Litter Pick (Pure Mile Project)- Senior Room Pupils

Our pupils took part in a litter pick around Redcross and out towards Brennan’s Farm as part of the Pure Mile Project. We collected lots of rubbish on the day and the pupils really made an effort.

There was lots of fun had by all our pupils on the hay bales!

They all done a great job and we are sure the local community are very pleased with the result!

Junior Room School Tour - Friday 21st June 2024

Our Junior Room had their annual school tour on Friday 21st June and headed to Woodfield House with Ms Nuzum, Ms Fitzgerald, Ms Reilly & Thomas.

The weather was brilliant and the children all had a great time. The children took part in lots of fun and engaging activities and milked cows, had sponge fights, listened to story telling and had lots of playtime.

Overall everyone had a fantastic day and there were smiles and laughter all round from everyone. Our pupils behaved wonderfully on the day! We couldn’t ask for more than that.

Thank you to Thomas for coming along and helping out on the day!

Senior room school tour - Friday 21st June

A fantastic day was had by all the senior room gang on their school tour on Friday 21st June. There were 3 stops in total and thankfully the weather played ball and the sun was shining for our day out.

First up was Dublina Museum, where the children got to learn some amazing facts and see lots of artifacts from the Viking Times. On the day we had a tour guide who was very informative and the children got to ask lots of interesting questions. Once finished we were lucky to have our morning snack sitting looking at Christchurch in the sunshine.

Though traffic didn’t play in our favour, we still got to visit Cabinteeley Park for our lunch and playtime before we headed to our next location.

Following on from the park our next stop was GoQuest in Carrigmines where the children split into teams and completed challenges. This was an energy filled 1.5 hrs as the children all scrambled to gather points. Everyone really gave it their all and so much fun was had.

Needless to say, it was a quiet bus journey back to school as both teachers and pupils took a badly needed rest!!

As always the pupil were impeccably well behaved and a fantastic day was had.

Sports Day 2024

This year we held our annual Sports Day on Monday 24th June.

Again the weather gods were with us and it was a lovely warm sunny day. All the pupils were divided into teams of mixed classes and the theme for the day is that each pupil was to do their best, encourages their teammates and have fun!!! 

It was a fantastic day and all our pupils were great teamplayers and had great fun. As always our senior pupils minded and took care of our smaller ones and showed them how everything was done.

We ended the day of sports with an obstacle course showdown with our best overall times on the day. The finialists were Alex Lee, Patrick Brennan, Ryan Lacey and Molly Vickers. Everyone really gave it their all and our overall winner was Alex Lee who received a trophy for his best time.

Ruairí, Eoin & Ewan picked up a cert for most innovative lego creation on the day also. Well done Boys!

Each pupil got a lovely medal for participation and we had also were treated to gorgeas snacks on the day with ice creams.

On Monday, we also presented our 6th class with their traditional going away gift which included a gorgeas personalized hoody, a framed class photo, a personalized candle and a personalized card as a memento for their time spent at Scoil San Eoin.

 Huge thanks to the Parents Reps and all the parents who helped out on the day,

Well done to all our pupils on a brilliant day!

Goodbye to our wonderful 6th Class Pupils - Class of 2024

Today we said goodbye to our lovely 6th class group Patrick, Cormac, Alex LG, Ewan, Alex L & our only girl Chleo!

We would all like to wish all of our 6th class all the very best as they embark on a new phase of their education. We know they will do themselves, their families and Scoil San Eoin very proud.

Have fun and come back and see us when your all settled!

Sports Day Teams - Monday 24th June

Dear Parents,

Please see attached a document detailing sports day teams & colours for our upcoming Sports Day on Monday 24th June. Whatever team your child is listed under is the colour tee-shirt they will require on the day.

This document has been password protected and a message regarding the password to access it will be sent separately via Aladdin to all parents.

Thank You

Solars panels - A new addition to Scoil San Eoin!

Our schools solar panels have now been installed and completed as part of the Solar PV Programme being offered to schools in Ireland. Once applications were opened we submitted our application & were granted and works have finally now been completed.

16 Solar panels have now been placed on the school roof. The scheme has been funded from the government’s Climate Action Fund, in line with the government’s recognition that taking action on climate change is central to Ireland’s social and economic development.

This is a fantastic addition to the school and will not only reduce our energy costs but it will also reduce our carbon footprint so its a very welcome addition!!

Scoil San Eoin Summer Fair 2024 - A great Success!!!

On Saturday 8th June, we had our 2nd Summer Fair in the school grounds after a very successful day last year. There had been lots of learning from our last one and some changes made for this year which we hope made the day even more enjoyable for all who visited!

