Active Flag

Big Travel Challenge 2025 (Park & Stride)

Our #Bigtravelchallenge began Tues 4th Feb and even the wet and windy weather didn’t dampen our spirits as our pupils done the park & stride challenge to school. Everyone was well rested after our long bank holiday weekend and it was great start to the week!!

The weather got better as the week wore on and our park & stride to school each morning were nice & crisp. Let’s just say we were all awake on arrival to school!!

Our pupils all enjoyed some lovely chats on the way to school and a catch up before the day began. Thank you to all the parents for putting in the effort and participating in the challenge.

This is part of our Green schools programme and we are aiming to try to achieve our travel flag for this year.

Well done and keep up the great work!! #Greenschools

Halloween Activity Day (Part 1 - Cycle to Ballykane)

Our annual school Halloween Sponsored Cycle took place on Thursday 24th Oct.

Again this year we were so fortunate with the weather and we got lucky and we had some decent weather ensuring that the cycle would be a great day.

Our pupils that signed up for the option of the cycle had the serious task of cycling 7k to Ballykane and a small group of pupils braved this one along with Ms Greene and the parents who volunteered and helped out on the day. The children well and truly proved that we are a very active school and faced the task of a long cycle head on! We even some Junior Infant pupils who tackled the task and done brilliantly on the day.

Afterwards everyone headed back to the school and to meet back up with all our other pupils who done option 2 (red kite walk and avoca mill tour) and we all had some much needed refreshments and treats

The day was a fantastic success achieved only by the help and volunteering of our parents who were road marshals, who cycled alongside our pupils, who walked and supervised our smaller pupils and who volunteered afterwards to provide refreshments. Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day, we couldn’t of done it without you.

It was so lovely to get outside on the day and have some much needed fresh air for everyone!

We are still awaiting all sponsor cards to be returned to the school but once we have a final figure we will let parents know!

Again thank you to everyone for all your help and a huge well done to all our pupils and teachers for taking part in the event.

A New School Bike Rack for our pupils!

Over the Summer period we had a new bike rack installed at the school. This project is encouraged by Green Schools and promotes cycling to school as part of an active lifestyle. We hope that our pupils will enjoy cycling to school for many years to come!

Pictured below is our 3rd class pupil Theodora who was our very first pupil to use the school bike rack today! Well done Theodora, we hope you enjoyed your cycle to school!

Sports Day 2024

This year we held our annual Sports Day on Monday 24th June.

Again the weather gods were with us and it was a lovely warm sunny day. All the pupils were divided into teams of mixed classes and the theme for the day is that each pupil was to do their best, encourages their teammates and have fun!!! 

It was a fantastic day and all our pupils were great teamplayers and had great fun. As always our senior pupils minded and took care of our smaller ones and showed them how everything was done.

We ended the day of sports with an obstacle course showdown with our best overall times on the day. The finialists were Alex Lee, Patrick Brennan, Ryan Lacey and Molly Vickers. Everyone really gave it their all and our overall winner was Alex Lee who received a trophy for his best time.

Ruairí, Eoin & Ewan picked up a cert for most innovative lego creation on the day also. Well done Boys!

Each pupil got a lovely medal for participation and we had also were treated to gorgeas snacks on the day with ice creams.

On Monday, we also presented our 6th class with their traditional going away gift which included a gorgeas personalized hoody, a framed class photo, a personalized candle and a personalized card as a memento for their time spent at Scoil San Eoin.

 Huge thanks to the Parents Reps and all the parents who helped out on the day,

Well done to all our pupils on a brilliant day!

Sports Day Teams - Monday 24th June

Dear Parents,

Please see attached a document detailing sports day teams & colours for our upcoming Sports Day on Monday 24th June. Whatever team your child is listed under is the colour tee-shirt they will require on the day.

This document has been password protected and a message regarding the password to access it will be sent separately via Aladdin to all parents.

Thank You

Junior Room Tennis with the Jamie Stafford Academy

The children from the Junior Room class have just finished up a 4 week block of Tennis with Jamie Stafford. They all thoroughly enjoyed it and some were lucky enough to receive prizes each week during games.

