Halloween Fundraiser


A huge thank you to eveyone who supported the Scoil San Eoin Halloween fundraiser on Sun 29th Oct. A great nite was had by all who attended and it was great to see everyone in costumes and having such fun. Thank you to all the BOM members especially Martina Wynne who headed up the organising and John Cleary for his amazing DJ performance (and impromptu dance!!). Thanks to Bernard Brennan who led the selling of raffle tickets, and all those who sponsored prizes on the night. Thanks also to the parents, Cathy Nolan, Karen Tiernan, Laura Jones, Nicole Keogh, Charisse Van Kan and of course all the well dressed Dads, who helped in setting up, cleaning up, organising games and distributing sweets (in their unique way!). A great team effort meant that the night was a great success and fun for all!. We are very grateful to the pupils who raised much needed funds for the school through the sponsorship cards, and these, combined with the raffle on the night, netted a total of 1450 euro. Thank you to all involved and we hope to do it again next year.





Peace Proms Tickets

Peace Proms tickets will be available for family members/ friends to purchase on Friday 17th November. Further information will follow. These tickets sell quickly so please keep a check on this website for purchase details. The concert is on the 3rd of February. 

Scoil San Eoin pupils will be attending their workshop on 11th January in the National Basketball Arena with conductor Geg Beardsell

PJs for Polly Day - In aid of First Responders

A fantastic day was had on Fri 27th when all the pupils dressed in 'scary' PJs to get in the Halloween mood, but also to raise funds for the local First Responders and the equipment that they need to maintain. Pauline Nolan came with Peggy the car, and set up the First Aid equipment so the pupils could practise their skills. In total 114 euro was raised. It was also a good way of getting recognition for all that Pauline and the other First Responders do on a volunteer basis and also to say thanks for sharing her knowledge with the senior pupils each year. We hope to have Pauline back again to run her usual classes later in the year. 

AED Table Quiz Fundraiser - Information Update


Due to clash of events, the AED fundraising table quiz which was due to be held on Sat Nov 11th has now being changed to Saturday 2nd December at 8pm, in Jones Pub Redcross.

Table of 4 is 20 euro. Great raffle on the night also.

Tickets for this raffle can be bought from Jill Power, Helen Browne,Laura Jones, Shelly Phipps or Nicole Keogh on or before the night.

Please come along and support this great cause.

Thank you

Parents Reps

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A huge thank you to those who put themselves forward for the position of Parents Rep for a class grouping. This will be a great means of communication between school and home. See list below. A meeting will be held after the Halloween break to discuss how best to move forward with the new format. 

  • Junior and Senior Infants - Laura Jones
  • First and Second Class - Helen Browne and Cleo Griffin
  • Third and Fourth Class - Jill Power and Cathy Nolan
  • Fifth and Sixth Class - Lorraine Shanley

A huge thank you also to the other parents who put their names forward to volunteer throughout the year for various activities. We thank you for giving up your time and look forward to having you work with us in the school. 

Chess Tournament

As today was the final session with Seamus, he organised a tournament for all the pupils. Each pupil played 6 rounds, playing a new opponent each time. The pairings were worked out on a computerised system used for all competitions. The pupils had a great time and every pupil won at least one game. Seamus provided trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize and for best female competitor (in order to encourage more girls to take up chess as a sport). The top 10 received medals and everyone got a milseán for taking part. We were very proud of all the pupils taking part today, who have embraced chess, be it for the first time or as an improver. It has proven to be one of the most enjoyabe extra curricular activities we have done in the school, and as teachers, we could see the learning benefits as the pupils progressed, as well as a self esteem boost for some  pupils. Seamus has been an excellent teacher and has sparked a great interest in all the pupils in chess, and they have learned alot of skills in 7 weeks. We hope to have him back in the school again, and we will be keeping up the practice, so were ready for any competitions that might come our way. Look below to see photos of all the action!

PJs for Polly Day - Friday 27th Oct 2017

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‘PJs for Polly Day’ 

 Pauline Nolan has been a great friend to Scoil San Eoin and has given a huge amount of time and energy to pass on her expertise in the area of CPR and First Aid to the senior pupils of the school, at no cost. In order to pay her back in some way Scoil San Eoin would like to hold a fundraiser for Pauline Nolan and the Conary/Redcross First Responders. ‘PJs for Polly Day’ will be held in the school on Friday 27th October.

The pupils will be asked to have a Pyjama Day with a spooky twist, for the season that is in it! We ask that pupils be as imaginative as possible, but that they refrain from scary masks, as they may be upsetting to the younger pupils.

All accessories can only be worn during break times for health and safety reasons. 

Face paint is allowed.

In order to raise as much money as possible for this great local cause we ask pupils to make a donation, whatever they wish, at least 2 euro, to the class teacher, which will then be passed on to Pauline.

