October in the Junior Room

All our junior room pupils have had a lovely October in school, working hard on our theme of the month Autumn! We learned all about hedgehogs and squirrels and made some lovely Autumnal art pieces. The children began their tennis coaching with Jamie on Fridays to their great enjoyment and also continued GAA on Tuesdays with Philip. We have surely had an active month especially with our sponsored walk and cycle on Thursday 21st. It is lovely to see all our new pupils enjoying Scoil San Eoin and making lots of friends, everyone deserves a good rest over the midterm as we’ll have lots more work to get stuck into in November. Enjoy the selection of photographs from the past month and have a Happy Halloween!

Team Hope - Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are taking part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal again this year where we encourage each child to fill a shoebox with items from a designated list for Christmas. These shoeboxes are then delivered to underprivileged children all over the world. These children may never have received a present before, or live in difficult situations where basic necessities are hard to come by. With Covid19, Team Hope have missed out on valuable donations from schools in the run up to Christmas for the past 2 years.

The benefits of the children being involved in this programme are getting to ‘‘feel good about doing something nice for others’’ and it can also help to teach your children about the world around them.

The deadline for drop off of the Christmas Shoeboxes for this year will be 08th November 2021. Please ensure that all shoeboxes have been brought to the school by this date.

A leaflet will be going home with the children today to include with your donation in your box. Please pop this in an envelope inside your box. There is also a label on this sheet for the outer top of the box.

Tips from Team Hope on how to fill the shoebox

Also see below some ideas on what you might fill your child’s shoebox with.

Thank You!

Hurling - Senior Room

Our senior room pupils are a few weeks in to Hurling coaching with Philip from Wicklow GAA and they are really enjoying it each week.


Annual Admissions Notice - School Year 2022/2023

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Our annual admissions notice in respect of the school year 2022/2023 is now available to view under school information - section Enrolment/new admissions. This notice details all dates in relation to enrolment of new Junior Infant pupils at Scoil San Eoin.

Please spread the word to any new parents that you may know that are planning on enroling their child/ren for next Sept

Thank You

School admission poster term 2022 2023.jpg

Goal Jersey Day - Thurs 07th Oct 2021

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GOAL Jersey Day takes place on Friday, 8th of October. With our unplanned closure due to ESB disruption we will be running Goal Jersey Day on Thurs 7th of Oct instead.

We ask that all students don their county's, country's or favourite team's colours for the day in support of this worthwhile cause and donate €2

All funds raised will go directly to GOAL Charity.

Thank You

Celebrating Bike Week at Scoil San Eoin

As part of Bike week the children got to take part in Bike Refresher/Beginner Training with Hugh McHugh on Friday 24th Sept. The children got to use their own bikes within the school grounds and they learned valuable lessons regarding using their bike safely to enjoy being active and cycling. The weather was great on the day and everyone had great fun taking part.

Thanks to Hugh McHugh from Cycling Ireland.

New info for Parents re: changes to contract tracing (Issued by the HSE)


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please see below links issued by the HSE to provide information for parents about the changes to contact tracing and testing for children aged between 3 months and 13 years in early learning and care, school aged childcare, education, primary school sports and social settings. You can find it here:


Further Links and info which parents may find helpful:


NEPS psychologists developed advice and resources for parents, students and school staff about returning to school. Access wellbeing advice and resources during COVID-19.


Updated COVID19 Information for Parents


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please see below important information regrading changes made to contract tracing of asymptomatic close contacts in children >3months - 13 years. These guidelines come into effect from today Monday 27th Sept 2021

As per updated contact tracing guidance Contact tracing under 13s.pdf (hpsc.ie), it is now recommended that: 

  • Anyone who has symptoms of Covid-19 should self-isolate at home immediately and contact their GP for advice and guidance, and to arrange a Covid-19 test if appropriate. 

  • All children should attend for vaccination when eligible. 

  • Automatic contact tracing is no longer recommended for children aged > 3months to under 13 years of age who are asymptomatic but were close contacts of cases outside of household settings and vulnerable settings (e.g. Special Educational Needs (SENs), respite/ residential care). 

  • Children >3 months to under 13 years of age, who are identified as a close contact in non household settings and who are asymptomatic will no longer be routinely required to restrict movements, unless advised by Public Health Risk Assessment. This applies regardless of the number of confirmed cases identified in the non-household settings. 

  • Children > 3 months to under 13 years of age who are identified as household contacts who are not fully vaccinated, or have not had a confirmed infection with Covid-19 in the last 9 months, will still be required to restrict their movements and will have testing arranged for them by the HSE contact management programme (CMP) . 

