RNLI-Lap of the Map

Mary Hickey visited Scoil San Eoin today to tell the story of her wonderful achievement completing a lap of the map of Ireland. The pupils enjoyed the stories of her fascinating adventures along the way and had plenty of questions to ask. Thank you Mary for taking the time to visit our school and congratulations again on your wonderful achievement.

Tennis Exhibition Day - Jamie Stafford April 2018

All pupils participated in a tennis coaching session with Jamie Stafford academy. This was very much enjoyed by all.

Arklow Christmas Festival Colouring Comp

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The children in the Junior room have taken part in a colouring competition ran by the Arklow Municipal Council.

A winner will be chosen from each school and their pictures will be displayed in shop windows in Arklow Town.

An overall winning child will be chosen by Santa (names in hat) to help switch on the Christmas Tree Lights at Main Street Park in Arklow on Sat 24th November @ 04.30pm

This will be an exciting event with singing and a fireworks display.

General Reminders/Upcoming Events

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N.B PARKING: Please ensure that the entrance to the school @ the building site is kept clear at all times for builders to access site. All footpaths are to be kept accessible to all children @ all times for health and safety therefore no cars are to be parked on footpaths.

PARENT TEACHER MEETINGS: Reminder: All parent teacher meetings are scheduled to take place this week on Tues 20/Weds 21st Nov. Slips have been issued a few weeks ago with times etc.

COATS/HATS: Due to so many absences from illness in the past few weeks, please ensure all children have a coat and hat and are dressed suitably for the cold weather. All teachers will be reluctant to allow children outside if not dressed appropriately.

CAROL SINGING: Carol singing will take place in Bridgewater Shopping Centre on Sat 08th Dec from 12-2pm. A consent form will be sent home with children today, please sign and return if child/children will be able to attend on the day.

MOBILE LIBRARY: The Mobile Library is scheduled for Friday 23rd but due to closure all books will need to be brought in by Thurs 22nd for collection that day.

SALE OF WORK FUNDRAISER: A sale of work fundraiser is currently being organised by the parent reps and school for the New year - Please keep us in mind for any items during clear outs before and after Christmas to donate to school.

SETANTA ORDERS:All setanta book club orders will be due back at the school by November 30th with order forms and money

ARKLOW MUSIC FESTIVAL: Information regarding upcoming Arklow Music Festival in March 2019 will go home today with the children.

Thank You!

Super Troopers Programme


As part of our quest to get the Active Schools Flag this year, we are commencing the Super Troopers programme on Monday 05th November. All pupils will be taking part

This is a Health Homework programme that teaches children about leading a healthy balanced lifestyle by focusing on physical activity, wellbeing and nutrition.

The programme encourages children to increase their activity levels by setting physical activity homework every night. The Health Homework Journals also contain wellbeing challenges, extra tips on looking after overall health, information on nutrition and healthy recipes helping children to be fit and healthy in mind and body.

Each pupil will receive the following:

  • A Health Homework Journal

  • A Family Activity Wall Chart

  • A letter for each pupil’s parent/carer explaining in detail how Super Troopers work

  • Tips and further information on the website www.supertroopers.ie

We encourage all pupils and their families to participate in the programme.

Happy Exercising!!!

Food Dudes Programme - Phase 1 complete!!


We have now completed Phase 1 of the Food Dudes programme with all classes. The programme was a great success! The children participated well each tried the different fruits and vegtables issued daily. Lots of prizes were given.

We hope that by participating in the programme we have encouraged the children to consume fruit and vegetables daily and to enjoy the different tastes and flavours!

Phase 2 has now begun - This extends the home element of the Food Dudes programme by encouraging the children to bring their own fruit and veg to school every day in special Food Dudes container. These were issued on the final day of the programme.

Classroom wall charts continue to be used for the junior classes and are introduced to the senior classes to record progress. The children will receive Food Dudes certificates upon reaching goals. This phase maintains fruit and veg consumption in the longer term.

Well done to everyone for participating!

Scoil San Eoin - Annual Halloween Fundraiser Monday 29th October 2018

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The parents Reps, parent volunteers and the Board of Management are working really hard to ensure that this years fundraiser is a huge success. The much needed funds raised will be used for necessary resources in the school, and to ensure that the school building is maintained to a good standard.

This years event promises to be a great night. We have a spooky Halloween walk, followed by a disco and some brilliant raffle prizes.

We are encouraging all children and their parents to dress up on the night. A family concession ticket will be issued on Thurs 25th Oct prior to the event which entitles all pupils to enter with their family free of charge.

The fundraiser is open to all families outside of the school so feel free to invite all your friends and family to join us. There will be a very reasonable €5.00 entry for families outside of the school.