Lots of fun & exercise have been achieved for the sessions completed.

Thank you to Jamie from the Academy!!

Sponsored Cycle Event - Thurs 22nd Oct 2021

Our annual school Halloween Sponsored Cycle took place on Thurs 21st Oct. We were so fortunate with the weather after a wet start to the week but on the day it turned out to be glorious and we had some fabulous sunshine ensuring that the cycle would be a great day ahead!

Our pupils from our Junior Room brought scooters/bikes and scooted/cycled around the school yard. They also completed a sponsored walk to Cullen Park and were very lucky to fit in some play time in the park area as well.

Our pupils from the Senior Room had the very serious task of cycling 7k to Ballykane. Everyone with this group also got some much rewarded time in the park also after all their hard work. The children well and truly proved that we are a very active school and faced the task of a long cycle head on!

Everyone headed back to the school then for some much needed refreshments and Halloween treat bags!

The day was a fantastic success achieved only by the help and volunteering of our parents who were road marshals, who cycled alongside our pupils, who walked and supervised our smaller pupils and who volunteered afterwards to provide refreshments. Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day, we couldn’t of done it without you.

Thank you also to our parent reps who helped in organising the event and provided the treat bags for our pupils.

Covid19 has hugely impacted fun events and parental involvement in schools and for this reason it was so lovely to have everyone together outside safely and for the children also to enjoy being active!

We are still awaiting all sponsor cards to be returned to the school but once we have a final figure we will let parents know!

Again thank you to everyone for all your help and a huge well done to all our pupils and teachers for taking part in the event.

Celebrating Bike Week at Scoil San Eoin

As part of Bike week the children got to take part in Bike Refresher/Beginner Training with Hugh McHugh on Friday 24th Sept. The children got to use their own bikes within the school grounds and they learned valuable lessons regarding using their bike safely to enjoy being active and cycling. The weather was great on the day and everyone had great fun taking part.

Thanks to Hugh McHugh from Cycling Ireland.

Activity Week @ Scoil San Eoin for all the children!!!

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Next week w/c 21st June 2021 which is our final week of school at Scoil San Eoin for term 20/21 will be activity week. We want to end the year on a positive for all the children. It will be an action packed week and there are lots of fun activities planned for each day such as a day of outdoor play with the outdoor toys, a mini sports day and also a fun day at River Valley Holiday Park for the whole school and lots more in between.

Our planned whole school trip to River Valley will be on Tuesday 22nd June. All classes will be attending . The current classroom pods will remain during the visit therefore all covid19 protocols will be adhered to.

All pupils will get to do 2 planned activities go-karting and crazy golf. We will also get the opportunity to use the lovely children’s park whilst there and the pupils will all get to play.

We are asking parents that they cover a fee of €6.00 towards the trip to River Valley. A link for this trip will be issued via Aladdin to all parents which will be payable by Monday 21st June.

As the children will be spending a lot of time outdoors next week please ensure they are wearing comfortable footwear and are dressed appropriately for the unpredictable weather in Ireland (ie) sunscreen and a sun hat if weather sunny/hot and a light raincoat if weather is damp. Please also give adequate drinks.

It’s looking like a fun week ahead!!

Senior Room School Tour - Tuesday 15th June 2021

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Our senior room along with Ms Greene and Ms Nicholson headed to Hidden Valley in Rathdrum on Tuesday for our annual school tour. Due to covid19 restrictions the Dept of Education advised that school tours should be kept local this year. We weren’t going to have the children miss out therefore we settled on an adventure packed trip to Hidden Valley.

We were very lucky with the lovely weather which made the tour even nicer. The children competed the new Aqua splash obstacle course on the water. Everyone really enjoyed it and it was wonderful to see the children enjoying themselves after such a tough year. Next up was lunch and they all got to spend time and use the play park which was also great. Last item on the agenda was an activity of laser tag which everyone also really enjoyed and it was a great teambuilding exercise for the children.