Thankfully again this year, the sun came out to play and the whole day from start to finish was a massive success. There was a brilliant atmosphere and buzz around the school and it was such a brilliant opportunity to show off the school in its best light and for people to see the resources and facilities we have here. We had lots of familiar faces visit and lots of new faces also which we love to see!

All the children and adults alike had great fun on the stalls, sampled tasty burgers and treats and let their competitive streak out with all her target games. There was huge excitment for our Gerbil game designed by Thomas and the children and adults all enjoyed playing the waiting game to see which door our friendly gerbils came out through!

The day would not have been possible if it wasn’t for the fantastic volunteers led by our Parent Reps and the amazing staff and community members who all pitched in and gave their time and energy.

As always our local businesses/sponsors were so generous in donating prizes for our raffle and we are so grateful to them all for always stepping up when asked each year.

Finally, to all our parents, pupils, family and community members, thank you for coming to our Summer Fair and being part of our final sschool fundraiser for the year. The amount raised has not been fully calculated yet as we still await receipts for expenses but so far, it is looking like an even bigger success than last year, which is amazing!!! Once totaled the final figure raised will be posted.

Thank you to each and everyone for ending our school year on an amazing positive note!!

We will see you all hopefully next year for our Summer Fair 2025!!!

Our Senior room pupils.. Hard at work!!

Our senior room pupils done a great job painting our fences in the school garden and getting it all ready for some planting. They all worked really hard & well as a team and had the job done in no time!

The area is now all ready & looks fantastic!

Well done everyone!

Summer Fair - Raffle Winners 2024

Please see below a list of our lucky winners from our raffle that took place on Sat 8th June at our Summer Fair.

Thank you to all who supported the raffle by buying tickets, who sold tickets on the day, and to all our very generous sponsors who donated prizes (a list of these are to follow on our website in a separate post)

Well done to all of winners!!

School Clean Up Day - Thank you to our volunteers!!

We had our school garden clean up day on Saturday 25th May. There was a huge amount of work completed by our volunteers on the day and the school is looking fantastic. Thank you to Thomas, Michael, Darragh, Cillian, Sammy & Gordon for all your hard work on the day, you all done a fantastic job and it is very much appreciated!

The school is now ready for our Annual Summer Fair on the 8th June!!

Whole School Visit & Workshop with Paddy Madden from Heritage Ireland!

On Friday 17th May we had a Nature/Biodiversity workshop with Heritage Ireland expert Paddy Madden. All children from all classes participated and really enjoyed the day. There were lots of resources and displays and all the children were fantastic and really interacted with Paddy during the workshops. There were lots of interesting facts & learning all about nature and the world around us!

We are due to have a follow up trip in June where we will put all our learning into practice when we visit Avondale.

Thank you to Paddy from Heritage Ireland for a great visit!

Multi Cultural Day 2024 at Scoil San Eoin

Dear Parents, 

 On Friday 10th May & as part of our effort to achieve the Blue Star Flag this year, we held a Multi Cultural Day at Scoil San Eoin. The aim of this was to celebrate the various countries and cultures of the EU which the pupils have been learning about this year.   Our Pupils and families were asked to join in teams to create a display/station celebrating their chosen country.

Each group had their own station/table where they displayed and showcased what they had gathered and learned about the country they had chosen.

The result was an amazing turnout and our pupils, parents, & families really embraced this task wholeheartedly and the displays and results of all the hard work on the day were all amazing. It was a gorgeas sunny day with perfect weather which really set the tone for the day.

The display and celebration of the different cultures & countries was absolutely fantastic. . We got amazing colorful visual displays of facts and learning and there were also so many different tasters of foods from each country. There were 3d designs of landmarks, beautiful music and lots of fabulous outfits!! We are sure that everyone present on the day left with plenty of facts about the different countries chosen and knowledge on the different cultures.

A huge well done to all our pupils and families for all their hard work. Thank you to all the family members that turned up to help on the day. It was a hugely successful day.

Well done to everyone!

SAVE THE DATE!! Our Annual Summer Fair is 8th June at Scoil San Eoin

After a hugely successful First Ever Summer Fair last year, we have decided to hold another Summer Fair this year to celebrate a fantastic year at Scoil San Eoin and as our final school fundraiser for the year. Following on from last year, we have some more fantastic ideas for the day and it promises to be a great day out for the family. It will be a similar format to last year but with some new additions.

We will be seeking as many parents & family members as possible to help out & volunteer on the day.

Further information will follow soon so keep an eye on our website for times and details!

For now we are asking you to spread the word to your friends and families about the event & to ‘Save the Date’

Thank You!!