for working the audio equipment for practices, and on the night.

Videos of the show for the Junior and Senior room will be sent via SeeSaw and be sure to give them a watch and share with family as they will be sure to put a smile on your face!

From all of us at Scoil San Eoin we wish you are yours a very Happy & Peaceful Christmas and New Year and we will see you all in January for another fun and successful term.

Christmas Raffle - Thank you to all our sponsors listed

Our Christmas raffle was a huge success at the play last night and we had lots of winners of all the lovely prizes and hampers.

Each year we are very lucky to have local businesses and people who support our school and our Christmas raffle. Without these businesses we would not be in position to hold our raffle as a fundraiser each year.

We would like to say a huge thank you the below business/companies & individuals who have been so generous this year with prizes.

From all at Scoil San Eoin thank you & we wish you & yours a very Happy Christmas… 

Christmas Raffle 2023

Dear Parents,

Our annual Christmas Raffle is happening this Friday and we have amazing prizes & hampers up for grabs.

To give parents and family members a chance and for people who wont make it on the night or would prefer to buy them online, our tickets this year will also be available to purchase via aladdin

Tickets will be €5 for 3 strips). A link will go out to all parents today Mon 18th and tickets will be available to buy from then. If purchasing more than 3 strips for 5 euro - please input the amount of tickets you want in the variable amount box on aladdin page) (unfortunately the min sale on aladdin is 5e therefore we can only sell 3 strips)

Mary in the office will go through the sales each day and put the names on tickets in the office. If you are purchasing for someone else and want their name written on ticket, please let Mary know.

This is our final fundraiser of the year and there has been so much effort put into sourcing the prizes and getting the hampers ready so we are asking parents to please support and to ask family & friend’s also.

A full list of prizes will be listed on the website later today for you to view.

Thank You