  • Public Health advice remains the same that any child > 3 months to under 13 years of age with symptoms consistent with Covid-19 should immediately self-isolate, should not attend childcare or school or socialize and follow current public health advice.

Does this guidance change apply to children who are household close contacts?

  • This guidance does not apply to children living in the same household as a case of Covid-19. Unvaccinated children, with no confirmed previous infection with Covid-19, in these circumstances will still be identified as close contacts and asked to restrict their movements, in line with national guidance. * The definition of a household contact, will now include a child aged under 13 years, who was present over-night, in the house or in close contact in a residential setting, of a case whilst they were infectious i.e., any child who was attending a ‘sleepover’ when someone in the household was infectious with Covid-19, will also be designated a close-contact and required to restrict their movements and be tested.

Reminder of core important information:

Pods: Q. Do ‘pods’ still need to be organised and implemented?

A. Yes. We have asked children to be in pods as per last year and that indoors these pods are kept in place as much as possible. This is to ensure that the number of people (adults and children) who are in close contact with a case of Covid-19 is as limited as possible, and therefore the risks to others (albeit that the risks are low within a class setting) are kept to the lowest number.

Close contact testing: Q. If a child or adult is identified as a close contact within your school – has the period of restricted movements required of a pupil/student or staff member deemed to be a “close contact” who are not vaccinated changed? A. Unvaccinated children and adults who are household contacts , who have not had a recent confirmed infection of Covid-19 (in the previous 9 months) are still required to restrict their movements for 14 days and the HSE will refer them for 2 free Covid-19 tests. Restricted movements can end after ten days with a Not Detected result and providing they have no symptoms.

The guidance remains the same regarding a child who is showing symptoms of COVID19:

  • Step 1: Please keep your child at home and contact the school to advise of absence

  • Step 2: Please contact your GP who will advise you of what the next steps are

  • Step 3: If you are advised by your GP to bring your child for a Covid test please follow the HSE guidelines in this respect

  • If you are advised by your GP that your child does not need a Covid test, they should then advise you what the illness is, and whether your child is fit and safe to return to the education setting

If you are unsure of the symptoms of COVID19 please log onto https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/covid19/symptoms/symptoms-child/ for further information.

Thank You

Car Boot Sale Fundraiser -Sat 2nd Oct (cancelled until further notice!)


Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have booked a table at the next scheduled Car Boot Sale at Jack Whites Inn on Sat 02nd Oct to raise funds for the school.

Covid restrictions have been in place for the past 2 years and we have missed out greatly on our normal fundraising opportunities and with our funds being used for the new school playground, we now need to focus on getting our fundraising thinking caps on and raising some much needed money for the school.

Please see below a poster seeking donations from parents/grandparents and family for items that we can use to sell at the Car Boot Sale.

All donations/items can be dropped to the school from Monday 20th Sept - Thursday 30th Sept during drop off or collection only. Note if supplying clothing, if possible please bring alone some hangers.

We are also looking for some volunteers to sort through our items on Friday 01st Oct before the Car Boot sale on Sat and to help out on the stall if possible on the Sat. Please contact Cathy Nolan if you available to help on either of the days.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please spread the word to family and friends to come support our stall on the day!

Thank You

Copy of Car Boot Sale Flyer Template - Made with PosterMyWall (1).jpg

Events happening this week @ SSE


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Some info for events happening this week:

Bike Refresher/Beginner Training with Hugh:

Please be advised that the cancelled bike refresher/beginner training for National Bike Week that was scheduled to run on Friday 17th Sept has been rescheduled for this coming Friday 24th Sept. Again If your child has a bicycle and helmet this can be dropped to the school between now and Friday so they can use it on the day. Hugh will have a limited amount of bikes with him for those pupils who don't have their own bike

Non Uniform Day

As this Friday is the last Friday of the month we will be having a non-uniform day for all pupils. Please bring €2. These non uniform days will run on the last Friday of each month as a fundraiser for the school.

Mobile Library

The mobile library will be visiting the school on Friday 24th. If you are a new pupil please ensure your membership form is completed and given to the office

Our New Parent Reps for Term 2021/2022


Please see below the details for our new Parent Reps for the term ahead. As we did not receive a parent rep for each class grouping, Parent Reps this year will be representing the whole school as opposed to a particular class grouping.

