Our TodayFM Superstars!

Dear Parents,

Our TodayFM superstars from 1st & 2nd class took part in an interview with Shauna from TodayFM on Thursday 17th October

The purpose of the interview was to talk to the pupils in groups of 3 or 4. The interviewer (Shauna) asked our pupils all about various news stories and topics / get their takes on things happening in the world.'

Please click here for access to the interview.

Everyone done a fantastic job and we are so proud of you all!!

Admissions Process for New Junior Infants opens - 4th Nov 2024

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Our annual admissions notice in respect of the school year 2025/2026 is now available on our school to view here and also under the section on website for parents. This notice details all dates in relation to enrolment of new Junior Infant pupils at Scoil San Eoin.

Please spread the word to any new parents that you may know that are planning on enroling their child/ren for next Sept 2025

Admissions open on Monday 4th November 2024 and close on 10th February 2025

Thank You

Spoooky season has landed at Scoil San Eoin!!

Spooooky season is officially here and we think our 6th class pupils done a great job decorating the school for Halloween. There are lots of scary faces around!

Well done to Suzy, Callan and Edward. Everywhere looks great!

Team Hope - Shoebox Appeal

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We know that it is very early to talk about the big 'C' word but Scoil San Eoin have chosen to take part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal again this year where we encourage each child to fill a shoebox with items from a designated list for Christmas.

 Due to logistics etc the shoeboxes need to ready early in time for them to be delivered to underprivileged children all over the world. These children may never have received a present before, or live in difficult situations where basic necessities are hard to come by. 

 The benefits of the children being involved in this programme are getting to ‘‘feel good about doing something nice for others’’ and it can also help to teach your children about the world around them.

The deadline for drop off of the Christmas Shoeboxes for this year will be Friday 8th November. Please ensure that all shoeboxes have been brought to the school by this date as a representative from Teamhope will be collecting them.

A leaflet will be going home with the children today to include with your donation in your box. Please pop this in an envelope inside your box and place the label included on the outside of the box. All shoeboxes need to be wrapped.

We encourage all parents to get the children involved in this project if possible, we appreciate that Christmas is a busy and expensive time for many but it is a great example of the 'joy of giving' for the children.

We have chosen to send the leaflets out today to allow parents time to get the items and shoebox ready.

Links on how to fill the shoebox: https://www.teamhope.ie/christmas-shoebox-appeal/how-to-fill-a-shoebox/

Link to Thank you stories from 2023: https://www.teamhope.ie/blog/2023-christmas-shoebox-appeal-thank-you/

Thank You


Whole School Avondale Nature Trip (Weds 16.10.2024)

We visited beautiful Avondale Park as a whole school Nature trip on Wednesday 16th October 2024.

As part of the Small Schools Project all pupils and teachers took the trip to Avondale to go orienteering & on a nature walk.

The three schools involved in the cluster, Shillelagh, Crossbridge and ourselves came together in Avondale as part of a collaborative learning day.

It was a semi-guided walk through the woodland allowing the pupils to interact with nature and see their curricular  learning from the classroom in its natural environment.

We hope to further build on the learning to create projects next week. It also allowed for social interaction with their peers from two other schools. It was a fun, interactive day full of learning, fresh air and exercise!! 

Walk to School Week - WOW (Friday 11th October 2024)

Our pupils from 1st class upwards too part in walk to school week on Friday 11th October and completed a walk to Cullen Park as part of this.

Raising of our Active Flag - Thursday 18th October 2024

Today (Thursday 17th October) Shauna from TodayFM helped us officially raise our new Active Flag. Our 6th class pupils, Edward, Suzy and Callan had the job of taking part this year and done a great job!

TodayFM Superstars - (1st & 2nd class interview)

Our TodayFM superstars from 1st & 2nd class took part in an interview with Shauna from TodayFM on Thursday 17th October

The purpose of the interview was to talk to the pupils in groups of 3 or 4. The interviewer (Shauna) asked our pupils all about various news stories and topics / get their takes on things happening in the world.'

Our pupils all done fantastic and the interview will be aired live on radio next Thursday the 24th of October @ 8.45am on Today FM

 Don't worry if you miss the live broadcast as it will be put into a podcast with  a link from Today FM website.

Well done everyone!


Getting to enjoy delicous apples from our own School apple tree!