Overall a brilliant day was had by everyone and we are sure the children slept well on the night from all the activity! A very successful school tour!

10@10 Whole School Challenge


All pupils are going to be taking part in the 10@10 challenge for the next few weeks. This is to encourage all pupils to get active while having fun for 10 minutes, every morning at 10 o’clock and to show them how a little exercise every day can make a big difference!

Exercises can be done in the classroom so it doesn’t matter what the weather’s like outside.

We are encouraging all parents/guardians to also take part at home when they can.

Keep an eye on our website for the next few weeks for our fun videos.

3rd/4th Class GAA Blitz 08th November

Pupils from the 3rd/4th class got to take part in a Cumann na mBunscoil GAA blitz in Aughrim on Friday 08th Nov. They had a brilliant day and done the school so proud. It was so great that they got to take part and was a new experience for some of our pupils who hadn’t previously played.

Thank you to Cleo, Doloras and Mandie for taking the time to volunteer to drive the pupils to the blitz and provide supervison while they were there as without them, pupils would not have been able to take part.

Well done to all the boys and girls in 3rd/4th class!

Super Troopers Programme starting Weds 09th Oct

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All pupils from all classes will be commencing the Super Troopers programme today 09th October at Scoil San Eoin.

This is a Health Homework programme that teaches children about leading a healthy balanced lifestyle by focusing on physical activity, wellbeing and nutrition.

The programme encourages children to increase their activity levels by setting physical activity homework every night. The Health Homework Journals also contain wellbeing challenges, extra tips on looking after overall health, information on nutrition and healthy recipes helping children to be fit and healthy in mind and body.

Each pupil will receive the following today:

  • Super troopers 4 week challenge

  • A letter for each pupil’s parent/carer explaining in detail how Super Troopers work

This programme will also be part of the active flag and will go towards helping us gain our active flag at Scoil San Eoin this year.

We encourage all pupils and their families to participate in the programme.

There is a great section dedicated to parents on the website for lots of helpful tips and information.

Happy Exercising!!!

European Sports Day -Senior Room

The senior room took part in European sports day and on the day completed lots of different sporting activities. We are encouraging children at Scoil San Eoin to be more active as part of our gaining our active flag.

Active Schools Week (08th-10th May)

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Next week is Active Schools Week from 08-10th May. Our aim is for Scoil San Eoin to receive our Active School Flag early next year. The Active School Flag (ASF) is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community.

Our aims for the week and afterwards is to encourage the children to get more active, more often.

As part of this we have arranged lots of activities for the children to take part in.

  • Weds 08th May - Clara Jenkinson will be here to do tug of war and boxercise.

  • Thurs 09th May - The children will be doing dance classes with Laura Gannon where they will be listening to music, dancing and the older pupils will be learning a dance routine.

  • Friday 10th - The children will have their gymnastic classes but we will also have Alison Shanley in to do some GAA with the children.

In preparation for Active Schools week, can all parents please ensure that the children:

  • are wearing comfortable clothing & footwear (If weather is good, children are allowed to wear PLAIN navy shorts (no football shorts or other shorts).

  • Have extra drinks with lunches

  • are wearing sunscreen if weather is warm

Thank You

Super Troopers Programme


As part of our quest to get the Active Schools Flag this year, we are commencing the Super Troopers programme on Monday 05th November. All pupils will be taking part

This is a Health Homework programme that teaches children about leading a healthy balanced lifestyle by focusing on physical activity, wellbeing and nutrition.

The programme encourages children to increase their activity levels by setting physical activity homework every night. The Health Homework Journals also contain wellbeing challenges, extra tips on looking after overall health, information on nutrition and healthy recipes helping children to be fit and healthy in mind and body.

Each pupil will receive the following:

  • A Health Homework Journal

  • A Family Activity Wall Chart

  • A letter for each pupil’s parent/carer explaining in detail how Super Troopers work

  • Tips and further information on the website

We encourage all pupils and their families to participate in the programme.

Happy Exercising!!!