October in the Senior Room

October was another busy and active month in the Senior Room.

  • English - we looked at Explanation Writing and completed brilliant Halloween themed pieces. We also learned a spooky poem and Ms Greene read The Widows Broom story to us. We read the A-Z of Monsters and about the peculiar happenings at 43 Old Cemetery Rd.

  • Gaeilge - we completed the theme of Mé Féin and we have learned so much about Mé Féin and An Scoil that we were able to write brilliant profile pieces on ourselves.

  • SPHE/Religion - We began our Weaving Wellbeing Programme and found out all about the positive benefits of Wellbeing and Mindfulness. As October is the month of the Rosary we looked at the history of the Rosary and how and when to say it.

  • Maths Week - We were busy playing maths games, watching Maths Tv and surveying, tallying and recording on graphs on our chosen topic

  • Geography - We learned more about our beautiful country, concentrating on the rivers and lakes

  • Science - We did some fun slime and potion experiments with Ms Hedderman and also looked at how plants drink.

  • PE - We completed our mile a day challenge and also our Halloween Fundraiser cycle. Some of us did great running/cycling in Cullen Park and some of us did a 7km look of Ballykane! That’s as well as playing basketball and football during lunch! Phew!

  • Art - We completed some haunted Victorian houses which really look lovely in the hall.

  • Then we finished up the month by having a Halloween dress up day with treats and some dancing

Have a look at some snapshots below!

Active School Noticeboard

Our active school noticeboard is once again on display in the school corridor with our calendar of activities for the year, our active slogan and also our fundamental movement skill of the month

Maths Week @ Scoil San Eoin (12th - 16th Oct 2020)

Junior Room

The Junior Room had great fun during Maths week. Pupils have completed daily puzzles and brainteasers. The children did some active breaks in the classroom using the large dice. They also played maths games in class on Tuesday such as snakes and ladders, three in a row, matching and odd one out games. On Friday all the children got to use the laptops to play some maths games. 

Senior Room

The pupils carried out surveys on a selected topic and then completed tally charts and graphs in Data. They played maths games both on the computer and with physical games. They also watched an episode of Maths Week TV.

September/October in the Junior Room

The junior room have had a very enjoyable return to school with all the children delighted to be back with their friends. The three new junior infants have settled very well into Scoil San Eoin and are learning new things every day. The children have worked very hard since their return to school, we are very proud of their progress. In September we focused on the theme of Myself, with the children completing artwork, Gaeilge, SESE and much more on this theme. In October we are focusing on Autumn across all subjects. The children have been busy collecting signs of Autumn and completing some nice artwork. We look forward to completing Halloween activities next week. Here is a little taster of what the children have been doing in class.

September in the Senior Room

The return to school has been a very busy but positive time in the senior room. All pupils are getting used to be back in the school environment, with pods, bubbles, sanitizing and new procedures, and of course the 3rd class are adjusting to their new class, teacher and routine. Everyone is very proud of how well they are all doing. We have been working hard to revise and learn and have also been concentrating on areas such as PE, art and SPHE.

Below is a taste of some of the activities that the pupils have been involved in, including

  • Art - Portraits with a Covid twist and Striped Names

  • Religion - Learning about Creation and Stain glass windows

  • SPHE - Life during Lockdown and how amazing we were to get through it all.

  • Gaeilge - Ar Scoil

  • English - Letter Writing and Braille

  • Geography - Counties of Ireland

  • Maths - 2D shapes

  • PE - European Sports Day and Tag Rugby


Christmas Virtual Shoebox Appeal (9-15th November)

Dear Parent/Guardians,

This year, due to COVID-19 The Christmas Shoebox Appeal being ran by Team Hope are moving the Appeal ONLINE!

 You can now BUILD YOUR OWN SHOEBOX on their website, choosing the items to send and even upload your own picture to be added to your box!
The charity’s partners in Africa and Eastern Europe will then purchase the items locally, which will be packaged and delivered directly into the hands of children. Each €20 donation will provide a shoebox for a child.

Please visit www.teamhope.ie for all information relating to the fundraising campaign.

We would love for you to encourage your families to take part and to see how many shoeboxes our school can make virtually this year. Please do follow Team Hope on social media and share with them any fundraisers or pictures of your colouring pages so that they can celebrate our students!

The Christmas Shoebox Week will take place from November 9th-15th.

During this week we’re encouraging everyone to celebrate by building/packing shoeboxes online, sharing pictures on social media, coordinating fundraisers to purchase shoeboxes, and learning about the Appeal and the importance of giving.

Thank You

Admissions Policy Updated/Enrolment Open for Term 2021


Dear Parent/Guardians,

A copy of the school’s new Admission's Notice, Admission Policy and the Enrolment Form for Admission for the school year 2021-2022 are now available under the About tab on the top row of our website.

The closing date for receipt of applications for the new school term 2021/2022 is 30th April 2021. Please spread the word to any new or perspective parents.


If you wish to enrol your child from September 2021 please click on and download the ‘Enrolment Form from the website or request one from our school office via email @ schoolofficeredcross@gmail.com.

