September Activities in the Middle Room

The children settled back to school very smoothly and were eager to start learning. Here is a sample of some work/activities that was covered in the middle room; the children had tobring a book and discuss, write up a book review, The Clown in me (Art), GAA, Chess, restorative classes, station teaching and team teaching.

  Click on photo for more photos.......

Peace Proms RDS Dublin 2018


As part of our music curriculum this year, Scoil San Eoin are excited to take part in the annual musical education programme called Peace Proms. This was established not only to enrich pupils lives through exceptional musical experiences and performances but also to promote  peace, unity and tolerance through music.  Peace Proms is a free initiative which engages children and young people in music and enriches their lives through exceptional musical experiences and performances.

• Peace Proms celebrates culture and diversity and promotes peace, unity and tolerance through music.
•  There is no restriction on the number of children who can participate from each schools. Places are filled on a first come first served basis.
• Peace Proms is for everyone. Whether your choir is established or starting out, Peace Proms gives your choir the once in a lifetime opportunity to:
• Sing with a choir of up to 3,000 children
• Perform with a full symphony youth orchestra
• Work with one of the UK’s leading professional conductors – Greg Beardsell
• Perform at top venues e.g. the Echo Arena Liverpool, the RDS Dublin, the SSE Arena Belfast, the Hub Kilkenny and the Kingfisher Hall Galway.
• Develop vocal technique, presentation and performance
• Experience a variety of musical styles and genres
• The musical programme is tailor made to ensure it is fun and engaging for children, fulfils important educational requirements, is very rewarding to teach, and the end performance is an inspirational and thrilling experience for choirs, teachers, parents and audiences alike!

Peace Proms Involves
IN SCHOOL LEARNING: With their teachers, children learn up to 8 songs or medleys in different genres. Schools are provided with choir packs, and a rehearsal CD
REGIONAL WORKSHOPS: Each school participates in ONE regional workshop which usually takes place in December/January during school hours and is given by renowned conductor Greg Beardsell.
PEACE PROMS CONCERT: All schools perform with the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland and a host of top soloists in ONE concert which will take place in Spring 2018

Parental Consent Forms will be sent home with each child in the next day or so and these need to be returned to the office by Monday 25th. We urge parents to send them back, signed, asap as we must forward them onto the Peace Proms office to be checked. If they are late, we may loose our place in the initiative!

Irish Sign Language Week (18th Sept - 22 Sept 2017)

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We have chosen to take part in Irish Sign Language Awareness Week which begins this week on Monday September 18th.

Each class will take part and learn a different sign each day and the teachers will be including this in their lesson plan.

We encourage all parents to talk to the children about this when they go home and maybe learn some with them!

This year is a particularly important one for Irish Sign Language and the Deaf Community, as there is presently a Bill progressing through the Seanad and Dail to officially recognise ISL. 


Irelands Own Short Story Competition

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Ireland's Own Magazine in association with O' Brien Press are running a short story competition for young people from the ages of 7-16.

There are 4 categories : Age 7-9,Age 10-12, Age 13-14 & Age 15-16.

The winners will also see their stories illustrated by a professional illustrator, and published in the Ireland’s Own New Year Annual 2018.

The closing date for entries is October 31st.

Find attached link with all details on how to enter.

Good Luck!





First Aid Training - Monday 18.09.2017

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We have a First Aid training course taking place on Monday 18th at 3-5.30pm (approx) which has been kindly funded by the Parents Association.There are slots available for 4 parents - 1 from each class grouping (Junior/Senior, 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th & 5th/6th) Parents who wish to accompany us on school tours or trips during the school year would be advised to partake in the training.

The purpose of the First Aid course is to train individuals in the skills necessary to recognise and provide first aid care for injuries and sudden illness until advanced medical personnel arrive and take over. We will also be undergoing training for using an Epi-Pen which would be a great help to anyone with allergies within their family.

This would be a huge benefit to parents and is free of charge.Please contact Mary in the office to put your name on the training list if you are interested.

The Community Centre Committee are also fundraising for a Defibrillator for the area at present. There will be follow up AED training for anyone interested by Pauline Nolan. This will also be free of charge. All details will follow but you can contact Jill Power if any further information is required.

GAA Training Course


We haven begun training with GAA coach Darren Hayden. These classes are for 6 weeks and take place every Weds. They are available to all pupils from Junior to Senior Room. Pupils will be doing lots of skills with GAA & hurling mixed in. If football boots & gum shields are available please wear them each week, if not there is no need to purchase any.

Health & Safety Notice


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Firstly I would like to welcome you all back to another school year in SSE and hope you all had a lovely summer. This year the transition into the new year has gone extremely smoothly and I would like to thank parents for their cooperation in having the pupils set up and ready for the new year ahead, with books, uniforms, monies due etc. This means that the teachers can start straight into the curriculum at hand without any delays.

Due to our increase in teachers this year, all of the rooms within the school are being utilised and space is at a minimum. Thankfully, this is only a short term problem as our lovely new classroom is on the way!!