Parent Reps for Term 2021/2022

  • Cheryl Mulligan (Parent of Eva/Emma Mulligan/Jackson - Junior Infants)

  • Audrey Browne (Parent of Ryan Lacey - Senior Infants)

  • Kim Crowley (Parent of Corey Hughes - First Class)

  • Melanie Byrne (Parent of Benjamin/Samuel Byrne - Second Class)

  • Cleo Griffin (Parent of Suzy/Emma Griffin - Third/Sixth Class

We would like to thank the new Parent Reps for putting their name forward and we look forward to working with them for the term ahead!

Our fabulous new playground is open!!


Our fabulous new playground is up and nearly completed (we are waiting on new grass turf to be fitted and a large seat swing to be added before it is fully completed) but the majority of the hard work is done.

The children from both classes have been lucky enough to get to use this fantastic new addition to our schoolyard and we are sure that there will be many happy days ahead for the children of Scoil San Eoin while using the area.

The playground was partially funded by our fundraising account and this would not of been possible without the year on year fundraising completed at the school. This also highlights the importance of the need for support for our fundraising events as this is the final result of what can be achieved through the hard work put in by our parents and the staff of the school.

We hope the children all enjoy this fantastic new area in the school for many years to come! Thank you to everyone who helped with preparing the area for work to be completed.

Ice Cream Treats at Scoil San Eoin - Tues 7th Sept

On Tuesday we not only had fabulous sunshine but a wonderful surprise arrived for the children in Scoil San Eoin at lunchtime. The gates were opened and much to the amazement of the children a Teddy’s ice cream van drove into our school yard! 99s for all and fun in the sun!

This special surprise was arranged to mark the occasion of the First Holy Communion and Confirmation ceremony which took place on Sunday last and also to celebrate Scoil San Eoin achieving our Active School Flag. Thanks to our caretaker Fiach who obliged on the day with the flag raising ceremony. We are very proud to now have this flag flying high as the children here in Scoil San Eoin truly are an active bunch who worked hard to achieve this recognition. Well done all.

COVID19 Advice and information for Parent/Guardians


Dear Parent/Guardian,

As COVID19 is still a part of our society, and will be for quite some time to come, you will need to know what to do in the event that your child becomes unwell. Regarding COVID19 symptoms and queries - Please see below instructions - This relates to all pupils regardless of previous medical conditions etc.

  • Step 1: Please keep your child at home and contact the school to advise of absence

  • Step 2: Please contact your GP who will advise you of what the next steps are

  • Step 3: If you are advised by your GP to bring your child for a Covid test please follow the HSE guidelines in this respect

  • If you are advised by your GP that your child does not need a Covid test, they should then advise you what the illness is, and whether your child is fit and safe to return to the education setting

COVID19 procedures are changing constantly, if you have any questions these must be directed towards your GP or the HSE Website. We have been very fortunate in being successful in keeping our school covid free to date and we would like to continue with this. We also would like to acknowledge the efforts of parents/guardians in following the guidelines and keeping child/ren at home when sick. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Scoil San Eoin - First Holy Communion and Confirmation Day - Sunday 05th Sept

Our pupils finally got to celebrate and make their much anticipated First Holy Communion and Confirmation in Avoca Church on Sunday 05th Sept.

It was a beautiful day and Fr. McKittrick done a great job in making it very special day for our pupils. The children all done a fantastic job and we are very proud of them.

Our First Holy Communion Pupils were Lilly Kenny, Cormac de Brún, Callan Keogh, Edward Allen and Suzy Griffin

Our Confirmation Pupils were Emma Griffin, Conor Kinsella, Emily Allen, Luke Finnigan, Niamh Kenny, Ruby Stronge, Jack Nolan, Leah Keogh and Jack Browne.

Congratulations to you all and we hope that everyone had a lovely day celebrating.

Info on scouts and Drama classes for parents

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have been asked to post the following 2 information posts for parents who may be wishing to join Avoca Scouts or attend a drama class. Please use the contact information listed below if you have any queries!

Thank You

Action Arts-Established in Wicklow for 20 years - is a Drama Song and Dance Class who’s aim is to instil Confidence , inspire Creativity in a fun atmosphere. Re opening Thursday 23rd September in The Methodist Church , Wicklow Town . Classes @ 3.15p…

Action Arts-Established in Wicklow for 20 years - is a Drama Song and Dance Class who’s aim is to instil Confidence , inspire Creativity in a fun atmosphere. Re opening Thursday 23rd September in The Methodist Church , Wicklow Town . Classes @ 3.15pm , 4.15pm and 5.15 pm. For further details Text Hazel Lowry A.I.B.S.D. on 0876869329 or email Hazellowry4@gmail.com