Once printed/collected please complete and return the form to the school or scan it and email it back to schoolofficeredcross@gmail.com.

Please also include all relevant documentation as incomplete enrolment forms cannot be accepted.

Thank You

Peace Proms ReImagined 2021


Dear Parent/Guardians,

Scoil San Eoin have registered for Peace Proms ReImagined 2021.

With COVI9-19 restrictions and changes in place this year, Peace Proms will be quite different to previous years that the children have taken part in but will be still great fun and an exciting project for the children to be part of.

One song or medley per month will be issued to the school digitally with lyrics, tracks and choreography for the teachers to go through with the children's in class and practice.

Depending on COVID restrictions the school will then perform either as a live choir or through a virtual performance before the end of the school year. Peace proms will be issuing updates as we go along and parents will be kept informed of any plans.

Please encourage the children to practice and have fun!

Thank You

New Weaving Wellbeing SPHE Programme & Bígí go Brea SPHE Programme - Parent Information


Dear Parent/Guardians,

Our Pupils in both the Junior Room and Senior Rooms are this year beginning the Weaving Well Being programme.

Weaving Well-Being is the first Irish designed positive mental health programme of its kind which aims to enhance well-being in children aged from 8-12 years within the framework of the SPHE curriculum.

The Weaving Well-Being programme gives children the opportunity to weave positivity into their daily lives through a range of activities in a variety of areas resilience skills (including mindfulness) and developing self-efficacy through empowering beliefs.

The lessons are designed to be implemented within the framework of the SPHE curriculum. The senior room will be focusing on the third class book this year as its the first year of the programme and the Junior room will focus on the second class programme with first and second class to instill the initial skills and strategies.

The Junior Room will also be doing Bígí go Brea SPHE programme in conjuction with Weaving Wellbeing. Bígí go Breá was created with the aim of embedding the learning of wellbeing within students in an effort to better support them for all areas of learning. It is based on four characters Blaze, Breeze, Aqua and Forest who live in Ruby Village. The four friends go on a journey together bringing the aims of the SPHE curriculum to life. Each lesson has a story video and a meditation exercise. 

The teachers have taken part in CPD training as part of the Weaving Wellbeing programme. The cost of the new resources and supports have been taken from our school fundraising account.

See below attachments with Parent/Guardian information, examples of lessons plans etc.

There is also a FREE at Home Booklet available for parents should you wish to download it which is a great resource - Find attached the link to access it.

Thank You,

Linda Greene

European Sports Day at SSE - Friday 25th Sept 2020

We celebrated European Sports Day AT Scoil San Eoin on Friday 25.09.2020 and the children got to take part in different sports activities to mark the day!

Free webinar for parents on Dyslexia - Offered by the Reading Academy

the reading academy.jpg

Dear Parents,

The Reading Academy would like to invite you to an online parent information evening, 'Your child and dyslexia', on Thursday, 17 September at 20:00. This live webinar will discuss:

  • What is dyslexia?

  • What do I need to know as a parent to help support my child?

  • What should a reading intervention programme offer?

If you would like to obtain tickets, please click on the below link

Thank You

Advice for parents from the HPSC & Isolation quick guide info


Dear parents,

The HSE’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) have requested that we bring the following website/information to your attention:

The HSE.ie/coronoavirus site has the latest public information on COVID-19. The HSE (Under the weather website has also been updated (www.undertheweather.ie) This website focuses on managing common illnesses and encourages people to self - manage simple illnesses such as colds, coughs, sore throat, earache, rashes and flu.

Please also see attached an isolation quick guide for those greater than 3 months up to 13th birthday

A look at some changes we have made to school in line with new COVID guidelines!

Dear Parents,

We understand that during these uncertain times it can be tough on parents and pupils not being able to enter the school building especially our new parents. We have taken some photos to show our new layout of classrooms that have been adapted to ensure social distancing measures are in place. Signage, floor markings and new sanitizing units have also been placed around the school building to ensure everyone’s safety.

Further resources have also been purchased so that now each individual child will get their own whiteboard/eraser and art equipment to eliminate the need for sharing items during the school day.

Back to school advice for parents & pupils - August 2020


Dear Parents,

Please see below a list of helpful links to documents and videos which detail information for parents and pupils returning to school

Animated video issued by the Department of Education and Skills which aim to support children in junior infants to second class

Junior - 2nd Class pupils

Animated video issued by the Department of Education and Skills which aim to support children in third to sixth class

3rd-6th Class pupils

Please click on the attached article on RTE this morning where they have compiled FAQs from parents about the return to school and have provided the answers.

Please click on the attached helpful document issued by the Dept of Education for parents with children returning to school

Thank You

6th class goodbye!

We got to say a little socially distant goodbye to our lovely 6th class girls, Ella and Rachel on Monday. We presented them with a fun hoodie and memento candle each and they have been sent an e-card signed by their classmates. We would all like to wish both Ella and Rachel all the very best as they embark on a new phase of their education. We know they will do themselves, their families and Scoil San Eoin very proud. Have fun and come back and see us when your all settled girls!