Below is a list of great prizes already donated. A full list of prizes will be available in the next few days.       

  • Family Pass for the ‘‘Scary Spider Search Tour’’ at the Wicklow Gaol (2 Adults & 3 Children)

  • Amber Springs Monster Mash Halloween Train Family Ticket

  • Jack Whites Dinner Voucher

  • Brewery Tour for Mickey Finns

  • Halloween Hamper/Selection of Treats

  • Bottle of wine

  • Box of Biscuits

Please remind all children to get busy filling their Fundraising Cards as prizes will also be available for each class group.

Cards are not due to be returned to school until after the midterm break on Weds 07th Nov to give everyone the opportunity to raise as much as they can.

Thank You for your cooperation and to all those who are giving their valuable time to help out before and on the night. It is much appreciated.

We hope everyone enjoys the Fundraiser!


Cumann na mBunscol - Help Needed


The GAA coach Darren Hayden has asked if we would combine with Ballintemple NS to take part in the South Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol competition. As only 3rd / 4th or 5th / 6th can go at one time, I would be unable to bring the teams to the blitzes. Therefore we are calling on any parent/guardian who would have an interest in GAA and would be able to attend the blitzes to contact the school or Linda asap and we could work out a way of enabling the pupils to take part.

We think this would be a great opportunity for the pupils.

Please see attached link for fixtures list and information.

If you can be of any assistance please contact the school on 0404-41727 or via email

Thank You!

Play Therapy Workshop - Glenview Hotel 10/11/2018

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We have been asked to let parents know that there is a Play therapy Parent Workshop – Building the parent child relationship through play and connection in the Glenview Hotel.

Details are as follows: 

  • Saturday 10th November 2018 10am-1pm

  • Cost €50 or €80 for two parents of same family

  • Registration with tea and coffee from 9.30am. Workshop begins promptly at 10am.

  •  Non- Refundable booking deposit of €30 required to reserve your space on workshop and remainder payable on the day by cash.

 For further details please contact: Anne-marie O’Riordan at annemarie.playtherapy@gmail.com


Christmas Shoebox Appeal


This year we have decided to take part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal where we encourage each child to fill a shoebox with items from a designated list for Christmas. These shoeboxes are then delivered to underprivileged children all over the world. These children may never have received a present before, or live in difficult situations where basic necessities are hard to come by.

The benefits of the children being involved in this programme are getting to ‘‘feel good about doing something nice for others’’ and it can also help to teach your children about the world around them.

The children have been issued with a leaflet explaining all in their bag today. There are also videos available on the website www.teamhope.ie

The deadline for drop off of the Christmas Shoeboxes is 09th November 2018. Please ensure that all shoeboxes have been brought to the school by this date.

Thank You!


5 simple steps to follow to fill shoebox:

  1. Grab a Shoe box
    Or a plastic container would be great! Wrap the box and lid separately with Christmas paper

  2. Use boy/girl sticker from leaflet) and choose who you want to give your Christmas Shoebox to and what age.

  3. Fill the box
    See below guide for items to put in the box

  4. Close the box

    • Include €4 in your leaflet envelope either on top of the gifts or taped to the inside of the lid.

    • To make it easier you can
      donate your €4 on our secure on-line site.

    • With elastic band – please don’t seal with tape as we need to check contents to comply with regulations.

  5. Drop it off
    To your school.



National Tree Day Trip to Avondale - Thurs 04th Oct 2018

The children enjoyed a brilliant day out at Avondale Park to celebrate National Tree Day.

The Senior room completed their Autumn Booklets while doing some leaf & bark rubbing. They took part in a guided walk through the forest looking for different types of leaves, trees & animals.

The Junior room completed Artwork using colours and also using different types of leaves as decoration. They completed a guided walk through the forest looking for different types of leaves, trees & animals and even had a lovely 15 minutes at the playground.

All children got to enjoy learning for the day in a different environment while getting some exercise in too.

A great day was had by all!!

Cash for Clothes Collection Fundraiser - Thurs 18th Oct

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Our Parent Reps have organised a Cash for Clothes collection for Thurs 18th October to raise some much needed funds for the school.

Due to the current building works we cannot store bags in the shelter as we have done in previous years therefore you can bring your bags along on the day of Thurs 18th October or contact Cleo Griffin/Laura Jones in advance and they will take them for storage.

If you need any further information regarding the collection you can contact Laura on (0866049396) or Cleo on (0868380526).

This is a great opportunity to get rid of clothes no longer needed while also helping to raise some money for the school.

Thank you in advance for all contributions and to the Parent Reps for organizing!

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