Thank you to our Parents & Pupils for supporting our Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Another thank you message for our pupils & parents from Teamhope Christmas Shoebox Appeal.

A great effort was made before Christmas and we collected lots of shoeboxes and we have received confirmation that our collection has been distributed to vulnerable children in Romania.

Please let the children know where their boxes have went and if possible let them read the update posted from Teamhope with this message.


Thank you all for your supporting our Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Christmas Raffle Prizes

A reminder to all regarding our upcoming Christmas fundraiser raffle at our annual Christmas performance in Barranisky Church on Thursday 12th @ 7pm.

We have some amazing prizes up for grabs and we would love if parents & the community would support this fundraiser. Tickets are available on the night, for parents through aladdin, from the school office or locally in the village shop.

Again, a huge thank you to all our sponsors - We could not do a raffle without you all giving so generously. A full list of our business sponsors for the raffle will be posted on the night and also afterwards on our school social media accounts.

Please spread the word and help us make our last big fundraiser for the year a huge success!

A list of some of the fabulous prizes available to win are below!!

Thank You

Panto Visit to kick start Christmas at Scoil San Eoin!

On Monday 2nd December our pupils & teachers kicked off the festive season with a visit to Gorey Little Theatre to their production of ‘The three little pigs’. It was a brilliant morning and everyone enjoyed it. A fun bus trip added in is always a bonus!

#Park & Stride - Tues 3rd Dec

On Tuesday 3rd Dec, We had our first Park & stride day as part of our Green Schools Goal towards our travel flag. It was a gorgeas crisp morning and all our pupils got in the spirit and were well and truly awake by the time they reached school! They even had time for a selfie with Ms Greene!

Well done everyone.

#GoBlue for World Diabetes Day

On Thursday 28th November, we as a whole school are planning to have a GO BLUE DAY for World DIabetes Day!!

We are doing this instead of our normal non uniform day for the month of November and we are asking parents to please support this fundraiser and donate a small amount on the day (we are asking for a min of 2e donation) in aid of Diabetes Ireland.

Diabetes Ireland has been the national charity dedicated to helping people with diabetes. It achieves this by providing support, education and motivation to everyone affected by diabetes. Their aim is to provide supports to people living with diabetes and their families.

We encourage everyone to take part in this fundraiser and wear blue on the 28th.

Whatever amount we raise as a whole school we will donate to Diabetes Ireland.

#GO BLUE!!!!

Thank You

School Social Media Info for Parents

School Social Media Accounts

Dear Parents,

Our school social media accounts are now up and running.

You can follow us on Instagram or Facebook whichever suits you best or you can use both!

We hope that you will find these accounts informative. We ask all parents to please always be respectful when commenting on any school posts listed on either social media accounts.

The purpose of these accounts are to spread awareness of upcoming events and fundraisers happening at the school but also to showcase our wonderful school in the most positive way for all the amazing trips, projects and initiatives the children take part in.

  • Our school Instagram account can be found @ scoil_saneoin

  • Our school facebook page is listed as Scoil San Eoin

Many Thanks,

Linda Greene

School Principal 

Halloween Activity Day (Part 1 - Cycle to Ballykane)

Our annual school Halloween Sponsored Cycle took place on Thursday 24th Oct.

Again this year we were so fortunate with the weather and we got lucky and we had some decent weather ensuring that the cycle would be a great day.

Our pupils that signed up for the option of the cycle had the serious task of cycling 7k to Ballykane and a small group of pupils braved this one along with Ms Greene and the parents who volunteered and helped out on the day. The children well and truly proved that we are a very active school and faced the task of a long cycle head on! We even some Junior Infant pupils who tackled the task and done brilliantly on the day.

Afterwards everyone headed back to the school and to meet back up with all our other pupils who done option 2 (red kite walk and avoca mill tour) and we all had some much needed refreshments and treats

The day was a fantastic success achieved only by the help and volunteering of our parents who were road marshals, who cycled alongside our pupils, who walked and supervised our smaller pupils and who volunteered afterwards to provide refreshments. Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day, we couldn’t of done it without you.

It was so lovely to get outside on the day and have some much needed fresh air for everyone!

We are still awaiting all sponsor cards to be returned to the school but once we have a final figure we will let parents know!

Again thank you to everyone for all your help and a huge well done to all our pupils and teachers for taking part in the event.

Scoil San Eoin was a very spoooooky place for Halloween 2024!!

On our final day before Halloween mid term the children and some of our staff dressed up for school to celebrate Halloween. Scoil San Eoin was a very spoooky place for the day!! We had an array of so many different costumes & characters and it was plain to see that lots of effort was made by our fantastic parents and pupils for the day.

Everyone had a fantastic day doing lots of different Halloween themed activities and some treats were given for the day that it was.

Well done to everyone for a great effort!!

We hope you all have a wonderful Halloween!!