Therefore, for health and safety reasons, we ask that no pupil enters the school building in the morning until 9.10am when there is a teacher on supervision. Pupils who are dropped to school earlier than 9.10 must leave their bag at their line and remain outside.

On wet days, we ask parents to drop their child/ren off as close to 9.10 as possible, as there is now no general room for pupils to congregate/play games/computers in, and they will have to sit at their desks until class begins.

We would like to remind parents/guardians that pupils are not covered by insurance until 9.10. There will be a teacher on supervision duty from this time. Siblings of pupils are not covered by insurance on school grounds. 

Thank You

Linda Greene

Chess Programme/Lessons

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The middle and senior classes will take part in a Chess programme by a chess coach Seamus Duffy. He has taught in Primary schools throughout the country and has won Primary school competitions. He has also represented Ireland in the European Club Championships.

Chess has many educational benefits for the children - It helps to develop children’s critical thinking and reasoning, encourages them to plan ahead and teaches them that their actions have consequences. It also encourages problem-solving, sportsmanship and self-esteem, often allowing quieter children to shine and is great for concentration and patience.Our hope at the end of the programme is that we can organise a tournament and the children can partake in this, and that chess will become part of our wet-breaks with inter-class tournaments. 

As we are unable to take part in some of the usual activities this year, due to not having an extra classroom. we are looking at activities that can be done as a whole class where the tutor can come into the pupils classroom to complete the lessons. We would like all pupils to take part in this, as they have all the above mentioned workshops, and many more. We strive at Scoil San Eoin, to expose pupils to a variety of intra-curricular activities, to  reinforce curricular learning and give them a holistic education. 

The programme will be a 7 week program which commences on 14th/Sept/2017 and ends at Halloween.

The Middle Class (1st/2nd and 3rd) will be completing a time slot of 9.50-10.50 am each week and the Senior Class will be completing a time slot of 11.15-12.15 weekly.

The total cost of the programme is €25.00 per pupil. This can be paid in full to the class teacher or by epayment, or on a weekly basis (3.50) The school will supply the chess boards required.

We know that, like all the other workshops the pupils have been involved in, it will be of great benefit to them, and they will thoroughly enjoy it!


Mobile Library

There has been a change in the library system.

A letter detailing the rules and an application card for library membership has been issued to all children today.

All parents will need to fill out a card and return it for all children that would like to use the mobile library.

Regarding last year's old library cards if any children have one please return it.

Thank You! 

Teacher Contact Details

The below contact details are for all teachers at the school should you like to contact them or to request an appointment

Emails will not be checked throughout the day but will be checked before and after school.

  • Ms Brennan (Junior/Senior Infants) -
  • Ms Nuzum (1st/2nd/3rd Class) -
  • Ms Greene (4th/5th/6th Class) -
  • Ms Fitzgerald (Learning Support Teacher) -

Parents of Junior and Senior Infants

Thursday will be a very exciting and big day for our new Junior Infants.  Parents/guardians of Junior and Senior Infants may escort their child into the classroom on Thursday, if they wish, to settle them in and meet their new teacher. However, we ask that from Friday on that they walk their child to the line or let them walk in from the gate and do not enter the classroom. This will ensure that all pupils settle into the routine quickly and will alleviate any disruptions or upset to the pupils.  We thank you for your cooperation. 

New school year!


As the summer holidays draw to a close, I would like to wish all our past pupils the best in starting in their new schools. Our 6th class pupils are starting on the next stage of their educational journey and I'm sure they are very excited!! 

Scoil San Eoin opens back up on Thursday 31st August at 9.20.

We have two new teachers on staff this year. Ms Brennan who will be taking Junior and Senior Infants and Ms Fitzgerald who will be our Special Education Support teacher. We welcome them both to the school. 

We ask that all parents/guardians drop their children off at the gate or walk them to the line as usual. We ask parents/guardians not to enter the classroom in the morning as this is disruptive to both pupils and teachers and can make the transition back to school more difficult. If a parent/guardian wishes to speak to a teacher, we ask that they make an appointment through Mary in the office. 


Looking forward to seeing all the pupils on Thursday morning!!

First Class

Please ignore the second page of the book list for first class outlining copies and focus on the following:



·       8 x 88 pages writing copies (Size A12)

·       1 x 80 page sum copy (Size 7mm squares)

·       1 x A4 Hard back writing pad for tests


Each Child must have:

·       A set of colours (Twistable/Colouring Pencils) not markers

·       6 x Pencils

·       2 x Erasers

·       2 x Sharpeners

·       1 x Foot long ruler

·       1 x Pencil Case

·       2 x Pritt Sticks

·       1 x set of Coloured White board markers

Ø  All extra pens/pencils etc. should be put into an extra pencil case/zip lock bag, clearly marked with the pupils name and will be kept in the classroom until such time as they need them.


·       An A4 Level arch ring binder and set of 10 Subject Dividers (cardboard not plastic) Polythene pockets are optional

·       2 x A4 size plastic envelope folder



****** Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly scribed on the FRONT of all books, copies and on bags, coats, pencils cases, lunch boxes, school jumpers etc. ******