This money will go towards the running costs and upkeep of the two defibrillators, and expenses incurred during the year. This is a vital resource for the community and it is important that we all support this worthy cause.The school will also be making a contribution from fundraising, during the year, to the Redcross Community Group, towards their efforts to purchase another defibrillator for the village.

BBKR Information

The future of BBKR community games.

Dear Parents and Guardians,

In this week’s edition of the Wicklow people there was a great write up on the medals night presentation that is held annually to celebrate the community games achievements in our area. This is a night that many children look forward to and is a fun way of rounding up the games.

We hold our AGM after this night to help start the planning for the year ahead. An important role in this is that of Area secretary. This role involves liaising between the local committee and the county committee. It means attending a monthly meeting and being able to keep in contact with activity leaders and admin duties.  We are very lucky that we live in an area that has community games already established and activity leaders assigned to organise events for our children.

Currently we have no secretary and an area that has no secretary is not able to participate in community games. Unless we have someone who can take this on we will not be running the BBKR games for 2018. If you live in the Barndarrig, Kilbride, Brittas Bay, RedCross area and you feel that you would like to help out in this role we would like to hear from you. There will be people to help you in the role and support you throughout the year.

Many thanks for taking the time to read this as we appreciate that there are so many demands on people’s lives. Please have a think about it and if you would welcome the opportunity to find out more about community games this is the role for you. Contact Fiona on 087-24092321 for any information by Thursday the 19th of October.


Investigating Starch.

Children carried out an experiment to investigate the presence of starch in a number of items using iodine.

They discovered that starch reacts with iodine to produce a blue or blue-black colour. It can therefore be used as an ‘indicator’, i.e. to test if starch is present in something.

 Starch is a carbohydrate. It is found in plants. Green plants make carbohydrates through photosynthesis. Starch is therefore in many foods, but also in other things as well, e.g. some paper. Starch is a white powder.


Peace Proms Information


As both Ms Nuzum and Ms Greene's classes now embark on learning the songs required for the Peace Proms, below is some practical information for parents:

Dates for the Diary: 

Workshop - January 9th , Wed 10th and Thurs 11th in the National Sports Arena, Dublin.

(We will be notified as to which of these workshops we must attend nearer to the time)

Concert - February 3rd and 4th Simmonscourt Arena RDS, Dublin. 


There are no costs involved in the process except for transport to and from the venues.

Tickets for Parents and Family Members:

These usually go on sale on November 1st www.peaceproms.com

Dress Code:

Choir Members will wear their school uniform to the workshop. All pupils must wear a plain white t-shirt/blouse/shirt (no logos) and dark bottoms e.g. uniform trousers/skirt and tights on the day of the concert. 

Further practical information for the days of the workshopand the concert will be posted nearer to the dates. 


BBKR Community Games AGM - Weds 11/10/2017


Barndarrig, Brittas Bay Kilbride & Redcross Community Games (BBKR) AGM Wednesday the 11th of October 8pm.

Community games has had a long and vibrant tradition within our community. It has enabled children to participate in a range of activities from debating to cross country running, chess to pitch and putt. Many children have gone on to successfully represent the area at both county and national level and this has been an enriching experience for them and their families.

The backbone of the community games are the volunteers who run the activities and form the committee that makes this all possible. Many of our committee have given years of dedication to this and are now stepping down. If we are to continue to support our children to take part in community games we need more volunteers. Please come along to our AGM on Wednesday the 11th of October in Jack Whites at 8pm to find out how as a community we can ensure this great tradition continues. Alternately if you think you can help in any way at all please contact Fiona on 087-2409231. We look forward to seeing you there.

Look what we've been up to the in the Senior Room!

The Senior Room pupils were off to a flying start this year. Everyone has settled back in well and enjoying their time in school. Chess lessons have been a very positive experience. Seamus is a great teacher and already the pupils have learned lots of information and tricks....its getting quite competitive!!! So far they have covered the theme of 'Ar Scoil' in Gaeilge, revised the physical Geography of Ireland, Addition and Subtraction and 2D shapes in Maths and the often forgotten Capital Letters and Sentences in English. The pupils also wrote brilliant Recount pieces about an adventure during the summer, and all pupils are putting a great effort into using their cursive writing in all their work.  They also had great fun doing portraits of each other in Art class. 

This year, because of the extra staffing, we are able to set up team teaching and in class support for Literacy and Numeracy. This is something that we have wanted to do in Scoil San Eoin for a long time but were unable to implement it due to lack of staff and high pupil numbers. Ms Fitzgerald is in the senior class three days a week for station teaching in Maths and Oral Language and for in class support in Maths one day. Ms Brennan is also undertaking to gain a Discovery Primary Science and Maths Award for the school, so is in the senior room for Science each week. This is fantastic for all the pupils and allows them to learn in a varied and more activity based way.