We are extremely lucky at Scoil San Eoin to have a beautiful garden for our pupils to play in and enjoy. Part of our school garden contains an apple tree that was planted many years ago. Our pupils today, got to enjoy the fresh fruit from that tree and there were lots of happy faces while eating apples in the sunshine!

We are very blessed to have this area in our school!

#Relaystakeover Day - Friday 27th Sept

On Friday 27th September, the whole school enjoyed the #relaystakeover as part of our Active Flag and European School Sports Day 2024. All classes enjoyed outdoor relay activities inspired by the successful Irish relay teams, who so many of us watched in Paris this Summer.

The Junior Room, led by Ms. Reilly and Ms. Blount, had great fun in their relay races using bean bags, hula hoops and cones.

Followed by the Senior Room, who before taking batons into their own hands, re-lived some of the Irish teams' races on our interactive whiteboard in the classroom with lots of cheering!! Then it was their turn outside to practise ready positions, baton changes and sprints.

A great active day for all!

Beautiful Artwork from our Junior room pupils!!

Our pupils from the Junior room designed some beautiful pieces of artwork for the Annual Harvest thanksgiving mass in Barnisky Church on Sunday 6th Oct. These were displayed for everyone to see on the day and they were a beautiful mixture of all things harvest.

Well done to our pupils from the Junior room. Great Job!

#SNA Appreciation Day 2024 (Thank You Ingrid)!!!

Yesterday marked The first ever SNA Appreciation Day (26th September 2024) where we got to celebrate and thank our wonderful SNA Ingrid for all our hard work, care and attention to all our pupils at Scoil San Eoin.

We all truly appreciate everything that Ingrid does and it was lovely to get to celebrate. Ms O’Reilly was treated to some beautiful flowers and treats to mark the day.

From all of the staff, pupils and families at Scoil San Eoin we wanted to say a huge ‘THANK YOU.

Parent Rep Info 24/25

Dear Parents,

Our New Parent Representatives for Term 2024/2025 are as follows:

Sarah Manson

Cheryl Mulligan

Emily Flannery

Sinead De Brún

Kim Hughes

Cleo Griffin

Yvonne Kenny

Thank you to all of the above for volunteering for the role as parent rep and for their time. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our parent reps from last year for all of their support and hard work.

We are looking forward to a great year ahead!

A New School Bike Rack for our pupils!

Over the Summer period we had a new bike rack installed at the school. This project is encouraged by Green Schools and promotes cycling to school as part of an active lifestyle. We hope that our pupils will enjoy cycling to school for many years to come!

Pictured below is our 3rd class pupil Theodora who was our very first pupil to use the school bike rack today! Well done Theodora, we hope you enjoyed your cycle to school!

Welcome to Scoil San Eoin to our New Junior Infants!!

We would like to offer a huge welcome to our lovely new junior infants who have started at Scoil San Eoin today. We hope that Bodhi, Victoria, Theo, Frida, Arietta. Éabha & Sarah enjoy their time at Scoil San Eoin. There will be lots of adventures ahead for you all!

Well done on being so brave for your first day at big school!

Lots of smiling faces going home so we think it was a great day for everyone!

Welcome back to our Pupils, Parents & Staff!

Dear Parents & Pupils,

A huge welcome back to our pupils, parents and staff!

We hope that everyone had an enjoyable summer and that both pupils and adults were all looking forward to the children returning to school.

An information letter has been issued on Weds 28th August to our parents regarding school information for the year ahead. We ask that parents please ensure to read this as the information is important.

We hope that you all have a wonderful year ahead and a great first term back!

Enjoy the lovely sunshine while we have it!!

Thank You

Music Generation Fun for our Junior room pupils

Our junior room pupils had their final class with Aaron in Music generation last week and had so much fun.

They got to enjoy musical chairs and to sing songs that they had learnt throughout the year and there was lots of dancng..All done in glorious sunshne.

Thank you to Aaron from Music Generation for making it such a fun class for our junior room pupils!!

Happy Summer Holidays to all!

We have come to the end of a wonderful term 2023/2024 and would like to wish all our pupils and their families a happy and safe summer.

Thank you to all who have given their time to support and assist the staff throughout the year. Every bit of help and support, no matter how big or small, means a lot and is invaluable.

We will see you all back for a new year in September! 

Have a fantastic break!